Online Yoga Lesson Planner With Iconic Blue Stick Figures

Simplify Your Class Planning
Get Started Today

Used By 1,673+ Yoga Trainers, Teachers, & Trainees Worldwide

100,000+ Yoga Lesson Plans

5000+ Yoga Poses

83 Yoga Categories

Create Lesson Plans With These 22 Time-Saving Features

Short Class Plans

Each lesson plan you create instantly generates a streamlined, concise version that’s perfect for taking straight into your class. No more scrambling or scribbling—just grab your compact lesson plan and dive right into teaching with confidence!

Easy Practice Management

You can save, copy, download, edit, print, access, and e-mail lesson plans any time across any device.

83 Yoga Categories

There are 83 yoga categories to choose from. This variety allows you to be infinitely creative with your plans.

Flexible Plan Layouts

The layout of the lesson plans are as flexible as a Yogi. You choose what to include in your lesson plans.

Add Your Own Poses

If you want to add your own poses to the Planner, you can. 

Quick PDF Downloads

You can quickly and easily download yoga lesson plans as PDFs. Or take your device to class and view online.

Pose Suggestions

Click on a pose and you’ll see suggestions for preparation poses, follow up poses and counter poses.

Long Class Plans

Each lesson plan you create comes with a long version lesson plan which is a great handout to give to your students. They’re also ideal for creating the detailed plans needed during Yoga teacher training.

100,000 Yoga Lesson Plans

You’ll have access to a community of yoga teachers who have shared 100K+ yoga lesson plans. Download free yoga lesson plans here.

Drag & Drop Technology

You can create yoga lesson plans effortlessly with our time-saving drag & drop technology.

5000+ Pre-filled Pose Descriptions

You’ll have access to 5000+ pre-filled and editable yoga poses. Or add your own teaching steps.

One Click Lesson Plans

Click “Ask Genie” and an advanced yoga sequencing algorithm will instantly create a yoga lesson plan for you.

Getting Started Steps

We’ve got you covered (even if you hardly know how to turn a computer on) with our video tutorial suite.

Access New Poses

Each week new yoga poses are added to the Yoga Lesson Planner. You will receive access to them all.


Pose Cues

Quickly and easily add cues to each pose (e.g. repeat x2, inhale, exhale,  switch sides).

Stream Class Plan

Each lesson plan you create comes with a video stream which is ideal to give to students so they can practice at home.

Copy Lesson Plans

Click the Copy Button to copy a lesson plan. This is a huge time-saver if you’re planning a 6-week course.

Mobile, Tablet & iPhone Friendly

You’ll be able to create and view yoga lesson plans on all your devices including mobile, tablet, and iPad. 

Search Sanskrit Names

You can search all the 5000+ poses by their English or Sanskrit names. 

Request A Pose

Requesting new poses is easy from within the Dashboard. Within 24 hours the pose will be added to the planner.

Create Courses

You’ll be able to organise your lesson plans into courses. 

Merge Lesson Plans

If you want to merge multiple lesson plans into one plan, you can by clicking the “Merge Plans” button.

My Dirty Little Secret

George Yoga Lesson Planning Secret

George WattsHi, I’m George Watts.

I’m a BWY yoga teacher, artist, and creator of the Online Yoga Lesson Planner. Since 2010 I’ve created hundreds of yoga lesson planning articles on my site, such as this one: 29 Common Sequencing Mistakes Yoga Teachers Make…and all these

I’ve created 864+ yoga lesson plans over the past 14+ years. I love creating lesson plans because I’m aware of the significance that a well-crafted lesson plan has on the lives of my students. It’s not just a piece of paper that I take into class, it’s a way of life. It’s a life-changer.

A good lesson plan has the power to change lives. But when I first started teaching yoga, I was taking approximately 7 hours to create one yoga lesson plan!


Don’t tell anyone that. 

I’m embarrassed. 

It’s my dirty little secret

After 18 months of teaching, it dawned on me that lesson planning had become pressured, stressful and a large energy leak in my life.

I simply had to find a way to lessen the stress of lesson planning or burn out, stop teaching yoga and get another job.

But I was passionate about teaching yoga. I loved teaching my students. So, I set out on an epic mission to create a 10-minute yoga lesson planning system.

You may laugh at the perfectionist streak that was causing me to spend 7 hours creating a yoga lesson plan.


Before laughing at me too heartily, here’s my challenge to you.

Time yourself planning your next class. 

You’ll be shocked!  

