18 Yoga Lesson Planning Tips: That I Learned From Crafting 800+ Yoga Lesson Plans
Hi, I’m George Watts, a BWY yoga teacher in Wales, UK. After years of teaching yoga, I created an Online Yoga Lesson Planner that helps yoga teachers save time with their lesson planning.
In this post, I’ll be sharing 18 yoga lesson planning tips, that I learned from crafting 800+ yoga lesson plans over the past 15 years.
Yoga Lesson Planning Tip 1: Use Imagery To Release Your Inner Poet
There is nothing more destructive to your class than using boring, complicated words.
You could be the worlds most impressive Yoga teacher, and be able to do every pose under the sun, but if you don’t release your inner poet, your class numbers will always be low.
Teaching with a poet’s heart (using imagery) is easy, quick and fun.
Here are the steps…
Step 1: Poet’s Heart
Go to this post: how to teach yoga with a poet’s heart.
Step 2: Index Cards
Get 100 index cards on Amazon.
Step 3: Write Your First Card
The first imagery phrase on the how to teach with a poet’s heart post is “Backbends”.
On the front of the card write: “Backbends”.
On the back of the card write: “Feel each individual vertebrae of your spine saying goodbye and moving away from each other.”
Step 4: Repeat Step 3
Repeat step three for all the yoga imagery phrases.
Step 5: Practice
Look at the back of the card (e.g. “Feel each individual vertebrae of your spine saying goodbye and moving away from each other.”) and repeat it many times in your mind. Now look at the front of the card (Backbends) and see if you can remember the phrase.
Now do the same with the next card…and the next…and the next…and the next.
Before you know it, you’ll be teaching yoga with a poet’s heart.
Yoga Lesson Planning Tip 2: Don’t Reinvent Your Lesson Plan Every Week
Don’t reinvent your lesson plan every week!
I’m on my knees begging you.
Creating more than one lesson plan for a 6 or 10 week course is a lot of hard work for no extra gain. Create one lesson plan and use that for the six or 10 weeks that your course lasts.
If, however, you have an uncontrollable urge to make changes, just change one thing each week (e.g. a new relaxation for the end of the class).
If you change too much each week your students won’t get a chance to learn the new sequence. This will be subconsciously annoying to them, and for some reason they’ll find excuses not to come to your classes.
Here are 6 Hatha yoga plans that you can download for free (created using the Online Yoga Lesson Planner).
Yoga Lesson Planning Tip 3: Use One Of These 101 Yoga Class Plan Title Templates
The title of your yoga class is a really important part of the lesson planning process.
You’ve heard of the saying: Don’t judge a book by its cover.
Ignore that saying!
Here are 101 Tantalising Yoga Lesson Plan Title Templates to help unleash your class plan creativity.
Coming up with a tantalising title for your class will help weave a memorable theme into the class.
Yoga Lesson Planning Tip 4: Use One Theme Per 6 Week Course
Reread tip two if you have a sudden, inexplicable urge to create a new yoga class theme each week.
You back?
Now read this post: One Of The Best Yoga Class Themes Ever.
It’ll be a short and sweet case study on how to create memorable themes for your yoga classes.
Yoga Lesson Planning Tip 5: Use Yoga Teacher Networking To Become Less Solitary
Teaching yoga is a solitary pursuit.
Because of its solitary nature, a lot of newly minted yoga teachers, fresh from their yoga teacher training, question their teaching ability.
To lift the cloud of doubt, connect with your heart and let go of trying to be the mythical perfect yoga teacher.
I recommend you network with other yoga teachers throughout the year.
Go to yoga shows and events.
I go to the BWY Yoga Congress. In 2017 I gave two talks on yoga lesson planning and yoga marketing.
You could also go to yoga classes, and yoga workshops.
It may take a bit of effort, but chatting and mingling with other yoga teachers is a brilliant way to grow as a yoga teacher.
You can also network virtually with yoga teachers within the Online Yoga Lesson Planner by copying and editing their lesson plans. Copying and editing lesson plans is an amazing way of tapping into the brains of experienced yoga teachers.
