
101 Mini Yoga Cards: Master Asana Sanskrit Pronunciations


You can make your purchase from anywhere in the world. £15 is approximately $19.

Created by George Watts, a BWY Yoga teacher, and creator of the Online Yoga Lesson Planner.

The cards are a compact and versatile resource for yoga teachers and practitioners alike.

Each card features an illustrated yoga pose, its English and Sanskrit names, and how to pronounce the Sanskrit name. This makes it easy to plan classes, create sequences, or inspire personal practice while deepening your connection to yoga’s roots.

Perfectly sized for portability, these cards are ideal for on-the-go use, whether you’re traveling, teaching, or practicing at home. With 101 poses to explore, the 101 Mini Yoga Cards are a must-have for anyone looking to enhance their yoga journey with ease and authenticity. Each card is simple, practical, and fun.


101 Mini Yoga Cards.
Asana pronunciation.
Digital download.
Digital file type: JPG, PNG and PDF.
A7 Size.

The Mini Yoga Card Deck: With 101 Asana Sanskrit Pronunciations

Asana Sanskrit Card Layout

Hello and Namaste!

George WattsI’m George Watts (that’s me in doodle form), a BWY Yoga teacher and creator of the Online Yoga Lesson Planner. I’ve taught 800+ yoga classes, and love stretching both bodies and imaginations.

Now, let’s talk mini yoga cards

Not only do I respect the art of Sanskrit pronunciations, but I also believe practicing with these pint-sized cards adds a sprinkle of magic to your mat.

I tell my students that to join my yoga class, they have to get my Mini Yoga Cards.

I offer the first class for free and say:

“If you want to come to my next class, you need to get the Mini Yoga Cards and bring them along to class. Trust me, playing with these cards in class will get you hooked, and you’ll be practicing at home like a yoga guru. It’s the best gift I can give you!”

I give my students a dedicated 10 minutes at the end of each class to play with their mini yoga cards, turning practice into a game and encouraging them to bring that fun into their daily yoga routines.

The cards are a compact and versatile resource for yoga teachers and practitioners alike.

Each card features an illustrated yoga pose, its English and Sanskrit names, and how to pronounce the Sanskrit name. This makes it easy to plan classes, create sequences, or inspire personal practice while deepening your connection to yoga’s roots.

Perfectly sized for portability, these cards are ideal for on-the-go use, whether you’re traveling, teaching, or practicing at home. With 101 poses to explore, the 101 Mini Yoga Cards are a must-have for anyone looking to enhance their yoga journey with ease and authenticity. Each card is simple, practical, and fun.


9 Reasons To Get My Mini Yoga Card Deck: With 101 Yoga Asana Sanskrit Pronunciations


Reason 1.
Crafted with Love & A Dash of Zen

Designed by a yoga-teaching artist (yep, that’s me), these cards blend anatomical accuracy with just the right amount of zen flair.

Reason 2.
Yoga For All: From Couch Potatoes to Pretzels

Perfect for beginners, pros, and everyone in between. Need a quick stretch between meetings? Grab a card. Craving a full session? Lay them all out and get your flow on.

Reason 3.
Talk the Yoga Talk

Each card schools you on the Sanskrit name and how to say it—so you can impress your friends with your fancy pronunciation.

Reason 4.
Numbered for Your Pleasure

Organised by number for easy selection and sequencing, because who doesn’t love a good system?

Reason 5.
Stretch Your Mind (And Your Hamstrings)

You’ll not only stretch your body but also your mind by learning how to create your own yoga sequences and pronounce the Sanskrit correctly.

Reason 6.
Mini Yoga Studio

Ideal for personal practice or as a yoga teaching tool. It’s like having a mini yoga studio in your pocket.

Reason 7.
Mini But Mighty

Sure, there are other yoga card decks out there, but these are the tiniest, most fun-sized ones you’ll find. Big things sometimes come in small packages!

Reason 8.
Yoga on Your Terms

Whether you’ve got a minute or an hour, these cards adapt to your schedule like the perfect yoga buddy.

Reason 9.
Take Your Yoga on the Road

Download in PDF, JPG, and PNG formats—print them out or keep them digital for yoga on the go. Your mini yoga class, wherever you go.


Mini Yoga Card Layout


Sometimes the best things really do come in small packages—like diamonds, chocolates, and these mini yoga cards!

The card layout packs a punch, fitting 8 cards onto a single A4 sheet of paper. It’s like a yoga class in your pocket… or at least on one efficient piece of paper.

