
Here’s My Yoga Lesson Plan With Shoulderstand As Peak Pose, 12 Shoulderstand Modifications, And Infographics For Visual Learning


Greetings, my lovely Yogis, Yoginis, and Yoga teachers. I’m George Watts, a BWY yoga teacher and creator of the Online Yoga Lesson Planner.

In this post, I’ll be exploring the world of shoulderstand modifications (Sarvangasana) to help your students safely and effectively practice this classic inversion.

I’ve also created a doodle of shoulderstand modifications which you can give to your students as a handout.

But I didn’t stop there.

You can also download a free yoga lesson plan with shoulderstand as the peak pose.

But first, let’s first chat a bit about this wondrous pose.


How To Pronounce Sarvangasana: Free Infographic


How To Pronounce Sarvangasana Infographic


Shoulderstand pose is called Sarvangasana in Sanskrit which is pronounced as:




Here’s a breakdown of the pronunciation:

  • sahr” rhymes with “car
  • vahn” rhymes with “on
  • GAHS” is pronounced with a hard ‘g‘ sound, like in “gas
  • uh” is a short, unstressed sound, similar to the ‘a‘ in “sofa
  • nuh” rhymes with “huh


Say each syllable slowly and then combine them to pronounce: “sahr-vahn-GAHS-uh-nuh”.

I felt compelled to write this post because shoulderstand is a powerful and transformative pose that offers loads of benefits when performed correctly.

It is, however, one of the most challenging yoga poses, and potentially risky for new, inexperienced students due to the pressure it places on the neck, shoulders, and spine. I recommend that you only teach Sarvangasana to intermediate and advanced students.

As yoga teachers, we know all about providing modifications, but it’s never more important to provide them with challenging poses that could cause serious harm to students, like Sarvangasana.

To that end, I have compiled a list of 7 shoulderstand modifications that you can add to your classes.

These modifications cater to a range of abilities and will empower your students to experience the benefits of this pose without compromising their safety.

Up next, is a free yoga class handout for you with 7 shoulderstand modifications.


Shoulderstand Pose Modifications: Free Infographic


Here is a free yoga class handout (infographic) with seven modifications for shoulderstand pose that you can download, print and give to your students.

Shoulderstand Modifications Yoga Class Handout

Hope you liked my shoulderstands yoga doodle art 🙂


Up next, are some beginner, intermediate and advanced modifications for shouldstand pose. 


12 Shoulderstand Pose Modifications: Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced


Here are 12 modifications ranging from basic to advanced.


3 Basic Modifications: Shoulderstand


Legs Up Wall Pose
Legs Up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani) with hips supported on a folded blanket or bolster.

Supine Legs Up
Supine With Legs Up On A Block (Urdhva Prasarita Padasana).

Supported Shoulderstand On A Block
Supported Shoulderstand On A Block


5 Intermediate Modifications: Shoulderstand


Shoulderstand Against A Wall I
Shoulderstand Pose Against A Wall I

Shoulderstand Against A Wall II
Shoulderstand Pose Against A Wall II

Supported Shoulderstand I
Supported Shoulderstand using a chair as a prop

Supported Shoulderstand II
Supported Shoulderstand using a wall as a prop

Half Shoulderstand
Half Shoulderstand Pose (Ardha Sarvangasana) with hips on hands.


4 Advanced Modifications: Shoulderstand


Full Shoulderstand
Full Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana).

Bound Hands Headstand B
Bound Hands Headstand B (Baddha Hasta Sirsasana B).

Unsupported Shoulderstand
Unsupported Shoulderstand (Niralamba Sarvangasana). This is for very advanced students only!

Shoulderstand With A Partner
Shoulderstand With A Partner

These are just a few modifications. Any inversion pose could be used as a modification. Click here to see the 200+ inversion poses in my free Yoga Pose Directory.

Up next, now that you have an eye-catching shoulderstand pose handout, you’ll need a yoga lesson plan with shoulderstand as the peak pose.


Here’s A Yoga Lesson Plan I Created With Shoulderstand As Peak Pose That You Can Use As A Guide

Shoulderstand Yoga Anatomy


Sarvangasana (shoulderstand pose) is the peak pose of this yoga lesson plan. Peak pose-themed lesson plans are a favourite for most yoga teachers.

You learned how to create a peak pose-themed lesson plan during your yoga teacher training, but just in case you have the desire to learn more, here’s an article I wrote with my formula on how to sequence around a peak pose.

