Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Seated & Floor |
Types: | Animal, Back Bend, Chest Opener, Hip Opener, Seated & Floor, Stretch |
Anatomy: | Core, Hamstrings, Hips, Lower Back, Psoas |
Chakras: | Base, Sacral Centre |
Therapy: | Sciatica |
Drishti: | Tip Of Nose |
Dosha: | Kapha, Pitta, Vata |
Meridian Lines: | Stomach |
Start on all fours with hands below shoulders. Bend right knee and slide it forward between hands (heel under left hip). Extend left leg behind you with toes tucked under. Hips face forward. Gaze up and expand chest. Lower chest onto thigh.
Stretches thighs, psoas, abs, chest, shoulders, and neck.
A) Hold onto back foot. B) Folded blanket under hip. C) Figure four version (Sit with knees bent, feet flat on mat, arms behind you for support. Bring right ankle over left knee, keeping foot flex. Walk left foot closer to hip to increase stretch). D) Figure four version lying on your back.
Ankle or knee injury.
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- Lucky Dip7
- Yoga To Ease Sciatica: Hips Stretches
- Awakened/Heart opening/ 4th chakra
- Hips 1
- Week 42 2015 les-2
- Yoga For Golfers: 18 Hip Openers To Increase Your Driving Distance
- Yoga For Hips: 18 Hip Openers
- Ask Genie1
- Basic Purna sequence
- Basic Purna sequence
- Basic Purna sequence - variation 1
- Modified Purna Sequence to include Initial Body Scan
- Wholesome Wednesday
- MedYoga: Beginners Postures
- Gentle Yoga
- Hips 1
- Ask Genie2
- Natajarasana
- Pigeon Pose with preparation
- Blackberry 1 of 6
- Detoxifying sequence - twists
- Hips 1 with pigeon pose jan 2016
- General Hatha - Yamas - Ahimsa Theme inc. 30 min flow practice
- The Yamas - Ahimsa
- Private Session
- Blaze Ice Hockey
- Blackberry 2 of 6
- The Yamas - Ahimsa
- summer 3 = hip/shoulder opening
- Balancing the Chakras
- Gentle Yoga
- Sciatic Nerve Health Sequence
- Lesson 1: Working towards Hanumanasana Monkey God Pose
- Gentle Yoga
- Alex one to one
- Beginner's Gentle Glass
- Focus on hips
- Beginners Gentle Yoga
- 2nd Chakra practice
- Chakra 2 Dynamic
- 2nd Chakra Yin
- Beginners Gentle Yoga
- Sciatic Nerve Health Sequence
- Detoxiifying sequence - twists
- Jan 10th 2017
- 2nd Chakra practice Yin
- Beginners class 2
- Whole body 34 (open hips)
- Chakra 2 Dynamic - COPY
- 2nd Chakra practice Yang - COPY
- Detoxiifying sequence - twists - COPY
- Sciatic Nerve Health Sequence - COPY
- Beginners Gentle Yoga - COPY
- Gentle Yoga - COPY
- Whole body 6 - sciatic nerve health (incls Tri2)
- Whole body 6 - sciatic nerve health (incls Tri2) - COPY -
- Lower body focus
- 50 - 60 minute intermediate B2
- Intermediate1 slow flow
- Intermediate1 sol floow
- Intermediate1 sol floow 2
- Detoxiifying sequence - twists - COPY
- Yoga For Hips: 18 Hip Opening Yoga Poses
- Yin Yoga Practice
- Yoga Flow to energise - Eagle-Vira3-Pigeon -Holly copy
- Shortened sequence for combination with vinyasa flow practice
- Opening out to greet the new season, summer is here
- Vinyasa flow 2
- Sal B march 4 bridge
- Intermediate1 sol floow 2 /a
- Vinyasa flow 2
- Beginners Sequence
- Flow Yoga to energise
- A & C / Fresh
- A & C / Fresh Sol
- March 2017
- Hatha Class 5
- Group 2 Sequence
- Whole body 9 (incl Tri 2)
- Whole body 9
- Whole body 28 (Grounding)
- Whole body 21
- Beginners Sequence
- Enlightened 2
- Vinyasa flow 2
- Beginners Sequence
- Detoxiifying sequence - twists - COPY
- Enlightened
- March 2016 300708
- Beginners Sequence
- Heart - STAYING IN THE FLOW - Copy !!
- week 31 2017
- Swan Flow
- Easing into the hips
- Yoga Flow to energise
- Enlightened - Copy-
- flexibility vinyasa
- Beginners Gentle Yoga - COPY
- Marichyasana C
- Yoga Flow to energise