Asana Sanskrit Card Layout

Each card has the following five features:

  1. Numbered for easy learning
  2. Arranged by English name
  3. Stick-figure with anatomically correct illustration
  4. Sanskrit for the pose
  5. Sanskrit pronunciation for the pose


101 Mini Yoga Cards Included In The Deck


101 Asana Cards


Here’s the roll call of the 101 yoga asanas in the deck!

If you’re on your phone, you might need to scroll right on the table to catch the Sanskrit pronunciation—because even in yoga, sometimes you gotta do a little twist!

Bharadvaja's TwistBharadvajasanabah-rud-vaa-JAA-suh-nah
Big Toe PosePadangusthasanapah-dahn-goose-TAHS-uh-nah
Boat PoseNavasananah-VAHS-uh-nah
Bound Angle Pose (Butterfly, Cobbler, Throne)Baddha KonasanaBAH-dah kon-AHS-uh-nah
Bound Extended Side AngleBaddha Utthita ParsvakonasanaBAH-dah oo-TEE-tah parsh-vah-kon-AHS-uh-nah
Bound Revolved Side AngleParivrtta Baddha Parsvakonasanapar-ee-vrit-tah BAH-dah parsh-vah-kon-AHS-uh-nah
Bound Triangle PoseBaddha TrikonasanaBAH-dah tree-koh-NAH-suh-nah
Bow PoseDhanurasanaDAHN-yur-AHS-uh-nah
Bridge PoseDwi Pada PithamDWI pah-DAH PIT-ham
Bridge PoseSetu Bandha SarvangasanaSAY-too BAHN-duh SAR-vahn-GAHS-uh-nah
Butterfly PoseBaddha KonasanaBAH-dah cone-AHS-uh-nah
Butterfly Twist PoseArdha MatsyendrasanaAHR-duh MOTS-yen-DRAHS-uh-nah
Camel PoseUstrasanaOOSH-trah-suh-nah
Cat PoseMarjaryasanamar-jar-ee-AHS-uh-nah
Chair PoseUtkatasanaoot-kah-TAHS-uh-nah
Child's PoseBalasanabah-LAHS-uh-nah
Cobra PoseBhujangasanaboo-jang-GAHS-uh-nah
Corpse PoseSavasanashuh-VAHS-uh-nah
Cow Face PoseGomukhasanago-moo-KHAHS-uh-nah
Cradle Baby PoseHindolasanahin-doh-LAHS-uh-nah
Crane PoseBakasanabah-KAHS-uh-nah
Crocodile PoseMakarasanamah-kah-RAHS-uh-nah
Crow PoseKakasanaKAH-kuh-suh-nah
Dead Bug PoseSupta Baddha KonasanaSOOP-tuh BAH-duh KOH-nuh-suh-nah
Dolphin PoseArdha Pincha MayurasanaARE-duh PEEK-cha my-your-AHS-uh-nah
Downward-Facing Dog PoseAdho Mukha SvanasanaAH-doh MOO-kuh shvah-NAHS-uh-nah
Eagle PoseGarudasanagah-rue-DAHS-uh-nah
Easy PoseSukhasanasoo-KAH-suh-nah
Easy Side BendParsva SukhasanaPARSH-vah soo-KAH-suh-nah
Eye Of The Needle PoseSucirandhrasanasoo-chee-rahn-drah-suh-nah
Extended Puppy PoseUttana Shishosanaoo-TAH-nuh shee-SHO-suh-nah
Extended Triangle PoseUtthita Trikonasanaoo-TEE-tah tree-koh-NAHS-uh-nah
Fish PoseMatsyasanamaht-see-AHS-uh-nah
Four Limbed Staff PoseChaturanga Dandasanachah-tur-ANG-uh don-DAHS-uh-nah
Frog PoseBhekasanabhek-AHS-uh-nah
Garland PoseMalasanamah-LAHS-uh-nah
Gate PoseParighasanapuh-REE-guh-suh-nah
Half Boat PoseArdha NavasanaARE-dah nah-vahs-uh-nah
Half Butterfly PoseArdha Badha KonasanaARE-dah BAH-dah kon-AHS-uh-nah
Half Frog poseArdha BhekasanaAre-dah bee-kahs-uh-nah
Half Happy Baby PoseArdha Ananda BalasanaARE-dah a-nan-dah BAH-lah-suh-nah
Half Moon PoseArdha ChandrasanaARE-duh chahn-DRAHS-uh-nah
Half Pigeon PoseArdha KapotasanaARE-duh kah-poh-TAHS-uh-nah
Half Shoulderstand PoseArdha SarvangasanaARE-dah shar-vahn-GAHS-uh-nah
Handstand PoseAdho Mukha VrksasanaAH-doh MOO-kuh vrik-SHAHS-uh-nah
Happy Baby PoseAnanda Balasanauh-NAHN-duh BAH-lah-suh-nah
Hare PoseShashankasanashuh-SHUN-kuh-suh-nah
Headstand PoseSirsasanasheer-SHAHS-uh-nah
