
6 Free Hatha Yoga Lesson Plans for Yoga Teachers & Serious Yoga Students


To celebrate our online Yoga Lesson Planner passing the “10,000th shared yoga lesson plans” milestone, I copied the 10,000th shared lesson plan and used it to quickly and easily create a 6-week yoga Hatha course.

This 6-week yoga course is suitable for beginner and experienced students.

UPDATE: As of November 2022 there are 100,000+ shared Yoga lesson plans available to download or stream within the online Yoga Genie Lesson Planner.


Free Download
Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 1 of 6


Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 1 (Short Version)

Alright, my fellow yoga teacher, let me tell you about the magical world of the online Yoga Genie Lesson Planner. Not only does it help you to effortlessly create yoga lesson plans, but it also gives you a super short version of it! I mean, come on, who doesn’t love short and sweet? It’s like a yoga snack. And let’s be real, sometimes our brains can only handle so much information, especially when we’re in a room full of yogis. So, let the online Yoga Genie Lesson Planner be your personal genie, granting you the gift of a concise and effective lesson plan.

Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 1 (Long Version)

Not only does the online Yoga Genie Lesson Planner give you a short version of the lesson plan, but it also gives you a LONG version. So, let’s talk about the long version. This thing has EVERYTHING you need to practice the lesson plan before you even step foot into the studio. Sure, you could take it to class with you, but let’s be real, it’s too long for that. However, it’s perfect for those one-to-one yoga sessions where you can really dive deep into the practice. And hey, handing it out to your students not only shows off your professionalism, but it makes you look like the yoga guru you are. So, embrace the long version, my Yogi friend, and show your students who’s the guru.

Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 1 (Stream)

Not only does the online Yoga Genie Lesson Planner give you a short and long version of the lesson plan, but it also gives you a VIDEO STREAM version. Yes, you heard me right, we’re going high-tech up in here. You can now provide your students with a URL and let them practice from the comfort of their own homes. It’s like Netflix but with less drama and more down dog. So, grab your laptop and get ready to stream some serious yoga. Namaste, and may the Wi-Fi signal be with you.


Free Download
Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 2 of 6


Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 2 (Short Version)

Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 2 (Long Version)

Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 2 (Stream)


Free Download
Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 3 of 6


Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 3 (Short Version)

Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 3 (Long Version)

Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 3 (Stream)


Free Download
Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 4 of 6


Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 4 (Short Version)

Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 4 (Long Version)

Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 4 (Stream)


Free Download
Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 5 of 6


Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 5 (Short Version)

Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 5 (Long Version)

Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 5 (Stream)


Free Download
Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 6 of 6


Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 6 (Short Version)

Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 6 (Long Version)

Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan 6 (Stream)


Can you give me a Crash Course in Hatha Yoga History?


Sure, I can. If you’re reading this and you’re not a yoga teacher, but an over-achieving, A-type personality, I have a hunch you might be thinking,

“What the heck is Hatha yoga, and is it something that will rock my boat? 

Is Hatha yoga like hot yoga, goat yoga, or Ashtanga yoga?

No, no, and yes a little bit.

Hatha Yoga is the wise old grandpa of all yoga styles. It’s the foundation, the bread and “non-dairy” butter of yoga.

It’s all about those classic poses and breathing techniques, like downward dog, warrior I, and ujjayi breath. And let’s not forget, Hatha Yoga is all about balance (gotta love Dancer pose) – finding that sweet spot between effort and ease, strength and flexibility, and chocolate and kale. That’s right, Hatha Yoga is all about that chocolate and kale balance.

So, grab your mat, and download my Hatha yoga lesson plans. Go on. Take your finger on a little journey back to the top of this page. It’s just a hop, skip, and scroll away!

Next, if you’re new to yoga, you just might be asking yourself, “Is Hatha yoga good for beginners?” So, here’s my answer.


Is Hatha yoga good for beginners?


So, young yogi padawan, you have asked a question that is of utmost importance:

“Is Hatha yoga good for beginners?”

Allow me to answer this question with a Star Wars analogy.

Imagine Hatha yoga as the beginning of your Jedi training. Just as younglings begin their training with the basics of the Force, so too do beginners start with the fundamentals of Hatha yoga. Hatha yoga is like the lightsaber of yoga styles, the essential tool that every Jedi (yogi) needs in their toolbox.

Hatha yoga is like training with Yoda on Dagobah – it’s a slower-paced practice that allows you to master basic poses like downward dog and breathing techniques before moving on to more advanced Jedi (yoga) skills. Just as Luke Skywalker had to master his physical and mental abilities before he could take on Darth Vader, so too must you develop a strong foundation in Hatha yoga before attempting more challenging yoga styles such as Ashtanga yoga.

