How I Teach Mantras: Includes 52 English + Sanskrit Mantras To Sprinkle Throughout A Class To Inspire Mindfulness, Encourage Focus, & Foster A Sense Of Connection & Inner Peace Among Your Students
Greetings, my lovely Yogis, Yoginis, and Yoga teachers. I’m George Watts, a BWY yoga teacher and creator of the Online Yoga Lesson Planner.
In this post, I’ll be exploring 52 English mantras and 52 Sanskrit Mantras that you can sprinkle throughout a class.
One of my biggest regrets as a yoga teacher is that I didn’t include mantras in my class until I had been teaching for several years.
I used to think my students would run for the hills if I taught them mantras (as represented in my doodle below).
In the next section, I’ll give you the top three reasons it “foolishly” took me so long to include mantras in my yoga classes.
Top 3 Reasons Why I Foolishly Didn’t Include Mantras In My Yoga Classes For 5 Years

Foolish Reasons Not To Teach Mantras In Yoga Classes
Foolish Reason Why I Didn’t Teach Mantras 1: Scare My Students
I really did think that if I got “overly spiritual” by including mantras that most of my students would run for hills never to be seen again (hope you like my doodle above showing Bob running from my class…he didn’t really…I think).
Instead of running for the hills, my students looked forward to the chanting mantras. The calm and joy etched on the faces after “mantra time” is priceless to me.
Foolish Reason Why I Didn’t Teach Mantras 2: Bad Singing Voice
The second thing that held me back is that my singing voice is not something to write home about.
I know because my partner is a good singer. The thing is that you don’t have to be Diva Primal (an amazing singer of mantras with millions of hits on Youtube) to chant mantras.
You just need to practice chanting the mantra before getting to class, and you can even cheat by putting the mantra on a yoga class handout that you give to your students and also have in front of you (in case you forget the words).
Foolish Reason Why I Didn’t Teach Mantras 3: Problems With Pronunciation
I figured that mantras were so “otherworldly” and in a weird language (Sanskrit) that I’d never be able to master them. I found out I didn’t need to master them. I just needed to practice chanting them for 10 to 15 minutes.
In this post, I’ve included all the “pronunciations” for you so that you can’t add this excuse to your list (lol).
Next up,10 reasons why you should teach mantras in your next yoga class.
My Top 10 Fab Reasons Why You Absolutely Must Teach Mantras In Your Yoga Classes

10 Reasons To Teach Mantras In Yoga Classes
Okay, now you know what might be holding you back, it’s important to know the 10 fab reasons for including mantras in your yoga classes.
Top 10 Fab Reasons To Teach Mantras In Your Yoga Classes:
Fab Reason To Teach Mantras 1: Cultivate Connection
Including mantras in my yoga classes helped my students connect more deeply with their spiritual selves and cultivate mindfulness.
Fab Reason To Teach Mantras 2: Cultivate Clarity
Chanting mantras requires mental focus, which can improve your student’s ability to concentrate during their practice, and when they get off their sticky mats and into the sticky, outside world.
Fab Reason To Teach Mantras 3: Cultivate A Calming Atmosphere
The soothing vibrations of mantras can create a peaceful and serene environment, enhancing relaxation and stress relief.
Fab Reason To Teach Mantras 4: Cultivate Connection
Chanting mantras together can cultivate a sense of community and togetherness among students, strengthening the bond within the class.
Fab Reason To Teach Mantras 5: Cultivate Emotional Resilience
The healing power of mantras can help students process and release emotional blockages, promoting mental and emotional balance.
Fab Reason To Teach Mantras 6: Cultivate Self-awareness
As students chant mantras, they become more aware of their thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, leading to increased self-awareness.
Fab Reason To Teach Mantras 7: Cultivate Yogic Philosophy
Mantras are an integral part of traditional yoga practices, and adding them into classes helps students better understand and appreciate the roots of yoga.
Fab Reason To Teach Mantras 8: Cultivate Positive Energy
Mantras are believed to have the power to purify the mind, attracting positive energy and being resilient to the ups and downs of life.
Fab Reason To Teach Mantras 9: Cultivate Intention
Chanting mantras can help students set clear intentions for their practice, amplifying the benefits they receive from their yoga classes.
Fab Reason To Teach Mantras 10: Cultivate Transformation
Regular exposure to mantras can encourage students to explore their spirituality and personal growth, fostering a deeper connection to their yoga practice and overall well-being.
Up next, 52 English mantras that you can use in your yoga classes.
52 English Mantras: Pick One For Your Yoga Class
Below are 52 English mantras you can use within your yoga classes.