Head to Knee PoseJanu Sirsasanajah-NEW shear-SHAHS-uh-nah
Hero PoseVirasanaveer-AHS-uh-nah
Heron PoseKrounchasanakrow-CHAN-uh-suh-nah
King Pigeon PoseKapotasanakah-poh-TAHS-uh-nah
Knee To Ear PoseKarnapidasanakar-nuh-pee-DAHS-uh-nah
Kneeling Half Moon PoseArdha ChandrasanaARE-dah chan-DRAHS-uh-nah
Knees to Chest PoseApanasanaah-pah-nah-suh-nah
Legs Up The Wall PoseViparita Karanivip-par-ee-tah kah-RAH-nee
Lion PoseSimhasanasim-HAHS-uh-nah
Lizard Lunge PoseUtthan Pristhasanaoo-TAHN prish-TAHS-uh-nah
Locust PoseSalabhasanasha-la-BAHS-uh-nah
Lord of the Dance PoseNatarajasananot-ah-raj-AHS-uh-nah
Lotus PosePadmasanapod-MAHS-anna
Low Lunge PoseAnjaneyasanaAHN-jah-nay-AHS-uh-nah
Marichi PoseMarichyasanamah-ree-chee-AHS-uh-nah
Monkey Splits PoseHanumanasanahah-new-MAH-nah-suh-nah
Mountain PoseTadasanatah-DAHS-anna
Noose PosePasasanapah-SHAHS-anna
One Handed Tiger PoseEka Hasta VyaghrasanaEH-kah PAH-dah vee-AH-grah-suh-nah
One-Legged Tiger PoseEka Pada VyaghrasanaEH-kah PAH-dah vee-AH-grah-suh-nah
Peacock PoseMayurasanamy-your-AHS-uh-nah
Pigeon (Kneeling Back-bend) PoseKapotasanakah-poh-TAHS-anna
Plank PosePhalakasanapah-LAH-kah-suh-nah
Plough Pose (Plow)Halasanahah-LAHS-anna
Prayer Squat PoseNamaskarasanaNah-mah-skar-AHS-uh-nah
Prostration PoseNaman Pranamasananah-MAHN prah-nuh-MAHS-uh-nah
Pyramid PoseParsvottanasanaparsh-voh-tahn-AHS-anna
Rabbit PoseSasangasanasha-SANG-gah-suh-nah
Reclined Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose ASupta Padangusthasana ASOOP-tuh pah-DAHN-goo-stahs-uh-nah
Reclined Hero PoseSupta VirasanaSOOP-tuh veer-AHS-uh-nah
Reverse Pigeon PoseEka Pada RajakapotasanaEH-kah PAH-dah rah-JAH-kah-poh-TAHS-uh-nah
Revolved Head-to-Knee PoseParivrtta Janu SirsasanaPAHR-ee-VREE-tah JAH-noo shear-SHAHS-uh-nah
Revolved Triangle PoseParivrtta Trikonasanapar-ee-vrit-tah tree-koh-NAHS-anna
Revolved Staff PoseParivritta Dandasanapar-ee-vrit-tah dahn-dah-suh-nah
Revolved Seated Angle PoseParivrtta Upavistha Konasanapa-ree-VRI-tah oo-pah-VEESH-tah cone-AHS-uh-nah
Sage PoseMarichyasanamah-REE-chee-AHS-uh-nah
Sage Koundinya I PoseEka Pada Koundinyasana Ieh-kah pah-dah koon-dee-nee-AHS-anna
Sage Twist PoseMarichyasana IIImah-REE-chee-AHS-uh-nah
Scorpion PoseVrschikasanavrik-SHAHS-anna
Seated Forward Bend PosePaschimottanasanaPOSH-ee-moh-tahn-AHS-anna
Shoulderstand PoseSarvangasanasar-van-GAHS-anna
Side Plank PoseVasisthasanaVAH-shees-THAH-suh-nah
Staff PoseDandasanadahn-DAHS-uh-nah
Triangle PoseTrikonasanatrik-cone-AHS-uh-nah
Upward Bow PoseUrdhva DhanurasanaOORD-vah don-your-AHS-uh-nah
Upward Facing Dog PoseUrdhva Mukha SvanasanaOORD-vah MOO-kuh shvan-AHS-uh-nah
Upward Plank PosePurvottanasanapoor-voh-tuhn-AHS-uh-nah
Warrior I, II, III PoseVirabhadrasanaveer-uh-buh-DRAHS-uh-nah
Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend PoseUpavistha Konasanaoo-pah-VEESH-tah cone-AHS-uh-nah
Wheel PoseChakrasanachahk-RAHS-uh-nah
Wild Thing PoseCamatkarasanacah-maht-kah-RAH-sah-nah
Wind Release PoseSupta PawanmuktasanaSOOP-tah pah-van-muk-TAHS-anna
Wind Relieving PosePavanamuktasanaPAH-vuh-nuh-mook-tuh-suh-nah
Windmill Pose Parivrtta Prasarita Padottanasanapah-ree-vrit-tah pra-sa-ree-tah pah-doh-tahn-AHS-uh-nah


