Image | Pose | Description |
Savasana | Lie on back with legs and arms apart. Feet to side, palms up. Release lower back to floor. Close eyes. Abdomen rises on inhale and falls on exhale. Feel heavy with each exhalation. Alternatives: Crocodile. Child. Benefits: Tune into body. Calm. Tranquil. Inner Peace. Clarity. Video: Modifications: Knees bent. Blanket under knees. Blanket under head. Supine star (legs & arms spread out). | |
Supine Arms Overhead | Lie on back. Palms down. Raise arms until they touch floor behind. Alternatives: Crocodile. Child. Benefits: Flexibility in spine, shoulders. Video: Modifications: Knees bent. Blanket under knees and/or head. | |
Reclined Leg Lift | 1. Lying in a Supine Position, with lower back released into floor, chin gently tucked, legs out straight, arms by sides - flex and extend ankles - in time with breath.
2. Bend knees and place flexed feet on floor - Slowly raise left leg to ceiling (keep foot flexed). Do same on right leg. Repeat.
3. Straighten both legs. Inhale - Raise straight left leg towards ceiling - with flexed foot. Exhale - release leg back to the floor - repeat to right leg. Continue - in time with breath. keep tail bone rolling upwards and sacrum engaged with floor. Chin tucked in.
Keep extended leg engaged. Benefits: Strengthens legs and core muscles. Video: Modifications: Blanket under head. | |
Dead Bug | Lie on back. Engage core. Bend hip and knees at 90 degrees. Raise arms until fingertips point to ceiling. Raise legs until soles of feet point to ceiling. Shake legs and arms (or hold onto left foot with left hand and right foot with right hand). Benefits: Works lower back, pelvis, core and shoulders. Video: Modifications: Dead bug with arms up (or behind). Hold weights in each hand. Precautions : Back injury. | |
Knees To Chest | Lie on back. Legs and arms extended. Both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release. Benefits: Massages spin. Lower back stretch. Good for posture. Relieves tired legs. Strengthens back. Firms abdominals. Strengthens legs and hips. Cures joint pains. Improves blood circulation in legs. Video: Modifications: Knee to chest. | |
Dead Bug Swimming | Lie on back with knees bent. Engage core. Raise feet until soles of feet point at ceiling. Raise arms until fingers point at ceiling. Lower left arm behind you and extend right leg, bringing as close to floor as possible without arching back. Draw left knee to chest. Hold without arching back. Relax head, neck and shoulders. Return to start. Switch sides. Benefits: Works lower back, pelvis, core and shoulders. Video: Modifications: Dead bug with arms up (or behind). Hold weights in each hand. Precautions : Back injury. | |
Revolved Abdomen Twist | Lie on back. Arms stretched out at shoulder height. Palms down. Bend knees. Feet flat on floor. Swing hips to left. Pull knees toward chest. Drop knees to floor on right side. Inhale. Lengthen spine. Lower shoulders to floor. Repeat on right. Benefits: Flexible spine. Digestion. Circulation. Video: Modifications: Keep legs straight. Cross legs. Hands behind head. | |
Bridge | Lying extended on the floor - Bend knees. Set feet on floor close to sitting bones. Press inner feet and arms into floor. Inhale - Roll up from tailbone, hips, back. Engage buttock but don't tense. Arms by sides or clasp hands below pelvis. Benefits: Chest, neck, spine stretch. Reduces backache. Video: Modifications: Blanket under shoulders. Leg up. Use block. Precautions : Knee or neck injury. | |
Knee To Chest | Lie on back with knees bent. Arms at sides. Palms down. Bend right knee to chest. Wrap hands around knee. Pull knee into abdomen. Release. Repeat on other side. Benefits: Flexes calves and hamstrings. Video: Modifications: A) Circling the knee. B) Forehead to the knee. Precautions : Back injury. | |
Eye Of The Needle | Lie on back with knees bent. Soles of feet on floor. Hug left knee into chest. Cross left ankle over body and rest it on right thigh. Let left knee relax away from torso. Lift right foot off floor and thread left hand through legs so hands meet on back side of right thigh. (or clasp hands on front side of right shin). Using hands, draw right thigh toward chest (cause left hip to open). Keep both feet flexed. Relax left knee to open hips. Repeat on other side. Alternatives: Circling. Rocking. Knee To Chest. Benefits: Flexes calves, hams (tight from sitting). Video: Modifications: Lift forehead to meet knee. Chair pigeon. Half reverse pigeon (raise one leg only). Precautions : Back or knee injury. | |