You add yoga stick figures to this lesson plan by using the Online Yoga Lesson Planner

Class Theme:

Inversions and Inner Balance: Exploring Stability and Control through Shoulderstand


Guide students through a carefully sequenced series of poses that build up to the peak pose, Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana), while providing modifications for all levels.


  1. To provide a yoga class for intermediate to advanced students that gradually leads to the peak pose, Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana).
  2. To enhance students’ awareness of proper alignment, body awareness, and breath control throughout the practice.
  3. To encourage students to listen to their bodies and make use of props and modifications as needed, fostering a safe and supportive environment.


  1. Students will demonstrate increased body awareness by engaging in a balanced and focused practice, practising a variety of poses to prepare the body for the peak pose, Shoulderstand.
  2. Students will develop a deeper awareness of the alignment principles and techniques necessary to perform Shoulderstand pose safely and effectively.
  3. Students will gain confidence in their ability to progress in their practice by using props and modifications tailored to their individual needs and abilities.

Duration: 90 minutes

Level: Intermediate and Advanced

Props: Yoga mat, blankets, bolsters, and blocks (optional)

Lesson Plan:


Yoga Lesson Plan With Shoulderstand Peak Pose


  1. Centring and Grounding (5 minutes)
  2. Warm-Up (10 minutes)
  3. Standing Poses (10 minutes)
  4. Balancing Pose (5 minutes)
  5. Seated & Floor: Hip Openers (5 minutes)
  6. Seated & Floor: Backbends (5 minutes)
  7. Seated & Floor: Preparation for Shoulderstand (5 minutes)
  8. Peak Pose – Shoulderstand (35 minutes): Guide students through 3 levels of modifications: 
  9. Counterpose (2 minutes)
  10. Cool Down and Twists (5 minutes)
  11. Savasana (5 minutes)
    • Savasana with a bolster under the knees for lower back support
  12. Closing Meditation (3 minutes)
    • Seated meditation, focusing on gratitude for a strong, supple spine.


Important Note: Encourage students to listen to their bodies and make use of the props and modifications provided. Remind them that the goal is not to achieve a perfect shoulderstand, but rather to explore their personal journey towards the pose.

If you want to add my blue stick figures to this plan, take a quick peek at my Online Yoga Lesson Planner. All the poses in the lesson plan above are available within the Planner, along with 3000+ other poses.

If you want a shoulderstand-themed yoga lesson plan bundle, below is one I created using the Online Yoga Lesson Planner.


Here’s A Shoulderstand Peak Pose Yoga Lesson Plan Bundle That I Created


Shoulderstand Yoga Lesson Plans


Here’s my shoulderstand-themed yoga lesson plan bundle. I created the lesson plans using the Online Yoga Lesson Planner.

Up next, ten shoulderstand yoga class theme ideas you can use in your yoga class.


When Creating This Lesson Plan, I Came Up With These 10 Themes With Shoulderstand As Peak Pose



10 Themes With Shoulderstand As The Peak Pose

10 Themes With Shoulderstand As The Peak Pose


10 theme ideas for a yoga class with shoulderstand as the peak pose:

  1. Inversions and Inner Balance: Exploring Stability and Control through Shoulderstand
  2. The Art of Alignment: Perfecting Your Shoulderstand Technique
  3. Journey to Lightness: Cultivating Ease and Grace in Shoulderstand
  4. Unlocking the Benefits of Shoulderstand: A Holistic Approach to Inversions
  5. Nurturing the Neck: Safe and Mindful Practice in Shoulderstand
  6. Flowing into Inversions: A Shoulderstand-Focused Vinyasa Sequence
  7. Foundations of Shoulderstand: Building Strength and Flexibility for Inversions
  8. Confidence in Inversions: Overcoming Fears and Embracing the Joy of Shoulderstand
  9. Gentle Inversions: A Restorative Approach to Shoulderstand Practice
  10. The Power of Props: Supporting Your Shoulderstand with Proper Modifications


Up next, my top 20 teaching tips for shoulderstand pose. 


My Top 20 Teaching Tips For Shoulderstand Pose: From Alignment To Safe Environment


20 Teaching Tips For Shoulderstand Pose Infographic


Here are my top 20 teaching tips for shoulderstand pose. 


Shoulderstand Teaching Tip 1: Proper Alignment
Harp on and on and on about the importance of proper alignment to ensure a safe and effective practice. Their necks depend on you making sure they don’t go gung ho into this pose.