And so were the 1000+ yoga teachers who used to hand draw their plans, before getting their yogic hands on my Online yoga Lesson Planner

Below, you can peek through a yoga teacher’s keyhole while they’re creating their hand drawn lesson plan. Beware! It’s an Om-pocalypse! 


Peek through a yoga teacher’s keyhole while they’re creating a hand drawn lesson plan, and you might witness this Om-pocalypse!

Thumb Desperately Through Your Yoga Bible

The day starts with a pit of dread in your stomach, the kind that even your calming herbal tea can’t quite wash away. You know what’s coming: hours glued to your screen, wrestling with the beast that is your yoga lesson plan.

You procrastinate, finding everything else more appealing—sorting socks, watering plants, maybe even alphabetising your spice rack. Eventually, you sit down, pull out your battered, dog-eared yoga bible, and thumb through it like it holds the answers to the universe. But it doesn’t. And all you want is to be outside, soaking up life, not buried in stress.

Yoga Genie: Bible

Desperate Google Searches & Musty Magazines

When your yoga bible lets you down, you dig into your stash of 15-year-old yoga magazines. You know the ones—they smell like a mix of essential oils and regret. Still no luck.

So you turn to the almighty Google, typing in desperate phrases like “perfect yoga lesson plan themes” or “save me from my yoga planning misery!” The endless clicking and scrolling leave you with a stiff neck, aching shoulders, and a growing sense of despair. You slap together a lesson plan that’s just “okay” because the thought of starting over feels like climbing Mount Everest in yoga leggings

Yoga Genie: Desperate Searches

The Yoga Lesson Planning Hole of Doom

Oh dear, you’re in dreaded Yoga Lesson Planning Hole of Doom. It’s a dark, lonely place where inspiration goes to die, and stress thrives like weeds in a neglected garden.

But Wait—There’s a Better Way!

The Yoga lesson planning hole of doom doesn’t have to be your destiny. That’s exactly why I created the Online Yoga Lesson Planner. Imagine having 1,673+ experienced yoga teachers virtually holding your hand, sharing their best-kept secrets, and helping you create lesson plans with ease and joy.

Wave goodbye to stress and hello to confident, creative teaching. Your students will feel the difference, and so will you. Let the Lesson Planner be your lifeline back to loving your practice—and your teaching. Get inspired with a massive library of 5,173+ poses, breathing exercises, mantras and mudras.

Yoga Lesson Planning Hole Of Doom

5,173+ Poses, Breathing Exercises, Mantras & Mudras

Huge Library Of Yoga Poses

Dive headfirst into the Online Yoga Lesson Planner and discover a whopping 5,173+ poses, breathing exercises, mantras and mudras sorted into 83 categories. No more stress, no more guessing. Just one click and you’re there!

With a tap of your fingers, you can:

✔️ Explore Poses: Glide through a massive library of poses, perfectly tailored to suit any class or student need, no magic wand required.

✔️ Find Your Pose Perfectly: Whether you’re seeking a relaxing seated pose or an arm balance that’ll leave your students in awe, the perfect pose is always within reach.

✔️ Say Goodbye to the Planning Hole of Doom: Leap over the endless hours of head-scratching and dive straight into creating impactful, professional yoga class plans in 10 minutes or less.

Make every class effortlessly flow with ease, and elevate your teaching with this extensive library of 5,173+ yoga poses, breathing exercises, mantras and mudras.

16 Main Categories

Ashtanga, Bandhas, Bolster Yoga, Chair Yoga, Face Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Laughter Yoga, Mantras, Meditations, Mudras, Partner Yoga, Pranayama, Pregnancy Yoga, Relaxation, and Strap Yoga.

7 Chakra Categories

Base, Sacral Centre, Solar Plexus Centre, Heart Centre, Throat Centre, Third Eye, and Crown Centre.

39 Therapy Categories

Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Back Pain, Bronchitis, Cancer, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Confidence Building, Constipation, Depression, Diabetes, Elderly People, Enlarged Prostate, Eye fatigue, Fatigue, Fever, High Blood Pressure, HIV positive, Headaches, Herniated Spinal Disc, Hypertension, Immune Support, Indigestion, Insomnia, Jet Lag, Leg Congestion, Menopause, Menstrual Disorders, Neck Pain, Obesity, Osteoporosis, Poor Posture, Prostate Disorders, Sexual Debility, Sinusitis, Stress, and Varicose Veins. 

16 Types Categories

Arm Balance, Back Bend, Balance, Chest Opener, Forward Bend, Hip Opener, Inversion, Pawanmuktasana, Prone, Restorative, Seated, Seated & Floor, Side Bend, Standing, Strengthen, Stretch, Supine and Twist.