Bridge Ankle On Knee | Lie supine. Bend knees. Set feet on floor. Heels close to sitting bones. Press inner feet and arms into floor. Push tailbone up. Lift buttocks. Raise right leg and place ankle on left knee. Lower. Repeat on other side. Alternatives: Baby bridge (raise shoulder just at a comfortable position). Benefits: Chest, neck, spine stretch. Reduces backache. Video: Modifications: Bridge with blanket under shoulders. Bridge with leg up. Clasp hands around ankles. Block below shoulders. Block (or bolster) below lower back. Feet close to wall to prevent slipping. Precautions : Knee or neck injury. | |
Knee To Chest | Lie on back with legs together, arms at sides, palms down. Bend right knee to chest. Wrap hands around knee. Pull knee into abdomen. Release. Repeat on other side. Benefits: Flexes calves, hams (tight from sitting). Video: Modifications: Circling. Rocking. Forehead to knee. Precautions : Back injury. | |
Bridge Leg Up | Lie supine. Bend knees. Set feet on floor. Heels close to sitting bones. Press inner feet and arms into floor. Push tailbone up. Lift buttocks. Place hands under hips. Raise left leg. Hold. Lower left leg. Repeat with right leg. Release hands. Lower slowly to mat. Alternatives: Bridge. Benefits: Chest, neck, spine stretch. Reduces backache. Video: Modifications: A) Bridge with blanket under shoulders. B) Block below shoulders. C) Block (or bolster) below lower back. D) Feet close to wall to prevent slipping. Precautions : Knee or neck injury. | |
Knees To Chest | Lie on back. Legs and arms extended. Both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release. Benefits: Massages spin. Lower back stretch. Good for posture. Relieves tired legs. Strengthens back. Firms abdominals. Strengthens legs and hips. Cures joint pains. Improves blood circulation in legs. Video: Modifications: Knee to chest. | |
Knees To Head | Lie on back. Extend arms beside body, palms facing down. Bend knees. Bring knees to chest. Hold legs slightly below knees. Press knees into upper chest. Raise head, shoulders and upper chest to knees. Hold. Benefits: Reduces abdominal bloating and backache. Video: Modifications: Knee to chest. | |
Lying Twist | Lie on back. Raise right leg up and roll it over to left side (foot touches floor). Spread legs wide. Put left hand on right thigh for leverage. Twist head to right. Switch sides. Benefits: Releases lower back. Opens tight shoulders. Improves digestion. Quiet Mind. Eases sciatic pain. Video: | |
End Of Sequence | ||
Extended Child | On all fours. Wrists below shoulders. Knees under hips. Use hands to walk forward and lower chest to floor. Drop buttocks until they reach halfway to feet. Arms straight. Forehead touches floor. Push hips back and stretch spine. Benefits: Stretches arms, shoulders, spine, hips. Video: Modifications: A) Interlock fingers behind back. B) Knees together (instead of separated). C) Curl toes under (instead of flat). D) Place a rolled towel under shins. E) Place a yoga blanket underneath knees. F) Place a bolster or pillow under belly or chest. G) Spread knees wider. Precautions : Knee injury. | |
Extended Child Twist | Kneel on all fours. Place hands in line with shoulders. Fingers pointed forwards. Knees below hips. Feet hip-width apart. Sit on heels, stretch arms to the right side, keeping palms on the floor. Raise buttocks. Slide the body forward while keeping forward close to the mat. Bend elbows and raise upper body. Lift up. Straighten elbows & back. Return to start position. Repeat with arms stretched out to the left side. Benefits: Gentle stretch for core, spine, hips, thighs and ankles. Video: Modifications: A) Extended Child Pose with no twist. B) Thread The Needle Pose (slide right arm underneath left arm with palm facing up, and vice versa). | |