Yoga Lesson Planning Tip 6: Use This One Question Quiz To Raise Yogic Awareness
Yoga Lesson Planning Tip 6: Use This One Question Quiz To Raise Yogic Awareness
This one question yoga quiz will instantly raise your students’ awareness of the benefits of yoga.
Follow these four steps:
Step 1: Circle
Gather everyone in a circle and say:
“What is yoga?”
Is it…
A) Exercise Program
B) Meditation Program
C) Healing Program
D) All of the above
Step 2: Listen
Listen to their responses.
Step 3: Share
Share your thoughts on what yoga “is” to you.
The answer is D. Yoga can be an exercise, meditation and healing program at once.
Exercise Program: At it’s simplest level yoga is an exercise program which, when practised regularly will increase strength and flexibility in the body.
Meditation Program: Because of the slow speed that positions are changed and the emphasis on static (Yin) exercise, many yoga classes put an emphasis on breathing and directing energy and thought to different parts of the body. This aspect of Yoga is where it most closely resembles a meditation program.
Healing Program: Yoga is a form of healing. It allows the increased flow of blood, which carries oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body, greatly accelerating the healing rate.
Step 4: Student Share
Ask students to share what they feel yoga “is” to them.
How has it helped their lives? This class share will help newbie students become even more aware of the myriad of life-enhancing benefits yoga has to offer.
Yoga Lesson Planning Tip 7: Use My Free Yoga Practice Tracker
The holy grail for all yoga teachers is for their students to do a daily yoga practice at home.
The sad reality, however, is that a Daily Yoga Practice Sighting is about as rare as a Big Foot Sighting (part ape and part human creature that is said to inhabit forests in the Pacific Northwest).
That is why I created this Yoga Practice Tracker.
It’s a free download.
Your students will love using it.
Yoga Lesson Planning Tip 8: Use Yoga Imagery To Teach Tree Pose With A Poet’s Heart
One of the best ways to spice up your classes is to imagine you’re a yoga teaching poet (see tip 1) and have the courage to paint vivid pictures with your words.
If you only learned one new yoga imagery phrase a month you’ll be astounded at the difference it will make to your students.
Here’s tree pose yoga imagery.
Yoga Lesson Planning Tip 9: Use One Of The Best Yoga Themes Ever
The great thing about this best yoga theme ever is that it can be used in any yoga class, in combination with any other theme.
The best yoga theme ever uses a simple prop, a glass of water, to teach your students one of the greatest gifts you can give another human being: how to put away the stress they have carried during the day.
Yoga Lesson Planning Tip 10: Use My “You Don’t Need Permission To Shine” Theme
The Sanskrit for Sun Salutation is Surya Namaskara, which in Sanskrit means: Salute To The Sun.
In the You Don’t Need Permission To Shine theme your students are going to discover that they don’t need permission to shine.
Your students will discover the biggest mistake they make is to think that they need someone’s approval to shine (feel good).
Your students will discover that radiating light and love for 90 minutes in a yoga class each week isn’t enough, and that it’s their right to shine constantly…just like the sun.
Yoga Lesson Planning Tip 11: Use My Free Yoga Class Handouts
I discovered very early on as a yoga teacher that my students loved it when I came to class bearing unexpected gifts (yoga class handouts).
Over the past several years I’ve created 250+ yoga class handouts for my students.
Click here to get dozens of my yoga class handouts.
Yoga Lesson Planning Tip 12: Use My 10 Ways To Teach Bridge Pose With A Poet’s Heart
When teaching Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana), say this to your students:
Imagine your shoulder blades having little magnets that attract each other as you extend your arms beneath your torso.
The “magnets” imagery brings a bit of magic to the pose, and makes it more memorable for your students.
Click here for 9 other ways to teach Bridge Pose with a poet’s heart.
Yoga Lesson Planning Tip 13: Watch My Animated Video On How To Teach Backbends
Click here for a short, animated video showing how to teach backbends with a poet’s heart.
Yoga Lesson Planning Tip 14: Watch My Animated Video On How To Teach Bow Pose
Click here for a short, animated video showing how to teach Bow Pose with a poet’s heart.
Yoga Lesson Planning Tip 15: Watch My Animated Video On How To Teach Mountain
Click here for a short, animated video showing how to teach Mountain Pose with a poet’s heart.