12 Anatomy Categories

Arms & Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps, Core, Hamstrings, Hips, Knees, Lower Back, Middle Back, Neck, Psoas, Wrists & Arms, and Upper Back.

8 Drishti Categories

Eyebrow, Navel, Side, Thumb, Tip Of Nose, Tips Of Feet, Tips Of Hands, and Up.

Yoga Class Building Magic

Yoga Class Building Magic Bonus Lesson Planner

The beauty of the Online Yoga Lesson Planner lies in its simplicity, or what I like to call Class Building Magic.

Want to target the hips? Click the hips filter and voilà – you’ve got a buffet of hip-opening poses to choose from.

Need to work on balance? Filter for balance poses and get inspired with new ideas for that section of your class.

The possibilities are endless, and with easy access to poses from over 83 categories, you’ll never be stuck wondering where to start.

You can even filter for specific body parts, types of poses, or even tailor your session for specific health conditions. Whether you’re teaching a high-energy class or a calming restorative session, the Online Yoga Lesson Planner has your back, literally.

33 yoga lesson plans created using the lesson planner: 

  1. Yoga For Seniors Lesson Plan
  2. Hatha Yoga Lesson Plan
  3. Become A Peaceful Warrior Yoga Lesson Plan
  4. Caterpillar To Butterfly Yoga Lesson Plan
  5. Surrender To Slowness Yoga Lesson Plan
  6. You Don’t Need Permission To Shine Yoga Lesson Plan
  7. Abiciously Delicious Core Yoga Lesson Plan
  8. Chair Yoga Lesson Plan I 
  9. Chair Yoga Lesson Plan II
  10. Chair Yoga For Seniors Lesson Plan
  11. Dolphin Yoga Lesson Plan
  12. Sun Moon Yoga Lesson Plan
  13. Sun Salutations Chair Yoga Lesson Plan
  14. Sun Salutations A Yoga Lesson Plan
  15. Sun Salutations B Yoga Lesson Plan
  16. Sun Salutations C Yoga Lesson Plan
  17. Camel Peak Pose Yoga Lesson Plan
  18. Downward Facing Dog Pose Variations Lesson Plan
  19. Plank Peak Pose Yoga Lesson Plan
  20. Revolved Poses Yoga Lesson Plan
  21. Twists-Themed Yoga Lesson Plan
  22. Valentines Yoga Lesson Plan
  23. Yoga for Cyclists Lesson Plan
  24. Yoga for Swimmers Lesson Plan
  25. Kundalini Yoga Lesson Plan
  26. Pregnancy Yoga Lesson Plan
  27. Yoga Therapy Plan: Arthritic Spine
  28. Yoga Therapy Plan: Asthma
  29. Yoga Therapy Plan: Hips
  30. Yoga Therapy Plan: Opening Upper Back, Neck & Shoulders
  31. Yoga Therapy Plan: Restorative Yoga
  32. Yoga Therapy Plan: Soothe Sciatica
  33. Yoga Therapy Plan: Varicose Veins

You’ll Also Get All These Bonuses…

Bonus 1
148,239+ Ready-made Yoga Class Plans


Ready-Made Yoga Class Plans Bonus

Ready-Made Yoga Class Plans


With just a single click, you can instantly access and edit class plans crafted by over 1,673+ experienced yoga teachers. No more burning the midnight oil creating class plans—just click one of the 148,239+ plans to duplicate it. You’ll have a professionally designed plan ready to go.

Elevate your teaching with this treasure trove of pleasurable plans at your fingertips.


Bonus 2
The One Click Class Plan Creator



One Click Class Plan Creator Bonus

One Click Class Plan Creator



Feeling lazy and don’t want to click more than once? No worries! We spent months perfecting our wickedly clever “Yoga Genie” algorithm just for you. With a single click, Yoga Genie instantly generates a polished, professional lesson plan—no hassle, no extra effort. 

If you’re feeling way too guilty creating a lesson plan with just one click, don’t worry—you can still get your hands dirty and edit the plan however you like!


Bonus 3
Triple The Plans, Triple The Fun


3 Plans In 1

3 Plans In 1


Unleash the magic of the The Online Yoga Lesson Planner and watch as it effortlessly creates three unique lesson plans for you in one go. It’s like having a personal yoga fairy godmother—minus the wand, but with all the wow-factor!

And everything is pre-filled for you. 

That means no need to spend your valuable time add the teaching directions, or benefits, or modifications. It’s all pre-filled for you…like magic. If you want to edit any of the pre-filled information, go for it. 