So, my young padawan, if you’re a beginner, fear not. Hatha yoga is the perfect way to begin your Jedi (yoga) training.

Luckily, the online Yoga Genie Lesson Planner has 3000+ Hatha yoga exercises that you can drag and drop into a yoga lesson plan. Using the Planner is like tapping into the Force (it will feel like magic).

I’m using the Force now to read your mind. Ah yes, you’re wanting to know what are the benefits of Hatha Yoga.


What are the Benefits of Hatha Yoga?


So, young yogi padawan, you ask,

“What benefits this ancient practice of Hatha can bring to your life?” 

Let me enlighten you.

Hatha yoga is like the Force, it has a powerful effect on both the physical and mental aspects of your being. The practice can help increase your flexibility, strength, and balance. Just as a Jedi needs to be physically fit and agile to wield a lightsaber, a yogi needs a strong and flexible body to perform the poses (asanas) of Hatha yoga.

But the benefits of Hatha yoga don’t end there. The practice also helps to calm the mind (especially Savasana), reduce stress, and improve mental clarity. Just as a Jedi needs to master their emotions and stay calm under pressure, a yogi needs to cultivate inner peace and focus during their practice.

Hatha yoga can also improve your overall well-being, helping to lower blood pressure, improve digestion, and boost the immune system.

Just as a Jedi strives to maintain balance in the Force, a yogi seeks to balance the body and mind for optimal health and vitality.

So, young yogi padawan, if you seek to improve your physical and mental abilities, Hatha yoga is the practice for you. May the Force, and your breathwork (e.g. Alternate Nose Breath) be with you on your epic journey.

If you’ve read this far, I don’t need the Force to tell me that your next question is, “What are some basic Hatha yoga poses?


What are some Basic Hatha Yoga poses?


Well, if you downloaded the six Hatha yoga lesson plans at the top of this post, you wouldn’t need to ask that question, young yogi Padawan. However, since you’re here, let’s begin your training with some basic Hatha yoga poses.

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Mountain Arms Up Pose

First up, we have Mountain Pose, otherwise known as Tadasana to Yogis who have a hankering for calling their asanas by their Sanskrit name. This pose may look simple, but it’s the foundation for many other poses. Stand tall, feet hip-width apart, and arms by your sides. Imagine yourself as a majestic mountain, rooted firmly to the ground.

Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Downward Facing Dog

Next, we have the Downward-Facing Dogwnward, (Adho Mukha Svanasana). This pose is great for strengthening your arms and legs while stretching your spine. Start on your hands and knees, then lift your hips up and back, making an inverted V-shape with your body.

Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II)

Warrior II Virabhadrasana

Moving on, we have Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II). This pose is excellent for building strength in your legs and core while improving your balance. Stand with your feet wide apart, turn your left foot out, and bend your left knee. Extend your arms out to the sides, and imagine yourself as a mighty warrior ready for battle.

Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

Vrksasana Tree Pose

Finally, we have the Tree Pose (Vrikshasana). This pose is great for improving your balance and focus. Stand tall, shift your weight onto your left foot, and place your right foot on your left thigh. Bring your hands to your heart centre, and imagine yourself as a sturdy tree, firmly rooted to the earth.

Remember, young yogi Padawan, these are just a few of the basic Hatha yoga poses. Download the six Hatha lesson plans above for many more!  Keep practising, and may the force be with you!


George’s Conclusion

George's Conclusion

Phew, that was quite a journey through the world of Hatha Yoga lesson planning.

I hope you enjoyed the 6 free lesson plans and that they will bring some peace and serenity to your 6-week yoga course. But hey, if you’re like me (a busy Yoga teacher) and love to create yoga lesson plans with ease and efficiency, then the online Yoga Genie Lesson Planner is the tool for you.

And if you want to take your lesson planning game to the next level, check out my top-secret formula for creating unforgettable yoga lesson plans with my 5-Step Yoga Lesson Planning Formula.

And keep calm, keep teaching, and keep learning new ways to improve your yoga lesson planning.

Before you go, I wanted to let you know about two other resources you might find helpful.

If you enjoy creating yoga class themes, be sure to take a quick peek at my post 101 Perfect Poses For A Peak Pose-Themed Yoga Lesson Plan. Additionally, The Power Of Love: Lessons From The Still-face Experiment is another yoga class theme that your students will enjoy.

Oh, yes, I almost forgot. If you like a bit of quirky humour, you might want to check out my post on the Yogi Guide to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. It makes for a memorable yoga class theme.

Online Yoga Lesson Planner

Create yoga lesson plans quickly and easily. Access 100,000+ yoga lesson plans. Choose from 3000+ poses. Used by 1000+ yoga teachers, trainers and trainees worldwide.