Shoulderstand Teaching Tip 2: Prop Usage
Encourage the use of props, such as blankets, bolsters, or blocks, for supporting the neck and shoulders, even if they don’t have any neck or shoulder problems (e.g. place a folded blanket under their shoulders, leaving their neck and head off the blanket, to protect the cervical spine and create a stable base for the pose). 

Shoulderstand Teaching Tip 3: Warm-Up
Explain the absolute importance of warming up the body before attempting Shoulderstand, focusing on the shoulders, chest, and neck (Cat-Cow Pose, Dolphin Pose, Downward Facing Dog, Thread the Needle Pose, Extended Puppy Pose, Cowface Eagle Arms, Bridge Pose, and Shoulder Rotations are excellent yoga poses to warm up the shoulders for Shoulderstand). 

Shoulderstand Teaching Tip 4: Prep Poses
Guide students through poses like Bridge Pose, Plough Pose, and Legs Up the Wall Pose to help them become aware of the correct alignment for Shoulderstand.

Shoulderstand Teaching Tip 5: Breath Control
Teach students to use their breath for stability and ease during the pose (e.g. “Use slow, steady breaths to maintain stability, soften your chest, and deepen your focus.”). 

Shoulderstand Teaching Tip 6: Step-by-Step Instructions
Offer detailed instructions for entering and exiting the pose mindfully (e.g. “To enter Shoulderstand, lie on your back and bring your legs overhead into Plough Pose, supporting your lower back with your hands. Adjust your elbows close to your body and gently lift your legs toward the ceiling, stacking your hips over your shoulders. Keep your neck long, chin slightly tucked, and gaze softly upward. To exit, lower your legs back into Plough Pose, then slowly roll down vertebra by vertebra, using your hands for support if needed. Rest briefly in Savasana, allowing your spine to neutralise before transitioning to your next posture.”) 

Shoulderstand Teaching Tip 7: Wall Support
Demonstrate using a wall as support. Take a look at Shoulderstand Against A Wall I and Shoulderstand Against A Wall II.

Shoulderstand Teaching Tip 8: Gaze Direction
“Encourage students to keep their gaze up and avoid turning their heads to either side.

Shoulderstand Teaching Tip 9: Weight Distribution
Remind students to press firmly through their upper arms and elbows to protect their necks.

Shoulderstand Teaching Tip 10: Hip Support
Ask students to place a folded blanket or bolster under the hips if they have difficulty lifting their hips high enough.

Shoulderstand Teaching Tip 11: Modifications and Variations
Include modifications such as Half Shoulderstand Pose and Legs Up the Wall Pose.

Shoulderstand Teaching Tip 12: Core Engagement
Teach students to engage their core muscles for stability and control in the pose.

Shoulderstand Teaching Tip 13: Patience & Self-Compassion
Encourage patience and self-compassion, as shoulderstand will almost certainly feel very weird for most students.

Shoulderstand Teaching Tip 14: Safe Exit
Provide guidance on safely exiting the pose, ensuring students roll out without straining their necks.

Shoulderstand Teaching Tip 15: Counterpose Practice
 Emphasise the importance of a counterpose, such as Fish Pose, to release tension in the neck and upper back.

Shoulderstand Teaching Tip 16: Personal Journey Focus
Remind students that the goal is to explore their personal journey towards shoulderstand, and throw perfection in the bin where it belongs.

Shoulderstand Teaching Tip 17: Open Communication
Encourage students to communicate any discomfort or concerns, allowing you to give an adjustment or modification.

Shoulderstand Teaching Tip 18: Clear Language
Use clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or complex terms that may make you look like a wise Guru, but will almost certainly confuse your students.

Shoulderstand Teaching Tip 19: Positive Reinforcement
Provide encouragement and support to help students build confidence (e.g. “You’re doing wonderfully—your alignment looks great! Keep breathing deeply and trust your strength; each breath helps you feel more stable and confident in the pose.”)

Shoulderstand Teaching Tip 20: Safe Environment
Create a safe and supportive environment for students to explore the pose at their own pace and within their comfort level (e.g. “Encourage students to listen to their bodies, offering modifications like using props or practising Legs Up the Wall Pose instead. Remind them that progress comes with patience and that every variation is a valid expression of the pose.”)

Next up, are questions your students might ask about the benefits of the pose, and possible answers you can give them.


Here’s How I Use Visual Symbolism To Explain The Benefits Of Shoulderstand Pose To My Students So That They Remember Them

Benefits Of Shoulderstand Pose Using Visual Symbolism

Below are some fun ways using imagery (visual symbolism) to help students visualise the many benefits of shoulderstand pose.