Bonus 4
Unlimited Pose Requests

Unlimited Pose Requests

Unlimited Pose Requests


There 5,173+ poses in 83 categories, but you might want a modification of a pose that we haven’t added yet.

You can request as many poses as you’d like, and it’s absolutely free. Whether it’s a common pose or an obscure modification, I’m here to assist you in enhancing your yoga lesson plans.



Bonus 5
Prenatal & Postnatal Online Yoga Lesson Planner

Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga Lesson Planner Bonus


The Online Yoga Lesson Planner includes a powerful built-in tool: The Prenatal & Postnatal Online Lesson Planner. Dive into hundreds of prenatal and postnatal yoga poses, each illustrated with adorable stick figures featuring baby bumps!

Whether you’re a seasoned pregnancy yoga instructor or only occasionally guide expecting students, this planner equips you with a treasure trove of poses tailored for every trimester and postpartum stage.

Be ready to confidently support pregnant students with safe, effective, and nurturing sequences whenever they seek your guidance.


Bonus 6
One To One Yoga Student Management System


One To One Yoga Student Management System Bonus

One To One Yoga Student Management System


Unlock the power of effortless organisation with the One To One Yoga Student Management System, exclusively available in the Online Yoga Lesson Planner.

✔️ Streamline Your Workflow: Save and manage lesson plans for every student with ease—perfect for keeping track of individual needs and progress.

✔️ Tailored for One-to-One Sessions: Simplify planning for private clients, so you can focus on delivering personalised, impactful sessions.

✔️ Save Valuable Time: Spend less time juggling plans and more time creating transformative yoga experiences.

With this game-changing tool, you’ll elevate your teaching efficiency while keeping your focus on what matters most: helping your students thrive on and off the mat.



Bonus 7
236+ New Poses Added Yearly


New Poses Added Yearly Bonus


We’re constantly adding new yoga poses to the Online Yoga Lesson Planner (236+ per year) updating it with frequent fresh options every week.



Bonus 8
Yoga Class Handouts Collection


Yoga Class Handouts Collection Bonus


Transform your teaching toolkit with over 250 yoga class handouts, crafted for real classes and real results. These ready-to-use resources save you time, inspire your planning, and elevate your classes.

Here’s what you’ll receive:

  • Asana Guides Handouts: Master poses from Backbends to Wheel with detailed, student-friendly instructions.
  • Specialty Yoga Handouts: Expand your repertoire with Bolster Yoga and Chair Yoga handouts. 
  • Mantras & Chants Handouts: Add depth with spiritual practices like Ang Sang Wahe Guru and Peace Chant.
  • Mindfulness Handouts: Lead meditations like the Pink Bubble Visualisation or Zen Meditation to deepen relaxation.
  • Partner Yoga Handouts: Build connection with dynamic handouts like Back Bend & Squat or Seated Bow.
  • Prenatal & Postnatal Handouts: Safely guide expecting moms with trimester-specific handouts and poses to avoid.
  • Breathwork Handouts: Teach transformative pranayama techniques like Alternate Nostril Breathing or Uddiyana Bandha.
  • Therapeutic Practices Handouts: Address student needs with guides like Yoga for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Better Sleep Yoga.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting, this collection has you covered.


Bonus 9
Yoga Teacher Forms Collection


Yoga Teacher Forms Collection Bonus


You’ll receive a complete set of essential forms tailored for every aspect of your yoga teaching journey with this bonus.

Here’s what you’ll receive:

  • Student Attendance Form
  • Student Feedback Form
  • Yoga Questionnaire I
  • Yoga Questionnaire II
  • Yoga Student Waiver Form

Streamline your administrative tasks and enhance your teaching experience with these essential forms. 


Bonus 10
Yoga Retreat Kit


Yoga Retreat Kit


You’ll receive the Yoga Retreat Kit as part of this bonus package.

This comprehensive kit equips you with all the essential resources created and used by George Watts, a full-time yoga teacher, to plan and promote his yoga retreats.

Bonus 11
Access George’s Lesson Plans

Access George Watts Yoga Lesson Plans Bonus

You’ll be able to easily find, copy and edit the lesson plans that George has created within the lesson planner. That means you’ll be able to access all the Yoga Lesson Plan Bundles available for sale in George’s online shop, absolutely for free

The Online Yoga Lesson Planner FAQs

“Who created the Online Yoga Lesson Planner?

