How To Teach Locust Pose (Salabhasana)
Locust pose is just one of 1000+ yoga poses within the Yoga Genie Lesson Planner, a nifty time-saving tool for yoga teachers.
Sanskrit Meaning
Shalabh means GRASSHOPPER
Grasshopper Symbolism
Symbolism instantly morphs a run-of-the-mill yoga lesson plans into a memorable yoga lesson plan theme that your students will love.
Just in case you’re not 100% sure what this symbolism thing is, here’s a nifty definition for you: “Symbolism is the practice or art of using an object or a word to represent an abstract idea. An action, person, place, word, or object can all have a symbolic meaning.”
Here are 16 symbolic meanings for LOCUST that you can weave into your yoga lesson plan theme…
- Lucky
- Stable
- Virtue
- Vibrant
- Contentment
- Intuitive
- Fertility
- Patience
- Peaceful
- Creativity
- Abundance
- Insite
- Messenger
- Connected
- Forward thinking
- Courage
Grasshopper Theme Example 1
A locust yoga lesson plan theme could be contentment.
During the class remind your students to “let go”. To surrender. To allow the quiet in.
Grasshopper Theme Example 2
Another locust yoga class plan theme could be patience.
You could ask your students to hold the locust pose and then be patient and “rest” until trying again. Explain that quality “resting” in-between activity is crucial for mental health.
Explain that most people are constantly rushing about mentally and physically, and not taking a break until they go to bed. And then wonder why they can’t sleep!
Grasshopper Theme Example 3
Another locust yoga class theme could be about creativity.
Throughout the class, you could ask your students to come up with creative “modifications” of poses, especially Locust Pose. When you see a particularly creative version of a pose, ask your students to watch the student practicing the pose. Then ask them to copy it.
Teaching Steps
- Pad floor below pelvis/ribs with a folded blanket.
- Lie flat on your stomach with feet together.
- Forehead rests on the floor.
- Place arms by sides with palms up.
- Stretch chin slightly forward, rest it on the floor.
- Soften the front of your body. Stretch fingertips towards feet.
- Inhale, lift chest and legs off the floor.
- Lift hands, extend fingertips towards toes.
- Look straight ahead. Take a few breaths.
- Release with an exhalation.
Locust Pose Video
- Helps stiff backs
- Tones back muscles
- Stimulate nerves and lower back
- Develops concentration
Locust Pose Modification
Locust Pose Variation: Alternate leg and arm raise
7 Locust Pose Modifications
- Legs wide
- Hands under your body
- Hands to side
- Hands in front
- One leg up
- Legs up wall
- Arms under your body and one leg up
- High blood pressure
- Hernia
- Back and neck injury
- Headache