Yoga Lesson Planning Tip 16: Use To Teach Staff Pose With A Poet’s Heart
When teaching Staff Pose (Dandasana) with a poet’s heart, choose a symbolic meaning of the staff, and weave it into a yoga class theme.
For example if you choose leadership, talk about leadership while students are in staff pose.
You could say something like:
“Did you know that in most cultures the staff is an ancient symbol of leadership. While you’re in staff pose, consider what area of your life needs your leadership right now. Most people usually have at least one area of their life that needs attention (e.g. not giving yourself enough self-care).”
Yoga Lesson Planning Tip 17: Use My Iconic Yoga Stick Figures To Promote Your Classes
Create an eye catching A4, A5 or A6 yoga flyer with yoga stick figures to advertise your yoga classes.
My Yoga Teacher Business Kit comes with loads of yoga class flyer templates (with yoga stick figures) in A4, A5 and A6 sizes. All you need to do is download one of the templates.
Yoga Lesson Planning Tip 18: Use My Yoga Stick Figures To Create Class Handouts
You can create eye catching yoga class handouts by using the huge collection of yoga stick figures in my Yoga Stick Figure Kit.
George’s Conclusion
I hope you enjoyed these 18 yoga lesson planning tips.
If you’re a yoga teacher, and like the idea of saving time when creating yoga lesson plans, take a look at my Online Yoga Lesson Planner. It just might become the best tool you ever get.
Here are a few more yoga lesson planning tips:
- 101 Yoga Lesson Planning Ideas
- 101 Ways To Teach Yoga With A Poet’s Heart
- 101 Tantalising Yoga Lesson Plan Title Templates
- The Spiritual Meaning Of Yoga Poses: Asana Symbolism
- 101 Guided Yoga Imagery Phrases For Yoga Teachers
- 101 Perfect Quotes For A Quote Themed Yoga Class
And if you like the idea of using yoga card decks as teaching aids…
As a Yoga teacher, I’m always looking for fun, easy-to-use teaching aids to make your classes engaging, informative, and effective.
That’s why I create yoga card decks.
Each deck has been painstakingly crafted to serve as a quick-reference guide, teaching aid, or lesson-planning tool, designed with Yoga teachers, and serious students, in mind.
Chakra Chair Yoga Card Deck: 52 Cards For Mind-Body Unity
The Chakra Chair Yoga Card Deck is a transformative tool designed for yogis of all levels, especially those seeking a gentle, accessible practice. This beautifully illustrated 52-card deck combines the wisdom of the chakra system with the ease of chair yoga, offering a unique way to balance your energy centres while staying grounded and supported.
Chakra Chair Yoga Expansion Card Deck: 52 More Cards For Mind-Body Unity
The Chakra Chair Yoga Card Deck was so popular that I created the Chakra Chair Yoga Expansion Deck with another 52 chair yoga exercises.
Blissful Breathing Card Deck: Your Guide To Mastering Pranayama
The Blissful Breathing Card Deck is your go-to resource for mastering the art of pranayama (yogic breathing). With 41 beautifully designed cards, this Blissful Breathing Card Deck guides you through a wide variety of breathing techniques to enhance relaxation, focus, and vitality.
Face Yoga Card Deck: 50 Cards For Youthful Radiance
The Face Yoga Card Deck is a fun and effective way to tone, relax, and rejuvenate your facial muscles. This 50-card deck features simple, step-by-step exercises designed to improve circulation, boost skin elasticity, and promote a radiant, youthful glow.
101 Mini Yoga Cards: With 101 Asana Sanskrit Pronunciations
The 101 Mini Yoga Cards are a compact and versatile resource for yoga teachers and practitioners alike. Each card features an illustrated yoga pose, its English and Sanskrit names, and how to pronounce the Sanskrit name. This makes it easy to plan classes, create sequences, or inspire personal practice while deepening your connection to yoga’s roots.
Zen Of Blissful Boredom Card Deck: 52 Ways To Cultivate Calm
The Zen Of Blissful Boredom Card Deck offers a lighthearted yet profound approach to finding peace in the mundane. Featuring 52 cards filled with simple, humorous, and mindful activities, this deck encourages you to embrace boredom as a gateway to inner calm and creativity.