Visual Symbolism 1


Hey Yogis, let me tell you about the fantastic benefits of shoulderstand, or as I like to call it, the “Upside-down Super Duper Pose!


Visual Symbolism 2


Shoulderstand pose is like your personal circulation booster, sending blood flow to your noggin and ticker. And hey, who doesn’t love a good detox?


Visual Symbolism 3


Shoulderstand’s got your back, because it will build you a strong back. 


Visual Symbolism 4


Need a chill pill? This pose is like a gentle hug to your nerves, easing stress and anxiety.


Visual Symbolism 5


Hormones acting up? No worries, shoulderstand pose is here to balance those jiggling hormones


Visual Symbolism 6


In shoulderstand pose you’ll get as bendy as a willow in the wind in your neck, shoulders, and upper back. 


Visual Symbolism 7


Could your digestion use a pick-me-up? Say hello to this inversion’s belly-rubbing magic.


Visual Symbolism 8


Sleepless nights? More like sweet dreams with shoulderstand’s calming effects.


Visual Symbolism 9


Need a brain boost? Shoulderstand is like a shot of espresso for your mind, sharpening focus and mental clarity.


George’s Conclusion


George's Conclusion

Well, there you have it, my lovely fellow yoga teacher.

We’ve explored the wild and wonderful world of the shoulderstand, where circulation soars, flexibility flourishes, and stress takes a backseat.

Your students will love flipping their perspectives in this gravity-defying pose. And who knows? Maybe one day, you’ll form an elite squad of shoulderstand superheroes, saving the world one inversion at a time. Until then, happy teaching, and may the yoga force be with you!

Oh yes, I almost forgot, shoulderstand pose obviously is an ideal peak pose for a peak pose-themed yoga lesson plan. But if you’re hungry for more, click here for 10 beginner yoga lesson plans with peak poses.

And here’s an epic blog post I wrote called: 1001 Yoga Class Planning Tips & Handouts For Yoga Teachers.

Hey, while you’re here, you might as well get your hands on 37 of my free Yoga lesson plans.


37 Free Yoga Lesson Plans


Below are 37 free downloadable yoga lesson plans that I’ve created for my own yoga classes using the Online Yoga Lesson Planner.

Feel free to use them for your own yoga classes, or as inspiration to come up with your own yoga class themes.

Become A Peaceful Warrior Yoga Lesson Plan

Caterpillar To Butterfly Yoga Lesson Plan

How Heavy Is This Glass Of Water Yoga Lesson Plan

Surrender To Slowness Yoga Lesson Plan

You Don’t Need Permission To Shine: Just Show Up, Shine & Be Yourself

Abiciously Delicious Core Yoga Lesson Plan

Chair Yoga Lesson Plan I 

Chair Yoga Lesson Plan II

Chair Yoga For Seniors Lesson Plan

Dolphin Yoga Lesson Plan

Sun Moon Yoga Lesson Plan

Sun Salutations Chair Yoga Lesson Plan

Sun Salutations A Yoga Lesson Plan

Sun Salutations B Yoga Lesson Plan

Sun Salutations C Yoga Lesson Plan

Camel Peak Pose Yoga Lesson Plan

Downward Facing Dog Pose Variations Lesson Plan

Plank Peak Pose Yoga Lesson Plan

Revolved Poses Yoga Lesson Plan

Twists-Themed Yoga Lesson Plan: 41 Twist Poses To Whip Your Student’s Cores Into Shape

Valentines Yoga Lesson Plan

Yoga for Cyclists Lesson Plan

Yoga for Swimmers Lesson Plan

Yoga For Seniors Lesson Plan

Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan

Kundalini Yoga Lesson Plan

Pregnancy Yoga Lesson Plan

Yoga Therapy: Arthritic Spine Yoga Lesson Plan

Yoga Therapy: Asthma Yoga Lesson Plan 

Yoga Therapy: Hips Yoga Lesson Plan

Yoga Therapy: Opening Upper Back, Neck & Shoulders Yoga Lesson Plan

Yoga Therapy: Restorative Yoga Lesson Plan

Yoga Therapy: Soothe Sciatica Yoga Lesson Plan

Yoga Therapy: Varicose Veins Yoga Lesson Plan

Online Yoga Lesson Planner

Create yoga lesson plans quickly and easily. Access 100,000+ yoga lesson plans. Choose from 3000+ poses. Used by 1000+ yoga teachers, trainers and trainees worldwide.

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