Help your students experience an even deeper Savasana with these helpful tips, from this 12-minute video.
Yoga Lesson Planning Tips Articles
How I Teach Cobra Pose Using Humour, Symbolism & Story
Discover how I teach Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) using humour, symbolism, and storytelling to make learning fun and engaging. Explore creative cues, playful analogies, and memorable techniques to help your students embody the strength and grace of a cobra on the mat!
How I Teach Locust Pose Using Humour, Symbolism & Story
Discover how I teach Locust Pose (Shalabhasana) using humour, symbolism, and storytelling to make learning fun and engaging.
How I Teach Bound Angle Pose | Includes 30 Modifications
How I teach Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana). Includes step-by-step video guide + 30 modifications (beginner, intermediate and advanced).
How I Teach Bow Pose Using Humour, Symbolism & Story
Discover how I teach Bow Pose (Dhanurasana) using humour, symbolism, and storytelling to make learning fun and engaging.
How I Teach Plough Pose (Halasana): Includes 30 Modifications
Discover how I teach Plough Pose (Halasana) with 30 powerful modifications to make it accessible for all students. This deeply rejuvenating pose stretches the lower back and hamstrings, improves spinal flexibility, and promotes relaxation—learn how to guide your students safely and effectively!
How I Teach Plough Pose Using Humour, Symbolism & Story
Discover how I teach Plough Pose (Halasana) using humour, symbolism, and storytelling to make learning fun and engaging.
How I Teach Headstand: Step-by-Step Guide & 30 Modifications
Discover how I teach Headstand (Sirsasana) with confidence using step-by-step instructions, key alignment cues, and 30 modifications.
How I Teach Eagle Pose Garudasana: The Right Brain Way
How I teach Eagle Pose (Garudasana) creatively using my right brain by George Watts, creator of the Online Yoga Lesson Planner.
How I Teach Cat Pose In My Yoga Classes
How To Teach Cat Pose (Marjaryasana)...
101 Ways To Teach Yoga With A Poet’s Heart: Guided Yoga Imagery
101 guided yoga imagery phrases to use in your yoga classes to paint a picture in your student’s minds.
How The 8 Limbs Of Yoga Transformed My Dull Yoga Classes
In this post, you’ll discover how I applied the 8 limbs of Yoga to transform my yoga classes (go from 5 to 25 students).
Free Yoga Practice Tracker: Printable Handout for Your Students
Discover my 5-step formula for turning a home yoga practice from a difficult discipline into a fun game that your students will love.
101 Yoga Asana Imagery Phrases: Teach Yoga With A Poet’s Heart
Teach yoga with a poet’s heart and bring asanas to life. Inspire your students with asana imagery.
My Top 3 Non-Marketing Tactics For Filling Up My Yoga Classes
In this post, you’ll discover the top three “non-marketing” tactics I use to fill up my yoga classes.
Smooth Flowing Yoga Sequence: My Really Simple Formula
My really simple formula for a smooth flowing yoga sequence. Your job as a yoga teacher is make sure each pose flows smoothly into the next.
Why I End My Yoga Classes with 10 Minutes Of Inversions
In this post, you’ll discover why I dedicate the last 10 minutes of my yoga classes asana practice to inversions.
How I End My Yoga Classes On Time Every Time: Simple Tactic
In this blog post, you’re going to discover how I end my yoga classes on time every time, with a super simple tactic.