Meet George Watts, a dedicated full-time BWY yoga teacher located in West Wales. The mastermind behind the Online Yoga Lesson Planner, George initially crafted this resource for his personal use in 2010. Fast forward to today, and it undergoes daily updates, brimming with an array of yoga lesson-planning treasures tailored for fellow yoga teachers.

“Is the Online Yoga Lesson Planner compatible with Macs?”


“Am I able to change the wording within the poses with my own phrases and explanations?”


“How do I search for poses in the Online Yoga Lesson Planner?”

Searching for poses is quick and easy. 

Here are three options you can use:

Option 1: One Click
Click on a pose to add it to your lesson plan (or drag and drop). 

Option 2: Search By Name
Find poses by entering either the English or Sanskrit name in the search bar.

Option 3: Search By Category
Explore poses through 80+ categories to quickly locate the ones you need.

“Can I request new poses within the Online Yoga Lesson Planner?”

Certainly! You are welcome to request as many poses as you'd like, and it's absolutely free. Whether it's a common pose or a unique modification, I'm here to assist you in enhancing your yoga lesson plans.

“Do I have access to pregnancy yoga poses?”

Absolutely! You will have access to an extensive collection of pregnancy yoga poses.

“How many poses are in the Online Yoga Lesson Planner?”

An impressive and ever-growing collection of over 5,000 yoga poses awaits you! We consistently introduce new poses every week to keep your options fresh and inspiring. To explore the complete selection, feel free to browse our Yoga Pose Directory, accessible to the public at no cost.

“Does the Online Yoga Lesson Planner create lesson plans for beginner and advanced students?”

Certainly! Recognizing the mix of beginners and advanced students in most yoga classes, the Online Yoga Lesson Planner is designed to meet this diverse need. The long version of each lesson plan is equipped with modifications, alternatives, and precautions. Offering alternative poses for advanced students and modifications for beginners, you can seamlessly adapt a single lesson plan to suit both levels. This flexibility allows you to effortlessly cater to both beginner and advanced classes using the same lesson plan.

“Am I able to save the Online Yoga Lesson Planner to my own drive?”

No, there's no need to download any software. The Online Yoga Lesson Planner is accessible directly through the internet. It's designed to be easily accessible on various devices such as smartphones, tablets, iPads, and PCs. The best part is that it won't take up any storage space on your devices. Additionally, you have the option to download any of the 100,000+ yoga lesson plans as PDFs or view them online, each with its unique URL.

"Can I edit poses within the Online Yoga Lesson Planner?"

Absolutely! You have full flexibility to edit poses according to your preferences. Additionally, you can use and customize the pre-filled pose content, encompassing English and Sanskrit pose names, teaching steps, benefits, modifications, precautions, alternatives, and precautions. Tailor the information to suit your teaching style and class requirements.

“Can I copy and edit any of the 100,000+ lesson plans?”

Certainly! Replicating lesson plans is an effective method for mastering the art of lesson planning. After duplicating a plan, you have the flexibility to make edits and customize it to suit your specific needs.

“Can I copy my own lesson plans?”

Certainly! Simply click the "Copy Lesson Plan" button, and you can efficiently duplicate lesson plans, saving you valuable time, particularly when organizing a 6-week yoga course.

“Does each asana come with recommended preparation, follow up and counter poses?”

Absolutely! Each asana in the Online Yoga Lesson Planner is accompanied by recommended preparation, follow-up, and counter poses. This ensures a comprehensive approach to your yoga lesson planning, offering a well-rounded and structured experience for practitioners.

“Can I call you to ask a few questions?"

Absolutely! I enjoy connecting with fellow yoga teachers. Feel free to reach out to me, George, by phone at 02921 257770, or you can send an email to I'm here to assist and chat with you about any questions or concerns you may have.

"Can I have a personal tour of the Online Yoga Lesson Planner with you?"

Certainly! If you'd like a personal tour of the planner, please send me an email at We can arrange a tour using Skype screenshare or to guide you through the features and functionalities.

“Is the Online Yoga Lesson Planner compatible with Smartphones, Tablets & iPads?"

The Online Yoga Lesson Planner is fully compatible with desktops, tablets, and iPads. Though, it's not a smartphone app. It's smartphone friendly, but you'll find it easier to use on a larger device! 

"Can I email lesson plans to my students?"

Certainly! You can use the "Email Button" located on the lesson planner dashboard to send emails directly from the platform.

Join Over 1,673 Yoga Teachers Worldwide Who Love The Online Yoga Lesson Planner (formerly known as the "Yoga Teacher Lesson Plan Kit")

Five Star Reviews Yoga Lesson Planner

"This is a very useful kit for those who are just starting out with teaching yoga. Lots of useful lesson plans and planners. All in all a very useful aid to have at your side when starting out teaching."