Table Top | Come onto hands and knees. Bring knees hip-width apart. Palms directly under shoulders. Fingers facing forward. Gaze down. Flat back. Press into palms to drop shoulders away from ears. Press tail bone towards back wall and crown of head towards front wall. Benefits: Transition for many floor postures. Lengthens spine. Video: Modifications: A) Make fists with hands (reduce pressure on wrists). B) Raise an arm. C) Raise one arm and the opposite leg. D) Folded towel or a wedge under the heels of your hands. E) Folded blanket or a yoga mat under your knees. F) Cat-Cow pose. Precautions : Wrist, knee or neck pain. | |
Cat Cow | From table top. Exhale, round shoulders, spine, tuck tailbone under, pull navel into small of back, release head down - arching spine up like a cat. Inhale, draw sitting bones up towards ceiling, sink and stretch abdomen, lift chest forward, long neck, lift head. Repeat. Benefits: Stretches lower back. Engage care. Decompress spine. Video: Modifications: Knee to chest. Raise leg or arm. Precautions : Neck injury. | |
Cat Head To Knee | Sit with buttocks on heels. Come onto all fours. Wrists under shoulders. Engage core. Bring forehead to right knee. Bring forehead to left knee. Modifications include: Cat pose with leg raised. Cat pose with arm raised. Cat pose with rib cage circles. Cat pose with feet to the side. Benefits: Stretches lower back. Engage care. Decompress spine. Video: Modifications: Raise leg or arm. Precautions : Neck injury. | |
Cow Arm Leg Raises | Start on hands and knees. Knees set directly below hips and wrists. Centre head in a neutral position. Eyes looking at floor. Raise right arm and left leg. Hold. Raise left leg arm and right leg. Alternatives: A) Cow pose. B) Raise arm. C) Raise leg. Benefits: Stretches torso and neck. Massages spine, and core. Video: Modifications: Raise arm and leg to side. Precautions : Neck or wrist injury. | |
Child | Sit on heels. Exhale, lower torso onto thighs releasing neck and head until forehead touches floor. Arms alongside legs. Keep buttocks in contact with heels. Benefits: Stretches hips, thighs, ankles. Relieves back pain. Video: Modifications: Interlock fingers behind back. Have a block under the forehead. Precautions : Pregnancy. Knee injury. | |
End Of Sequence | ||
Shake out | wrist shake, hand clenching, wrist bending, wrist joint rotation, arm shake, leg shake, Shake ankles, rotate ankles Benefits: Warms body (reduces risk of injury). | |
Mountain | Feet hip width apart. Tuck chin in. knees soft . Engage front of thighs, tuck tail bone. Shoulders back and down.Engage core, neck long. Alternatives: Samashthiti (feet together). Benefits: Improves posture. Strengthens legs. Engages core. Video: Modifications: Hands in prayer behind back. Eyes closed. Precautions : Pregnant. | |
Shoulder Rotations | Relax shoulders. Inhale and rotate shoulders up towards ears (keep neck and head relaxed). Exhale and rotate shoulders back and down. Try to squeeze shoulder blades together. Change direction. Feel shoulders becoming unglued. Alternatives: Samashthiti (feet together). Benefits: Improves posture. Video: Modifications: Eyes closed. | |
Triangle | Start in Mountain. Left leg back at right angle to right foot. Right foot in line with middle of left foot. Hips facing front. Right thigh facing front. Lift arms to shoulder height. Drop shoulder blades. Extend through arms. Extend over right leg. Bring right hand to ground. Extend left arm up. Look up. Repeat on other side. Benefits: Heart opener. Soothes sciatic nerve. Strengthens legs. Video: Modifications: A) Half triangle (hand on thigh instead of mat). B) Hand on block. C) Hand on chair. D) Bring raised arm over the ear parallel to floor. E) Lower hand grasps big toe with middle and index fingers. F) Wrap eft arm behind back and take hold of inner right thigh with left hand. G) Hover hand just above the mat. H) Look at mat instead of ceiling. | |
Standing Forward Bend | Bend knees slightly. Fold forward from waste. Hold onto back of feet, shins or legs. Release head down. Back of neck soft. Alternatives: Tabletop. Gorilla. Benefits: Stretch back, hams. Improves posture. Video: Modifications: Bent knees. Loop fingers around big toes. | |