Pick one of the mantras and sprinkle it throughout a class to inspire mindfulness, encourage focus, and foster a sense of connection and inner peace among your students.
- “I am grounded, I am present, I am here.”
- “Breathe in peace, exhale tension.”
- “With each breath, I grow stronger and more centred.”
- “Let go of what no longer serves you.”
- “I am exactly where I am meant to be.”
- “In stillness, I find clarity.”
- “I am connected to the earth beneath me and the sky above.”
- “Each movement is an act of self-love.”
- “I honour my body, my breath, and my journey.”
- “Be here now.”
- “Strength arises from softness.”
- “I surrender to the flow of life.”
- “This moment is my home.”
- “I move with intention and purpose.”
- “Every breath is a fresh start.”
- “Peace begins with me.”
- “I embrace balance in my mind, body, and spirit.”
- “I am free to release and let go.”
- “As I exhale, I soften into my practice.”
- “I am safe, I am supported, I am whole.”
- “Through movement, I create space within.”
- “My breath is my anchor.”
- “I trust the wisdom of my body.”
- “In every pose, I find my strength.”
- “I welcome calmness into my heart.”
- “With each inhale, I invite energy and vitality.”
- “My practice is a gift I give myself.”
- “I am aligned with the flow of the universe.”
- “I honour the light within me.”
- “I breathe in courage; I breathe out fear.”
- “I am rooted like a tree, swaying but not breaking.”
- “I flow like water, adaptable and serene.”
- “I embrace stillness as a path to strength.”
- “Each pose is a journey, not a destination.”
- “My breath guides me home.”
- “I am resilient, I am enough.”
- “I surrender to what is, and trust the process.”
- “The present moment is my greatest teacher.”
- “I am open to receive and ready to release.”
- “In each stretch, I discover something new.”
- “I radiate calm and inner peace.”
- “I choose progress over perfection.”
- “I carry the serenity of this practice into my day.”
- “With gratitude, I honour my body’s limits and strengths.”
- “I am the creator of my inner calm.”
- “I invite joy into my practice and my life.”
- “My heart is open; my mind is clear.”
- “I embody strength, grace, and ease.”
- “I am in harmony with myself and the world around me.”
- “This practice connects me to my truest self.”
- “I rest in the rhythm of my breath.”
- “I carry the peace of this practice within me.”
Up next, 52 Sanskrit mantras that you can use in your yoga classes.
52 Sanskrit Mantras: Pick One For Your Yoga Class

Mantras To Teach In Your Next Yoga Class
Below are 52 well-known Sanskrit mantras you can use within your yoga classes.
Mantra 1: Universal Sound
Sanskrit: Om
Pronunciation: AUM
English Translation: The universal sound of creation
Mantra 2: Peace
Sanskrit: Shanti
Pronunciation: SHAHN-tee
English Translation: Peace
Mantra 3: I Am That
Sanskrit: Soham
Pronunciation: SOH-hum
English Translation: I am that
Mantra 4: Shiva
Sanskrit: Om Namah Shivaya
Pronunciation: OHM NAH-mah SHEE-vah-yah
English Translation: I bow to Shiva, the divine within
Mantra 5: Lotus
Sanskrit: Om Mani Padme Hum
Pronunciation: OHM MAH-nee PAHD-may HOOM
English Translation: The jewel is in the lotus
Mantra 6: Abundance
Sanskrit: Om Shreem Maha Lakshmiyei Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM SHREEM MAH-hah LUK-shmee-yay NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to the great goddess Lakshmi, bringer of abundance
Mantra 7: Obstacle Remover
Sanskrit: Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM GUM GUN-uh-pah-TAH-yay NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to Ganesha, remover of obstacles
Mantra 8: Protector
Sanskrit: Om Dum Durgayei Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM DOOM DUR-gah-yay NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to Durga, the divine protector
Mantra 9: Lord Vishnu
Sanskrit: Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
Pronunciation: OHM NAH-mo BHAG-ah-vah-TAY VAH-soo-day-VAH-yah
English Translation: Salutations to Lord Vishnu, the sustainer of the universe
Mantra 10: Lord Rama
Sanskrit: Om Sri Ramaya Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM SREE RAH-mah-yah NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to Lord Rama
Mantra 11: Wisdom
Sanskrit: Om Aim Saraswatyai Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM AIM SAH-ras-WAH-tyai NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to Saraswati, goddess of wisdom and creativity
Mantra 12: Vishnu
Sanskrit: Om Namo Narayanaya
Pronunciation: OHM NAH-mo NAH-rah-YAH-nah-yah
English Translation: Salutations to Lord Narayana, an aspect of Vishnu
Mantra 13: Energy
