Sit on front of chair. Feet grounded. Lift right leg across left. Fix gaze ahead. Lift arms to shoulder height. Take right arm across left. Bend elbows. Palms together. Repeat with left leg across right and left arm across right.
Sit on front of chair. Feet grounded. Lean forward. Push arms away from you (parallel to floor). Engage core. Raise heels so only toes touch the floor.
Sit on chair with legs apart. Bend forward. Let back round over. Lower torso towards thighs. Keep left hand on floor and twist to right while raising right arm to ceiling.
Sit on chair with legs apart. Bend forward. Let back round over. Lower torso towards thighs. Keep right hand on floor and twist to left while raising left arm to ceiling.
Sit on front of chair. Feet grounded. Lean forward. Push arms away from you (parallel to floor). Engage core. Raise toes up (heels remain on mat). Spread toes.
Sit on front of chair. Feet firmly grounded. Hands on thighs. Place both hands on belly. Feel hands rising on inhale. Imagine belly is a balloon that inflates on the inhale and deflates on the exhale.