Cradle Baby
Sanskrit Name: | Utthita Hindolasana |
Similar Pose Names: | Rock the baby,Cradle |
Category: | Seated & Floor |
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Yoga Lesson Planner
Pilates Lesson Planner
Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Seated & Floor |
Types: | Balance, Hip Opener, Seated, Seated & Floor, Stretch |
Anatomy: | Arms & Shoulders, Hamstrings, Hips, Knees, Lower Back, Middle Back, Psoas, Wrists & Arms |
Chakras: | Base, Sacral Centre |
Therapy: | Poor Posture |
Drishti: | Tip Of Nose |
Dosha: | Kapha, Pitta |
Sit with legs crossed. Keep left leg crossed. Hold right foot with both hands. Draw right shin into chest and cradle knee in elbow of right arm. Gently rock back and forth as if cradling a baby.
Hip opener. Stretches hams and calves.
A) Cradle Baby with a straight leg. B) Seated Knee Rotations (hold thigh and rotate your knee).
Hip injury.
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Cradle Baby (Utthita Hindolasana) Pose FAQs
Below are some questions about Cradle Baby Pose that will be helpful to think about when you’re creating a yoga lesson plan with Cradle Baby Pose in it.
What does the Sanksrit Utthita Hindolasana mean?
The name Cradle Baby comes from the Sanskrit hindola, which means “swinging cradle” or “hammock,” and asana, which is a “posture” or “pose.”
What are 6 modifications for Cradle Baby Pose?
Ankle Crank Pose: Sit with legs extended. Place left foot on right thigh. Interlock fingers of the right hand around the left foot and the left hand around the bottom of the right shin. Rotate ankle clockwise (5 rounds), and anticlockwise (5 rounds). Return to the base position. Repeat with right foot on left thigh.
Ankle Rotation Pose: Sit with legs extended. Part I: Feet touching. Circle both feet in the same direction clockwise, then anticlockwise (10 rounds). Part II: Separate feet a foot apart. Stretch toes away from the body. Bring feet towards the body and back to starting position (10 rounds clockwise, then anticlockwise).
Seated One Leg Stretch Pose: Sit in Staff (legs extended in front). Bend the right knee on the floor and bring the foot closer to the left buttock. Fold the left leg and place the foot in front of the right ankle. Bring left knee to chest. Engage core. Press left leg towards the body. Gaze forward. Repeat on the other side.
Straight Leg: Cradle Baby with a straight leg.
Seated Knee Circles: In Cradle Pose, instead of holding your calf, hold your thigh and make small circles with your knee
Archer Pose: Sit with legs extended in Staff Pose. Back straight. Bring right foot in so only left leg is straight. Hold onto the big toe of the left foot. Interlock fingers around the big toe of the right foot and lift the right foot up towards the ear. Fix gaze onto left foot like an archer eyeing a target. Hold. Repeat on the other side.