Sanskrit: Om Krim Kalikayai Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM KREEM KAH-lee-KAH-yai NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to Kali, the divine transformative energy
Mantra 14: Healer
Sanskrit: Om Sri Dhanvantre Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM SREE DHUN-vahn-TREE NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to Dhanvantari, the celestial healer
Mantra 15: Liberation
Sanskrit: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Swaha
Pronunciation: OHM TAH-ray TOO-tah-ray TOO-ray SWAH-hah
English Translation: Salutations to Tara, the mother of liberation
Mantra 16: Transformation
Sanskrit: Om Hreem Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM HREEM NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to divine energy and transformation
Mantra 17: Protector
Sanskrit: Om Vajrapani Hum
Pronunciation: OHM VAHJ-rah-PAH-nee HOOM
English Translation: Salutations to Vajrapani, protector and remover of negativity
Mantra 18: Wisdom
Sanskrit: Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum
Pronunciation: OHM AH HOOM VAHJ-rah GOO-roo PAHD-mah SEED-hee HOOM
English Translation: Salutations to Guru Rinpoche, the embodiment of enlightened wisdom
Mantra 19: Ego
Sanskrit: Om Kreem Kalyai Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM KREEM KAH-lee-yai NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to Kali, destroyer of ego
Mantra 20: Knowledge
Sanskrit: Om Hreem Shreem Kleem Maha Saraswati Devyai Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM HREEM SHREEM KLEEM MAH-hah SAH-ras-WAH-tee DEV-yai NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to Saraswati, goddess of knowledge and learning
Mantra 21: Love
Sanskrit: Om Klim Krishnaya Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM KLEEM KRISH-nah-yah NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to Lord Krishna, the embodiment of divine love
Mantra 22: Righteousness
Sanskrit: Om Ram Ramaya Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM RAHM RAH-mah-yah NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to Lord Rama, the upholder of righteousness
Mantra 23: Shiva
Sanskrit: Om Hrim Namah Shivaya
Pronunciation: OHM HREEM NAH-mah SHEE-vah-yah
English Translation: Salutations to Shiva, the supreme consciousness
Mantra 24: Dattatreya
Sanskrit: Om Dum Dattatreya Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM DOOM DUT-tah-TRAY-yah NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to Dattatreya, the universal teacher
Mantra 25: Prosperity
Sanskrit: Om Hreem Mahalakshmiyai Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM HREEM MAH-hah-LUK-shmee-yai NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to Mahalakshmi, goddess of wealth and prosperity
Mantra 26: Love
Sanskrit: Om Aham Prema
Pronunciation: OHM AH-hahm PRAY-mah
English Translation: I am divine love
Mantra 27: Energy
Sanskrit: Om Hreem Suryaya Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM HREEM SOOR-yah-yah NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to the Sun, source of energy
Mantra 28: Obstacles
Sanskrit: Om Gan Ganapataye Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM GUN GUN-uh-pah-TAH-yay NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to Ganesha, remover of obstacles
Mantra 29: Wisdom
Sanskrit: Om Shrim Maha Saraswatyai Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM SHREEM MAH-hah SAH-ras-WAH-tyai NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to Saraswati, goddess of wisdom
Mantra 30: Chamuda
Sanskrit: Om Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundaye Viche Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM AIM HREEM KLEEM CHAH-moon-DAH-yay VEE-chay NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to Chamunda, the fierce aspect of the goddess
Mantra 31: Happy
Sanskrit: Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Pronunciation: OHM SAHR-vay BAH-vuhn-too SOO-kee-nah
English Translation: May all beings be happy
Mantra 32: Vasudeva
Sanskrit: Om Vasudevaya Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM VAH-soo-day-VAH-yah NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to Vasudeva, the sustainer of life
Mantra 33: Parvati
Sanskrit: Om Namah Parvati Pataye
Pronunciation: OHM NAH-mah PAHR-vah-tee PAH-tah-yay
English Translation: Salutations to Parvati and her consort
Mantra 34: Blessings
Sanskrit: Om Vashatkaraaya Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM VAH-shaht-KAR-ah-yah NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to the giver of blessings
Mantra 35: Energy
Sanskrit: Om Namo Adi Shaktiyae
Pronunciation: OHM NAH-mo AH-dee SHAHK-tee-yay
English Translation: Salutations to the primal energy
Mantra 36: Truth
Sanskrit: Om Tat Sat
Pronunciation: OHM TAHT SAHT
English Translation: That is the ultimate truth