Paul Wooding

UK Yoga Teacher Trainer

"I have recently purchased this product and this is fantastic. To my knowledge, this is the only tool of its kind. This is making my life so much easier, I can now prepare a yoga lesson plan in minutes. This is the end of procrastination. Thank you. George Watts is a Yogi with a vision!"

Cecile Pons

UK Yoga Teacher

"I am having such fun going through all the resources in the lesson planning kit! Already have decided to do a 10 week plan and issue it to the kids next term. Had already decided to do something on the koshas so it’ll be fun getting it ready....and won’t take anything like the time!!! I love all the different bits. I love the tips, the meditation bits and all the posture bits. Well, all of it. It pulls together so many ideas that float around in my brain, my computer, my office, my classroom and elsewhere!  You will laugh: because I am so sad and need to read things on paper to really sort of “get” them, I printed it all off to sit on the sofa and read and get familiar with. Well, I went through a lot of paper (oh dear, I hear you cringing ecologically, I’m kind of sorry I did it too in a way)...and it’s a good thing my husband’s away as I’ll have time to replace the paper, replace the ink cartridge etc. But I can now appreciate what I’ve got and start thinking about what I’m going to do. I am trying to get more computer minded (I mean I use it all the time at school for various things) and have already played the video about how to do a lesson plan, which doesn’t look difficult at all. Keep up all the wonderful work!"

Jo Chadwick

UK Yoga Teacher

"This lesson plan kit is such a huge resource when it comes to planning a yoga class, you’ve thought of everything George!  I’m still finding my way around the many, many pages and using it every week to help plan my classes, it is a great help!  Thanks for making it available to all."

Victoria James

UK Yoga Teacher

"The Lesson plan kit has been a great investment to me. Not only is it jam packed full of tips, useful handouts, and  ideas it is user friendly (even if your not a whizz on the computer – like me!) and  it saves a great deal of time in the planning dept! When I first started teaching I really struggled with lesson planning. It took me ages and gave me a headache! But this kit saved me time, gave me new ideas and really helped boost my confidence to walk into a class with a professional looking plan. You can continually add new plans  and it saves you having bits of plans/ideas written all over the place. I use it every week to create my plans whether I am teaching regular hatha, pregnancy, seniors or private clients. Money well spent!"

Julie Morris

UK Yoga Teacher

"Given all the apps we have available these days, I was skeptical about the seemingly steep price of another gimmicky 'kit,' but I have to say, this package is far beyond any Teacher resource I have ever come across, truly. Where to begin? Well, George provides over two thousand yoga stick figures for creating your own class sequences, and just as many yoga templates and handouts for students. This component of the kit alone comprises over 65 PAGES of information on how to modify postures for all levels of experience, in addition to contraindications and precautions. Lesson Plans for Power Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Beginner's Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Kid's Yoga, Templates, and Handouts are all included in this phenomenal deal."

Eryn Kirkwood

Canadian Yoga Teacher

"The lesson planning kit has revolutionised my teaching. As a part-time yoga teacher this has been especially helpful. I am able to spend more time teaching and less planning and feeling more professional. I use it for regular weekly class planning and also for planning yoga courses. It's also a fantastic tool of inspiration and is jam-packed with ideas my students have loved. Thanks so much George for this wonderful resource."

Ruth White

Australian Yoga Teacher

"The Yoga Teacher Lesson Plan Kit is a valuable tool to have for a Yoga Teacher.  It is wonderfully easy to use and significantly cuts down the time spent in lesson planning while offering a wide range of creative themes and insights. George, I want to compliment you on the kits you provide to us (yoga teachers)."

Susanne Wagner

Canadian Yoga Teacher

"The Yoga Teacher Lesson plan Kit & the Yoga Studio Kit are wonderful resources for the experienced Yoga Teachers as well as new Yoga students working on their Teacher's Certification. There is so much vital information! It really blew my mind how much there was!  I have started my Yoga business plan a few different times and never finished it because it is too time consuming! Thanks to George and his marvelous Yoga kits we can get things organized in a much better and faster way. It's like having a universal "cheat sheet" for your Yoga Studio that nobody else knows about but you. I loved the first kit so much I bought another kit! I would highly recommend them all!"

Eva Wright

USA Yoga Teacher

"The Yoga Lesson Plan Kit is a must have for all yoga teachers out there! George has thought of every detail that you need to create your lessons, making it so quick and easy, it's truly wonderful. I can't wait to purchase the rest of his yoga kits. The on-going service you get from George too is so efficient & outstanding, I couldn't be happier. Thank you George."

