Free Chair Yoga For Seniors Lesson Plan


This Chair Yoga For Seniors Lesson Plan was created using the Online Yoga Genie Lesson Planner. It’s a FREE chair yoga lesson plan. Hope you like it.

It is beneficial for anyone who sits on a chair for long periods, for people with mobility issues, for the elderly, and for people with disabilities.


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Short Plan

Chair Yoga For Seniors Lesson Plan (short plan)

Each yoga lesson plan you create within the Yoga Genie Lesson Planner comes with a short version of the lesson plan. The short version is perfect for taking into class with you. It’s short and sweet.

Long Plan

Chair Yoga For Seniors Lesson Plan (long plan)

Each yoga lesson plan you create within the Yoga Genie Lesson Planner comes with a long version of the lesson plan. The long version has everything you need to practice the lesson plan before getting to class. You can take it to class with you (but you may prefer to take the short version). The long version is a great handout to give to your students, especially your one-to-one students. It immediately shows your professionalism and increases your expertise in the eyes of your students.

Stream Plan

Chair Yoga For Seniors Lesson Plan (stream plan)

Each yoga lesson plan you create within the Yoga Genie Lesson Planner comes with a video stream version of the lesson plan. You’ll be able to provide the streams to students as a URL, so they can practice from home.


Chair Yoga For Seniors Lesson Plan Overview


All the chair yoga poses in this Yoga For Seniors Lesson Plan are gentle. They are ideal for anyone who sits on a chair for long periods, for people with mobility issues, for the elderly, and people with disabilities.

The poses include Chair Heart Centre Pose, Chair Upward Facing Dog Pose, Chair Arms Out Pose, Chair Side Bend Pose, Chair Eagle Pose, Chair Downward Facing Dog Pose, Chair Twist And Fold Pose, Chair Blast Offs Pose, Chair Lunge Pose, and Chair Abdominal Breath Exercise.


Benefits Of Chair Yoga For Seniors


1. Improved Strength

Elderly people will be better able to continue with hobbies and daily activities independently for many more years to come. If they are unlucky enough to suffer a fall or injury, a strong body will be able to withstand this better and sustain fewer injuries.

2. Improved Flexibility

Chair yoga can help those with mobility issues to undertake activities that they have perhaps been unable to do, such as reaching down to tie shoelaces or pick things up.

3. Improved proprioception

Proprioception is the skill of knowing where your body is in space and coordinating your movements accurately. This is particularly important for elderly people and can prevent falls and for people with disabilities or conditions such as MS.

4. Improved mental clarity

Chair yoga can lessen the impact of chronic illnesses and pain. For elderly people, it may also help them cope with feelings of isolation, if this is a problem. Being calmer and more relaxed inevitably leads to a greater feeling of happiness and well-being.

5. Opportunities to socialise

Joining chair yoga classes for those with mobility issues and the elderly will also give them a venue to socialise and make friends.

6. Improved pain management

Chair yoga includes breath work, which can help people not only with stress management but also with coping and managing pain. Through meditation and paying attention to your breath, you can help your body and mind cope with the pain of an illness or condition. 

Wait. There’s more…

If you like my free chair yoga lesson plan, you might like my Yoga Stick Figure Kit which includes 100+ chair yoga stick figures.


Click here to elevate your yoga teacher journey right here and now with my Yoga Stick Figure Kit. Get ready to immerse yourself in 2,511 premium-quality yoga stick figures crafted over many years to enhance your yoga teaching. You’ll also receive 100+ Chair Yoga Stick Figures.


Chair Yoga Stick Figures Men


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