Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Standing |
Types: | Balance, Chest Opener, Forward Bend, Hip Opener, Inversion, Prone, Standing, Strengthen |
Anatomy: | Core, Hamstrings, Hips, Knees, Lower Back, Psoas |
Chakras: | Base, Sacral Centre, Solar Plexus Centre |
Therapy: | Confidence Building, Leg Congestion, Sciatica, Varicose Veins |
Drishti: | Tips Of Feet |
Dosha: | Kapha, Pitta |
From Mountain take a big step forward with right foot. Shift weight onto right leg. Raise arms overhead. Interlace fingers. Lift left leg. Gaze at a point on floor. Repeat on other side.
Strengthens legs, shoulders, back. Tones abdominals. Balance.
A) Arms out to sides. B) Arms back. C) Hands on blocks. D) Hands on wall. E) Hands on back of chair.
High blood pressure.
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- Three Little Pigs
- Ask Genie2
- Ask Genie3
- Week 43 2015 les-3
- Balance/transtions
- Week 48 2015 les - 8
- Sun & Moon Vinyasa Flow
- Ask Genie1
- Sunday Vinyasa - Asteya
- Balance Basics
- Yamas and Niyama - Saucha, Tapas, and Brahmacharya
- Mindful Transitions Yoga - Peak pose Side Crow
- Sunday Vinyasa - Asteya / Unfinished
- MedYoga: Beginners Postures
- Children's Spine 2
- 12 Days of Christmas
- Week 50 les - 10 - 2015
- Mindful Transitions Yoga - Peak pose Side Crow
- Sun & Moon Vinyasa Flow
- Looks interesting - Copy !!
- Natajarasana
- TTC Lesson 3 of 4.
- Private Session
- Blaze Ice Hockey
- Blackberry 2 of 6
- Intermediate1
- Fort Lee
- Sefira yoga Tiferet
- Alex one to one
- Blackberry 4 of 6
- YTT Hatha 2 Flow Class
- Sun & Moon Vinyasa Flow
- New Years Day-
- Jan 10th 2017
- Blackberry 5 of 6
- Intermediate1 - COPY
- TTC Lesson 4 of 4.
- Chakra 3 Dynamic
- Chakra 3
- TTC Lesson 3 of 4.
- TTC Lesson 4 of 4.
- Lower body focus
- The Yamas - Ahimsa
- Intermediate Balancing
- 50 - 60 minute intermediate B2
- Awakened/ 3rd Chakra -core/surya namaskar/twists
- Sun Salutations A,B,C: Moving meditation warrior series
- Ask Genie1
- 5th Chakra
- 6th Chakra
- Saturday Vinyasa - Asteya
- 2016 week 11
- 6th and 7th Chakra Dynamic
- Yoga Flow to energise - Eagle-Vira3-Pigeon -Holly copy
- Sunday Vinyasa - Asteya
- Chair with Balance Focus
- Warrior series knee to nose
- Flow Yoga to energise
- A & C / Fresh
- A & C / Fresh Sol
- March 2017
- Hatha Class 5
- Saturday Vinyasa - Asteya
- Intermediate1 - COPY
- Sunday Vinyasa - Asteya
- Warrior series knee to nose
- vinyassa
- Heart - STAYING IN THE FLOW - Copy !!
- week 31 2017
- Balancing Flow
- Yoga Flow to energise
- Sun & Moon Vinyasa Flow
- Beginner Movements
- Wrist Free Hands Free Yoga Flow Class
- Beauty
- Vinyasa Flow - AC, Vasistha -
- Sun & Moon Vinyasa Flow
- Energy
- Ask Genie2
- Yoga Flow to energise
- Michelle Kickass Lesson Plan
- Yoga Flow to energise - Eagle-Vira3-Pigeon - COPY
- Yoga Flow to energise
- Yoga Flow to energise 4/11
- Beginner Course
- Friday 4/22
- Sun & Moon Vinyasa Flow
- Oct 2016
- Oct 2016 Warrior
- Element Fire - manipura chakra - core work
- Sun & Moon Vinyasa Flow
- Element Fire - manipura chakra - core work
- Balance/transtions
- MYSORE Vinyasa Flow - Copy
- MYSORE Vinyasa Flow
- Energy
- Dealing with Disappointment
- one to one alignment
- The Eagle and the Pigeon