Helen Gray

USA Yoga Teacher

"I am just coming to the end of my Diploma in Teaching Yoga and found the answer to all my prayers with George Watt’s Yoga Teacher Lesson Planning Kit. For less than £100 I have everything I need to set up my yoga teaching practice with tried and tested yoga sessions for every age and ability. I am also looking forward to designing my own plans in the not too distant future. The breadth and range of the content is mind-boggling – in a good way. Thanks George for sharing your plans and passion."

Jane Gallagher

UK Yoga Teacher

"The Yoga Teacher Lesson Plan Kit is great!!!  ‘Great’ couldn’t describe how good it is.  It has lots of information to help any yoga teacher.  The Ask Genie Yoga Genie Lesson Planner makes creating yoga lessons a snap. What could be easier than drag and drop and make changes in a few clicks?  It is really a time saver.  Thank you very much for creating these great tools, George.”

Wen Leu

USA Yoga Teacher

"The yoga lesson plan kit is of great value. It is informative, easy to follow and a must for student and qualified Yoga Teachers. Thank you George."

Mel Davitt

UK Yoga Teacher

"I find the yoga lesson plan kit inspiring and so easy to follow.  I love that there are so many ‘goodies’ – more and more relevent and useful surprises keep coming. It’s no-nonsense, practical and relevent stuff.  I am loving these resources but wish I had discovered them when I first started teaching."

Charlotte Hamilton

Australian Yoga Teacher

"I really did benefit from your Lesson Plan kit. Firstly I used the "personal folders" idea. Obviously I used my own picture, but used your design. My students really loved it. Secondly I used the themes you suggested on your Lesson Plan Kit, and did a 9 Week Lesson Plan (up to Xmas), and included this in the Folder as well.  Thirdly I am going to use your Halloween idea as having fun this coming lesson. I love your creativity and it inspires me to be more creative myself.   There is only one "criticism" - there is too much in it (joke!).  There is a lot of work in it and thank you very much for sharing your knowledge with us. Wish you all the best - hoping that you will produce more."

Ilkay Ozcan

UK Yoga Teacher

"Since signing up to George's website, I have found pulling together my lesson plans a dream, in fact all my administration is now simple and easy, it has become something I choose to do rather than put it off! Thanks George."

Natalie Creasy

UK Yoga Teacher

"The Yoga teacher lesson plan kit has been very useful in helping me to structure my yoga  classes. It is a very useful resource for any yoga teacher."

Keith Francis

UK Yoga Teacher

"I really am impressed with the amount of great information - details - templates - pictures!  Even notes that have helped with my training!  I will be using this kit for a very long time!  Thank you so much!  Well worth every penny!"

Chris Elersich

USA Yoga Teacher

"As a new teacher I have found the Yoga Teacher Lesson Plan Kit so helpful. I started out covering classes at a busy yoga centre and the kit made it so easy to put together a variety of different types of classes. Now I am teaching more one to one classes I find it really helpful to give a client a really clear short lesson plan to take home. I have also used the music for some restorative classes too! Thanks so much."

Katie Thomson

UK Yoga Teacher

"The Yoga Teacher Lesson Plan Kit is an extremely inspiring piece of work. Whether you want to enhance your way of preparing your lessons, or need to find new ways of delivering your service to your students then The Yoga Teacher Lesson Plan Kit will support you with this aspiration. Thanks for sharing your insights with others George."

Stewart Jones

UK Yoga Teacher

"George Watts’ Yoga Teacher Lesson Plan Kit is amazing; an absolute time-saver!  His Lesson Plans Kit is a treasure trove of lesson plans, resources, creative artwork, and media for yoga teachers and their yoga students. George provides step-by-step videos that demonstrate HOW to easily develop a yoga lesson plan in less than 15 minutes with no real thinking involved!  George has thought it all out for you while allowing flexibility to make each lesson your very own. GENIUS! George Watts has a gift for TEACHING and the yoga industry is fortunate to have his talent and creativity on its side. Yoga teachers will not be disappointed with this purchase; it is definitely worth the financial investment."

Patty Browning

UK Yoga Teacher

"Hi George,  I just wanted to say Thank you for your fantastic lesson plan kit. I am a yoga teacher and this material is just a dream. I love my work so much and to have teaching aids like these has made my classes easier to prepare and my students very happy with the lovely hand outs. I am truly delighted. THANK YOU!!!!!"