Low Lunge | Start in Downward Facing Dog. Step right foot forward, between hands. Lower left knee to floor, sliding foot back until you feel a nice stretch in left hip and thigh. Keep hips low and level with each other. Place hands on thigh (or lift chest away from thigh, sweeping arms up alongside ears).Look straight ahead. Lower hands and step back to Downward Facing Dog. Benefits: Stretches legs, groin, and hip flexors. Strengthens thighs and buttocks. Video: Modifications: A) Move between forward leg being bent and straight. B) Lower back knee to the mat. C) Face a wall (press big toe of front foot against a wall and bring fingertips to the wall). D) Low lunge twist (bend back knee and reach for foot or ankle with opposite hand). E) Side lunge. Precautions : Knee injury. | |
Down Dog | Lift buttocks upwards and backwards. Lengthen spine. Press down through heels. Spread fingers - rotate shoulders externally, armpits towards Center. Tuck chin in. Look at feet. Release jaw. Alternatives: Dolphin. Benefits: Stretches spine, hams, shoulders. Calms nervous system. Video: Modifications: Use wall. Head on block. Leg up. Arm up. Wide stance. Precautions : Pregnant. HBP. Headache. | |
Low Lunge | Start in Downward Facing Dog. Step right foot forward, between hands. Lower left knee to floor, sliding foot back until you feel a nice stretch in left hip and thigh. Keep hips low and level with each other. Place hands on thigh (or lift chest away from thigh, sweeping arms up alongside ears).Look straight ahead. Lower hands and step back to Downward Facing Dog. Benefits: Stretches legs, groin, and hip flexors. Strengthens thighs and buttocks. Video: Modifications: A) Move between forward leg being bent and straight. B) Lower back knee to the mat. C) Face a wall (press big toe of front foot against a wall and bring fingertips to the wall). D) Low lunge twist (bend back knee and reach for foot or ankle with opposite hand). E) Side lunge. Precautions : Knee injury. | |
Downward Facing Dog Leg Up | From Downward Facing Dog try as many variations as you can: Lift left leg. Lift right leg. Lift left hand. Lift right hand. Lift left leg and right hand. Lift right leg and left hand. Wag your doggie tail. Widen stance. Come up onto toes. Bend knees. Alternatives: Dolphin. Benefits: Fun. Video: Modifications: A) Use wall. B) Head on block. C) Leg up. D) Arm up. E) Wide stance. Precautions : Pregnant. | |
Standing Forward Bend | Bend knees slightly. Fold forward from waste. Hold onto back of feet, shins or legs. Release head down. Back of neck soft. Alternatives: Tabletop. Gorilla. Benefits: Stretch back, hams. Improves posture. Video: Modifications: Bent knees. Loop fingers around big toes. | |
Mountain | Feet hip width apart. Tuck chin in. Legs slightly bent . Engage front of thighs, tuck tail bone. Shoulders back and down. Alternatives: Samashthiti (feet together). Benefits: Improves posture. Strengthens legs. Engages core. Video: Modifications: Hands in prayer behind back. Eyes closed. Precautions : Pregnant. | |
Plank | Drop to hands and knees. Knees under hips. Hands under shoulders. Roll shoulders back and down. Finger tips point forward. Don't splay elbows. Lift up in your middle as you step one foot straight back and then the other. Keep legs engaged in supporting the plank position. Hold. Alternatives: Dolphin. Benefits: Strengthens arms, wrists, spine. Tones abs. Video: Modifications: Knees on floor. Precautions : Carpal tunnel syndrome | |
Cobra | Lie face down. Feet together. Toes pointing behind. Hands flat on the floor by the rib cage. Lift chest. Gaze forward. Alternatives: Sphinx. Crocodile. Benefits: Supple spine. Strengthen palms, wrists, toes. Video: Modifications: A) Cobra with a folded blanket under hips. B) Cobra with one leg raised. C) Cobra with two legs raised. D) Cobra with one arm raised in front. E) Cobra with two arms raised in front. F) Cobra with one arm raised to the side. G) Cobra with two arms raised to the side. H) Cobra on elbows. I) Cobra with both hands behind the head. J) Revolved cobra. K) Striking cobra (extended child to cobra). L) Chair cobra (seated backbend). M) Baby cobra (don’t lift chest all the way up). Precautions : Pregnancy. CTS. Back injury. | |
Down Dog | Start in Mountain. Forward bend. Step feet back one at time. Lift buttocks. Lengthen spine. Press down through heels. Rotate shoulders externally - roll armpits to face inwards. Tuck chin in. Look at feet. Release jaw. Alternatives: Dolphin. Benefits: Stretches spine, hams, shoulders. Calms nervous system. Video: Modifications: Use wall. Head on block. Leg up. Arm up. Wide stance. Precautions : Pregnant. HBP. Headache. | |
