Discover How To Teach Staff Pose With A Poet’s Heart This is just 1 of 1000+ yoga poses within the Drag & Drop Yoga Genie Lesson Planner. Knowing the symbolism behind an asana is a simple and easy way of turning a run-of-the-mill ordinary yoga class into an...
Using imagery words to describe yoga postures will make your classes a lot more enjoyable and interesting for your students. Below are 25 imagery phrases for a yoga class. Use them to engage and inspire your students. Balloon Chair Pose Image a large balloon under...
How To Teach Upward Facing Dog Pose Using Yoga Imagery & A Poet’s Heart Step 1 Teach Sanskrit Urdhva Mukha Svanasana ūrdhva = up mukha = face śvān = dog āsana = posture Step 2 Teach Dog imagery Here are some Upward Facing Dog symbolism you can bring up...