Belinda White

UK Yoga Teacher

"I am enjoying integrating the (George Watts) Yoga Teacher's Lesson Plan Kit tools into my teaching & development - it saves time & delivers value. The ease and simplicity of the copy and paste asanas creates lesson plans almost instantly and the additional ongoing yoga resources - makes this an outstanding package."

Sarah Rush

UK Yoga Teacher

"Thank you so much for the Yoga Teacher Lesson Plan Kit, it is fantastic, so much choice I feel like a child in a sweet shop I have found it really easy to use and so quick to produce a lesson plan, I also like all the extras like the hand-outs. Thanks again."

Jan Simpson

Spanish Yoga Teacher

"The Yoga Teacher Lesson Plan Kit is AMAZING.  It has soooo much information. It’s like a RYT-200 and RYT-500 training all in one. There is so much valuable information, your classes can’t help but be anything but amazing after using this kit! Thanks, George, for all of the hard work and hours you’ve invested and for your quick response when I had a question. You’ve saved me a TON of hours in class planning. You have helped me to have the best classes ever! I will definitely be ordering more kits from you. A great value for the money. This information would have cost me hundreds if not thousands to purchase separately. God bless."

Teresa Ferguson

USA Yoga Teacher

“For me, lesson planning was a total nightmare, often taking a couple of days labour, I hated it and had exhausted all options of making it easier. I stumbled across George’s Yoga Teacher Lesson Plan Kit on YouTube and saw this as the answer to everything for me to re lesson planning…and I wasn’t wrong. The Yoga Teacher Lesson Plan Kit has saved my sanity – it’s an excellent resource that every yoga teacher/student teacher should have in their toolbox and worth every penny”.

Shola Cochrane

UK Yoga Teacher

If You Become A Lifetime Member, You’ll Get My Yoga Card Decks Collection Worth £125 For Free

 Lifetime Member Special Limited Time Offer
Full Access to My Premium Yoga Card Deck Collection
valued at £125

Lifetime Member Offer Yoga Lesson Planner

 If you become a Lifetime Member today, you’ll receive all these yoga card decks valued at £125.


✔️ Chakra Chair Yoga Card Deck (valued at £15)

✔️ Chakra Chair Yoga Expansion Card Deck (valued at £15)

✔️ Blissful Breathing Card Deck (valued at £15)

✔️ Face Yoga Card Deck (valued at £15)

✔️ Golf Zen Chair Yoga Deck (valued at £15)

✔️ 101 Mini Yoga Cards (valued at £15)

✔️ Yoga Assist Cards – Down Dog Edition (valued at £5)

✔️ Mind Monsters (Mind-Health) Card Deck (valued at £15)

✔️ Zen Of Blissful Boredom Card Deck (valued at £15)


That’s £125 worth of yoga card decks! And they’ll be yours immediately upon becoming a lifetime member—a treasure trove of tools to breathe fresh life into your classes.


1. Access Ready-made Plans

Access 148,239+ Yoga lesson plans.

2. create lesson plans

In 10 minutes or less. 

3. Save 160 Hours Per Year

Save time creating your plans.

Join Us Today


Yearly subscription of the Online Yoga Lesson Planner.

£39/ per year

£39 Yearly (approximately $47)

International Payments Accepted

Instant Access

Mac & Windows Compatible

Desktop, Tablet & Mobile Friendly

Within minutes of registering, you’ll receive an email enabling you to set up your username and password. If you join today, you’ll receive all the resources listed above for £39 per year


Lifetime membership of the Online Yoga Lesson Planner.

£197/ one time payment

£197 (approximately $247)

International Payments Accepted

Instant Access

Mac & Windows Compatible

Desktop, Tablet & Mobile Friendly

Pay Once Use Forever

Within minutes of registering, you’ll receive an email enabling you to set up your username and password. If you join today, you’ll receive all the resources listed above for a one-time payment of £197

“Hey George, I love your Online Yoga Lesson Planner and can’t wait to get my Yogic hands on it.”


George Watts
BWY Yoga Teacher (taught 874+ classes)
Creator of the Online Yoga Lesson Planner

George Watts

P.S. Got questions about the Online Yoga Lesson Planner? Shoot me an email or give me a ring at 02921 257770. I promise to answer as long as I’m not in the middle of a downward dog.

P.S.S. A few years ago I was invited to be a speaker at the BWY Congress (BWY is the Sport England recognised National Governing Body for Yoga). I  gave several talks on how to create themed yoga lesson plans. If you’d like me to give a talk at your yoga teacher event, please contact me.

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