Standing Forward Bend | Bend knees slightly. Fold forward from waste. Hold onto back of feet, shins or legs. Release head down. Back of neck soft. Alternatives: Tabletop. Gorilla. Benefits: Stretch back, hams. Improves posture. Video: Modifications: Bent knees. Loop fingers around big toes. | |
Cat Cow | From table top. Exhale, round shoulders, spine, tuck tailbone under, pull navel into small of back, release head down - arching spine up like a cat. Inhale, draw sitting bones up towards ceiling, sink and stretch abdomen, lift chest forward, long neck, lift head. Repeat. Benefits: Stretches lower back. Engage care. Decompress spine. Video: Modifications: Knee to chest. Raise leg or arm. Precautions : Neck injury. | |
Extended Child | On all fours. Wrists below shoulders. Knees under hips. Use hands to walk forward and lower chest to floor. Drop buttocks until they reach halfway to feet. Arms straight. Forehead touches floor. Push hips back and stretch spine. Benefits: Stretches arms, shoulders, spine, hips. Video: Modifications: A) Interlock fingers behind back. B) Knees together (instead of separated). C) Curl toes under (instead of flat). D) Place a rolled towel under shins. E) Place a yoga blanket underneath knees. F) Place a bolster or pillow under belly or chest. G) Spread knees wider. Precautions : Knee injury. | |
End Of Sequence | ||
Mountain | Feet hip width apart. Tuck chin in. Legs slightly bent . Engage front of thighs, tuck tail bone. Shoulders back and down. Alternatives: Samashthiti (feet together). Benefits: Improves posture. Strengthens legs. Engages core. Video: Modifications: Hands in prayer behind back. Eyes closed. Precautions : Pregnant. | |
Warrior I | From Triange stance - turn to face top of mat with front foot facing forward - back foot at right angle - adjust feet for stability - {train tracks}. Press into outside edge of back foot. Bend forward knee (stop above ankle). Body weight centred. Arms overhead. Switch sides. Alternatives: Warrior II, III Benefits: Stretches chest, shoulders, abs. Strengthens arms. Video: Modifications: Back heel on folded blanket. Precautions : HBP. Shoulder injury. | |
Warrior II | Start in Mountain. Step feet wide apart. Raise arms parallel to floor. Palms down. Turn right foot in to right. Left foot at 90 degrees. Align left heel with right heel. Bend left knee over left ankle. Stretch arms parallel to floor. Turn head to look over fingers. Repeat on other side. Alternatives: Warrior I, III Benefits: Stretches groin, chest, shoulders, and abdominals. Relieves backache. Video: Modifications: A) High lunge with arms overhead. B) High lunge with backbend. C) High lunge with arms forward. D) High lunge with blocks under hands. E) High lunge with hands on hips. F) Block under back foot. G) Raise back heel on a folded blanket. Precautions : High blood pressure. Shoulder injury. | |
Wide Leg Forward Bend | Start in Mountain. Widen legs. Hands on hips. Fold forward from hips into Forward Bend. Release torso down on exhale. Hands to floor. Walk feet wider apart. Release head. Lengthen legs on inhale. Release torso on exhale. To release bring hands to hips and lift up. Benefits: Strengthens and stretches legs, spine. Tones abs. Video: Modifications: Raise hands on block. Precautions : Low back injury. | |
Warrior III | From Mountain take a big step forward with right foot. Shift weight onto right leg. Raise arms overhead. Interlace fingers. Lift left leg. Gaze at a point on floor. Repeat on other side. Alternatives: Warrior I & II Benefits: Strengthens legs, shoulders, back. Tones abdominals. Balance. Video: Modifications: A) Arms out to sides. B) Arms back. C) Hands on blocks. D) Hands on wall. E) Hands on back of chair. Precautions : High blood pressure. | |
Standing Forward Bend | Bend knees slightly. Fold forward from waste. Hold onto back of feet, shins or legs. Release head down. Back of neck soft. Alternatives: Tabletop. Gorilla. Benefits: Stretch back, hams. Improves posture. Video: Modifications: Bent knees. Loop fingers around big toes. | |
