Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Standing |
Types: | Arm Balance, Balance, Chest Opener, Hip Opener, Standing, Strengthen, Stretch |
Anatomy: | Core, Hamstrings, Hips, Knees, Lower Back, Psoas |
Chakras: | Base, Sacral Centre, Solar Plexus Centre |
Therapy: | Confidence Building |
Drishti: | Tip Of Nose |
Dosha: | Kapha, Pitta |
Start in a lunge with right foot back. Keep right knee on mat. Left knee over ankle. Bring hands to sides of the front foot, under shoulders. Draw in navel. Tuck tailbone in. Raise heart toward the sky without taking hands off the ground. Hold.
Opens up calves, quads, hams, thighs & hips.
Move between bent and straight leg.
Knee injury. High blood pressure.
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- Cavendish 30 Apr 19
- Floor, Core and More 23 April 2019
- sunsalutation B
- Peak Pose - Trikonasana - copy
- laterals
- Peak - Bridge
- Restorative
- Surya Namaskar - Sivananda (Sun Salutation)
- Sivananda - Beginners Sequences
- Holy Yoga 9/18/17
- 6 Vinyasas
- Breath and Moon 24 July
- Home Practise
- Cool down - water flow
- asana and basic meditation
- Pura candra namaskara
- Holy Yoga 7/17/17
- 41, Zoom
- Elements - Earth
- Yoga for Cancer
- Sunningdale 16 August
- Full Moon Flow
- Balancing Sun & Moon #2
- Saturday Morning 9.30
- Jen Samyoga Eka Pada Rajakapotanasana Beginners
- Ask Genie3
- hips and lunges
- Beginners Back Bends - wk 2
- Laterals - beginners course wk3
- laterals class theme
- Full Moon Flow
- Daily Stretches - Day 2
- pigeon - yoga
- Laterals - beginners course wk3 - copy
- Full Moon Flow
- Peak Pose - Pigeon - copy
- Peak Pose - Janu Sirsasana
- Folds
- Ask Genie1
- Water Salutation
- Full Moon Flow
- gentle class
- Vanilla 24 Dec 2017
- 15 Minute Yoga: 136 Standing Poses
- Forward Folds
- Wk 3 - Hips
- Yoga for Cancer
- Peak Pose - Pigeon
- JM: Lunge Salutations - Beginner
- All over Body Poses
- Ask Genie2
- Valentines Day-Heart Chakra
- Valentines Day-Heart Chakra 2
- Valentines Day-Heart
- Evening Twists March 13 & 14
- Beginners to use
- Downward Facing Dog - Peak Pose
- Peak Pose - Plank - copy
- Standing - copy
- Beginners to use
- Peak Pose - Trikonasana
- Vanilla 21 March 2018
- Evening Twists April 3 & 4
- Peak - Bridge cyclists
- Marcus Post Ride Flows (Tight Hips Sequence)
- Warrior II Peak Pose
- Warrior II Peak Pose
- Breath 17 April 2018
- 'May Day' Lesson Plan
- Standing II
- Peak Pose - Plank
- Ask Genie1
- Peak Pose - Paschimottanasana
- Full Body Flow
- Ask Genie15
- Ask Genie1
- Side Body Session
- Water Element class
- Lower back love
- Hips & Spine
- Breath and Moon 21 August
- Samyoga Eka Pada Rajakapotanasana Beginners
- Full Body
- Patience Class Theme
- Connection Class plan
- Patience Class Theme
- Water Element class
- cold night
- Water Element class
- Floor, Core and More 16/17 October
- Rachel 1-2-1
- Ask Genie1
- Ahimsa Class Theme
- Laterals - beginners 121
- Laterals - beginners 121
- Brahmacharya - celibacy (non indulgence)
- Thursday Winter
- Wk 3 - Hips
- Beginners Back Bends - wk 2
- Thursday Winter Embrace