Sage III
Sanskrit Name: | Marichyasana III |
Similar Pose Names: | Sage twist,Marichi 3,One Legged Seated Spinal Twist ,One Leg Seated Spinal Twist |
Category: | Seated & Floor |
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Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Seated & Floor |
Types: | Chest Opener, Hip Opener, Seated, Seated & Floor, Stretch, Twist |
Anatomy: | Arms & Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps, Core, Hamstrings, Hips, Lower Back, Middle Back, Neck, Upper Back, Wrists & Arms |
Chakras: | Base, Sacral Centre, Solar Plexus Centre |
Therapy: | Leg Congestion, Poor Posture |
Drishti: | Side |
Dosha: | Kapha, Pitta |
Sit with legs extended (Staff). Bend left knee. Place sole of left foot on floor, close to groin and against right leg. Exhale and rotate torso to left. Reach right arm outside of left thigh. Turn palm to face behind you. Twist further so right shoulder is outside of left knee. Bend right arm and bring hand behind back. Exhale and reach left arm behind you. Hold onto fingers, hands, or wrists. Exhale and twist further. Gaze toward toes or over left shoulder. Change sides.
Engages core. Stretches spine, shoulders and hips.
Clasp fingers behind back.
Back or spine injury. High blood pressure.
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