Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Standing |
Types: | Chest Opener, Hip Opener, Side Bend, Standing, Strengthen, Stretch, Twist |
Anatomy: | Arms & Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps, Core, Hamstrings, Hips, Knees, Lower Back, Middle Back, Neck, Psoas |
Chakras: | Base, Sacral Centre, Solar Plexus Centre |
Therapy: | Arthritis, Back Pain, Constipation, Depression, Diabetes, Fatigue, Herniated Disc, Indigestion, Poor Posture, Stress |
Drishti: | Up |
Dosha: | Kapha, Pitta |
Stand in a lunge (left leg in front and right knee raised off floor). Place right hand on mat directly under shoulder. Inhale, raise left arm (feel right ribs moving towards inner left thigh). Back knee on mat. Chest open. Gaze up. Switch legs.
Spine strengthened & opened. Hip opener. Strengthen legs. Improves balance. Calms nervous system.
Headache. High or low blood pressure.
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- Cavendish 30 Apr 19
- sunsalutation B
- Breath and Moon 24 July
- Cool down - water flow
- Standing - copy
- Warrior II Peak Pose
- Warrior II Peak Pose
- charity yoga: spring 3 (twists)
- Twist Themed Yoga
- 'May Day' Lesson Plan
- Standing II
- Bound Forward Fold
- Evening Twists May 22 & 23 2018
- Evening Twists May 23 2018
- charity yoga: spring 3 (twists)
- Ask Genie1
- Saturday Sunrise Twist Class Two
- Evening Twists & Self Study 31 July 2018
- very gentle class
- Water Element class
- Twist Themed Yoga
- Breath and Moon 21 August
- Transitions class plan
- Gratitude Class
- Autumn freshness - Lyn
- Autumn freshness - Lyn
- Water Element class
- Water Element class
- Autumn flow
- Moon Oct 23/4 18
- Couples program - Autumn flow
- Laterals - beginners 121
- Beginners Twists 121
- Laterals - beginners 121
- Asteya - non stealing
- very gentle class tuesday
- Saucha - purity
- 9th and 10th April 2019
- Heart opening slow down class
- Heart opening and breath
- New Intentions class plan
- Hip opening vinyasa (opening up)
- very gentle class beginners tuesday
- Leaving behind what no longer serves you
- Breath and Moon 22 January 2019
- Ask Genie1
- Backs 29 & 30 Jan
- Stillness in motion
- Stillness in motion
- Thursday night Strength and Length
- Valentines hip & heart opening
- Spring Renewal Class _ copy
- Muladhara Chakra (1st)
- Svadhishthana - Sacral Chakra (2nd)
- Ajna Chakra (3rd eye) vinyasa sequence
- Harmony & Intuition Class plan
- Spring Renewal Class
- Crown Chakra Vinyasa class
- Intuition class sequence
- Jump start your metabolism!
- Intuition class sequence
- Spring Awakening
- Beginner class final week
- Spring Detox
- Heart opening and breath
- Cavendish 7 May 19
- Creating Space - Vinyasa
- Cavendish 14 May 19
- May Moon - Flower/Milk/Corn Planting
- Cavendish 21 May 19
- Standing
- Back at it2
- Sun Salutation breakdown
- Cavendish 4 June 19
- Earth Element practice
- Earth Element flow. week1
- Water Element practice
- Patience Vinyasa Class
- Autumn Vata class - grounding
- standing
- Yoga Care Hip Opening Sequence
- gentle slow flowing class
- Lets twist again!
- Cool down - water flow
- Earth element anatomical - Peak Natarajasana
- 9th and 10th April 2019
- gentle slow flowing class
- Manipura & Core 2
- gentle slow flowing class
- gentle slow flowing class
- 2019 wk 37
- Chair - Utkatasana focus
- Get centred - grounding vinyasa
- Get centred & grounded class
- Grounding and Centering
- Autumn balancing vinyasa
- Autumn balancing vinyasa
- Autumn composting vinyasa (twists & core!)
- Getting Started - twists
- Autumn Vata class - grounding