How To Create A Sequence With The Mini Yoga Cards


Mini Yoga Card Sequence


This is a Mini Yoga Card Deck, so we’ve tossed out the complicated stuff and kept only the fun bits. Flexibility isn’t just for your hamstrings—it’s for your card choices too!

Got one minute? Grab one card.

Five minutes? Pick five.

Seven minutes? You know the drill.

Practice each pose for one to five minutes, and you’ll be bending like a Zen yogi in no time (or at least pretending to).


Swipe Right For Yoga: Explore on Any Device


101 Yoga Mini Cards Asana Pronunciation

Unlock the magic of my cards by accessing the PDF on your iPad, Tablet, or Phone.

Dive into your digital yoga journey—just download the PDF, sit back, and swipe through each card. It’s like having a yoga studio in your pocket


Bonus Bliss: 6 Chair Yoga Lesson Plans 


Chair Yoga Lesson Plan Bundle


With this bonus, I will give you six chair yoga lesson plans straight from my top-secret vault (just kidding, it’s actually from my Online Yoga Lesson Planner).

I’ve crafted these plans for a 6-week chair yoga course I taught in beautiful Wales, UK.

Each plan comes in three tasty versions:

  • Short: Perfect for a quick glance in class, like yoga’s version of a snackable tweet.
  • Long: An epic saga of chair yoga—perfect for practicing at home or impressing your one-on-one students with your endless wisdom.
  • Stream: A video version for those who like their yoga lesson plan being morphed magically into a video stream. 

Grab these plans and elevate your chair yoga sessions from “meh” to “wow!”


What’s In Your Yoga Swag Bag?


Here’s what you’ll get:

  • A link to download the 101 cards in JPG format—perfect for your digital collection.
  • Another link for the 101 cards in PNG format—because who doesn’t love options?
  • A high-quality PDF of all 101 cards, for those who prefer their yoga in paper form (and to view on a device). 


Digital Download 


After purchasing, you’ll be whisked away to GeorgeWatts.org and your very own “Your Account” page. Click “Download Files” next to your order—go ahead, go wild! Download as many times as you want, whenever you want. Your files will be patiently waiting on the “Your Account” page, ready for action.




You can print the cards from your printer at home or send them to a local or online printer to print (you’ll only need to print 13 pages). 


Terms Of Use


These files are for your personal yoga sessions only. Yoga teachers, feel free to sprinkle them into your classes, but remember: no selling, no reselling, and no giving them away like it’s yoga Christmas. Keep the good karma going! If your students start eyeing your cards like a kid eyeing candy, just tell them to grab their own deck here. 




Is this an instant download?

Yes. You can download the cards as PDF, JPG and PNG files to your device. 

Where can I find my digital purchases in my account?

After purchasing, you’ll be whisked away to GeorgeWatts.org and your very own “Your Account” page. Click “Download Files” next to your order—go ahead, go wild! Download as many times as you want, whenever you want. Your files will be patiently waiting on the “Your Account” page, ready for action.

Who created the cards? 

George Watts, a BWY yoga teacher and creator of the Online Yoga Lesson Planner. He’s also spent the past 15+ years writing yoga blog posts on this site. 

What size are the cards

You can print these out in A7 size (8 cards fit onto an A4 sheet of paper).

Can I use the cards as teaching aids in my chair yoga classes

Yes. Though, please don’t give the cards away to your students. If you think they’d benefit from these cards, please direct them to this web page. 


“Hey George, I love your Mini Yoga Deck: With 101 Asana Sanskrit Pronunciations, and can’t wait to download, print, and enjoy learning from them.”


George Watts
BWY Yoga Teacher
Creator of the
Online Yoga Lesson Planner

Got a question?…Email me

P.S. Got questions about the cards? Shoot me an email or give me a ring on 02921 257770. I promise to answer as long as I’m not in the middle of a downward dog.

P.P.S. If you’re the type who thinks 101 mini yoga cards just isn’t enough (and really, who doesn’t?), get your yogic hands on my other yoga card decks

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