Mantra 37: Energy
Sanskrit: Om Hreem Shreem Kleem Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM HREEM SHREEM KLEEM NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to divine feminine energy
Mantra 38: Chandi
Sanskrit: Om Namah Chandikayai
Pronunciation: OHM NAH-mah CHUN-dee-KAH-yay
English Translation: Salutations to Chandi, the fierce goddess
Mantra 39: Beings
Sanskrit: Om Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu
Pronunciation: OHM SAHR-vay-shahm SVAH-steer BAH-vah-too
English Translation: May all beings be well
Mantra 40: Knowledge
Sanskrit: Om Trayi Vidya Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM TRAH-yee VEED-yah NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to the three-fold knowledge
Mantra 41: Mother
Sanskrit: Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM SHREEM HREEM KLEEM NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to the divine mother
Mantra 42: Liberation
Sanskrit: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha
Pronunciation: OHM TAH-ray TOO-tah-ray TOO-ray SOH-hah
English Translation: Salutations to Tara, the liberator
Mantra 43: Heart
Sanskrit: Om Hridayaya Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM HREE-dah-YAH-yah NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to the divine heart
Mantra 44: Truth
Sanskrit: Om Asatoma Sadgamaya
Pronunciation: OHM AH-sah-toh-MAH SAHD-guh-MAH-yah
English Translation: Lead me from falsehood to truth
Mantra 45: Light
Sanskrit: Om Jyotirgamaya Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM JOY-teer-GAH-mah-yah NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Lead me to the light
Mantra 46: Realms
Sanskrit: Om Bhoor Bhuvah Swaha
Pronunciation: OHM BHOOR BHOO-vah SWAH-hah
English Translation: Salutations to the three realms
Mantra 47: Light
Sanskrit: Om Ram Ramaya Swaha
Pronunciation: OHM RAHM RAH-mah-yah SWAH-hah
English Translation: Salutations to the cosmic light
Mantra 48: Peace
Sanskrit: Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Pronunciation: OHM SHAHN-tee SHAHN-tee SHAHN-tee
English Translation: Peace, peace, peace
Mantra 49: Bliss
Sanskrit: Om Ananda Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM AH-nahn-DAH NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to bliss
Mantra 50: Completeness
Sanskrit: Om Purnam Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM POOR-nahm NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to completeness
Mantra 51: Bliss
Sanskrit: Om Anandamayi Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM AH-nahn-DAH-my-yay NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to the embodiment of bliss
Mantra 52: Goddess
Sanskrit: Om Mahadevyai Namaha
Pronunciation: OHM MAH-hah-DAYV-yai NAH-mah-hah
English Translation: Salutations to the great goddess
George’s Conclusion
Well, there you have it, my lovely fellow yoga teacher.
We’ve explored the wonderful world of mantras. Hopefully, if you haven’t taught mantras in your classes before, you’re now aware why they your student’s hips will soon feel lubricated, unchained and unstuck.
Oh yes, I almost forgot, click here for 10 beginner yoga lesson plans with peak poses which are ideal “themed” yoga lesson plans.
And click here for an article I wrote called: 1001 Yoga Class Planning Tips & Handouts For Yoga Teachers.
If you want to create yoga lesson plans quickly and easily, take a quick peek at my Online Yoga Lesson Planner.
Hey, while you’re here, you might as well get your hands on 37 free Yoga lesson plans.
37 Free Yoga Lesson Plans
Below are 37 free downloadable yoga lesson plans that I’ve created for my own yoga classes using the Online Yoga Lesson Planner. Feel free to use them for your own yoga classes, or as inspiration to come up with your own yoga class themes.
Become A Peaceful Warrior Yoga Lesson Plan
Caterpillar To Butterfly Yoga Lesson Plan
How Heavy Is This Glass Of Water Yoga Lesson Plan
Surrender To Slowness Yoga Lesson Plan
You Don’t Need Permission To Shine: Just Show Up, Shine & Be Yourself
Abiciously Delicious Core Yoga Lesson Plan
Chair Yoga For Seniors Lesson Plan
Sun Salutations Chair Yoga Lesson Plan
Sun Salutations A Yoga Lesson Plan
Sun Salutations B Yoga Lesson Plan
Sun Salutations C Yoga Lesson Plan
Camel Peak Pose Yoga Lesson Plan
Downward Facing Dog Pose Variations Lesson Plan
Plank Peak Pose Yoga Lesson Plan
Revolved Poses Yoga Lesson Plan
Twists-Themed Yoga Lesson Plan: 41 Twist Poses To Whip Your Student’s Cores Into Shape
Yoga Therapy: Arthritic Spine Yoga Lesson Plan
Yoga Therapy: Asthma Yoga Lesson Plan
Yoga Therapy: Hips Yoga Lesson Plan
Yoga Therapy: Opening Upper Back, Neck & Shoulders Yoga Lesson Plan
Yoga Therapy: Restorative Yoga Lesson Plan