Squat | Stand upright with back straight. Feet shoulder width apart. Feet at 45 degrees. Bend knees. Squat as if you are about to sit on an invisible chair. Alternatives: Horse pose. Benefits: Hip opener. Strengthens thighs, buttocks, hamstrings. Video: Modifications: A) Sit on the front edge of a chair. B) Folded blanket under heels. C) Lift all ten toes up. D) Bring arms to tops of legs and reach outward. E) Sit back against a wall like you are in a chair. F) Add a twist. G) Sit on a block. H) Roll a blanket and place it in the crease of both knees. Precautions : Knee injury. | |
End Of Sequence | ||
Blue Forcefield Meditation | Sit with legs crossed. Close eyes. In your mind's eye imagine you are enveloped in blue light. It's your force field that keeps out all negative energy. Feel your shoulders lowering and your breath slowing down as you feel secure in the knowledge that your force field is protecting you. Alternatives: Hero. Perfect. Lotus. Benefits: Prevent energy from leaking. Video: Modifications: Folded blanket under buttocks. | |
Knees To Chest | Lie on back. Legs and arms extended. Both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release. Benefits: Massages spin. Lower back stretch. Good for posture. Relieves tired legs. Strengthens back. Firms abdominals. Strengthens legs and hips. Cures joint pains. Improves blood circulation in legs. Video: Modifications: Knee to chest. | |
Savasana | Lie on back with legs and arms apart. Feet to side, palms up. Release lower back to floor. Close eyes. Abdomen rises on inhale and falls on exhale. Feel heavy with each exhalation. Alternatives: Crocodile. Child. Benefits: Tune into body. Calm. Tranquil. Inner Peace. Clarity. Video: Modifications: Knees bent. Blanket under knees. Blanket under head. Supine star (legs & arms spread out). |
Yoga has both preventative and therapeutic benefits. It has been shown to offer both physical and mental benefits to the body and the mind.
The many physical benefits of hatha yoga are: it improves flexibility and muscle joint mobility; strengthens, tones, and builds muscles; corrects posture; strengthens the spine; eases back pain; improves muscular-skeletal conditions such as bad knees, tight shoulders and neck, swayback and scoliosis; increases stamina; creates balance and grace; stimulates the glands of the endocrine system; improves digestion and elimination; increases circulation; improves heart conditions; improves breathing disorders; boosts immune response; decreases cholesterol and blood sugar levels and encourages weight loss.
The mental benefits include: it increases body awareness; relieves chronic stress patterns in the body; refreshes the body by relieving muscle strain; relaxes the mind and body; centres attention; sharpens concentration, and frees the spirit.
Western doctors and scientists are discovering additional health benefits of hatha yoga. Studies have shown that it can relieve the symptoms of several common and potentially life-threatening illnesses; such as arthritis, arteriosclerosis, chronic fatigue, diabetes, AIDS, asthma and obesity. Many believe it even fends off the ravages of old age.
A near-perfect fitness routine, hatha yoga provides the means for people of any age not only to get and stay in shape but also to develop balance, coordination, and grounding. It renews, invigorates, and heals the body - stretching and toning the muscles, joints, and spine and directing blood and oxygen to the internal organs (including the glands and nerves).
Yoga is distinctly different from other kinds of exercise. It generates motion without causing strain and imbalances in the body. When practised correctly, hatha yoga has no such negative effects on either the inner or outer body.
When done with dedication and purpose, hatha yoga can be a quite demanding, yet immensely rewarding type of exercise. While not inherently aerobic, it involves almost every muscle in the body and challenges the body to work in a different and often more passive way. Since the limbs function as free weights, resistance is created by moving the body's centre of gravity. This strengthening gives way to endurance as poses are held for longer periods of time.
Unlike conventional forms of exercise, such as weight training, walking, biking or hiking, hatha yoga stresses quality of movement over quantity. A consistent hatha yoga practise can quiet the mind and refresh the body, bringing health, relaxation, and happiness.