
Free Downloadable Yoga For Cyclists Lesson Plan

This Yoga For Cyclists Lesson Plan was created using the Yoga Genie Lesson Planner. It’s free.

This lesson plan doesn’t require any props or sitting poses, which makes it ideal for cyclists who may prefer to do Yoga outside. The two breathing exercises in the yoga lesson plan can be done standing up.

Free Downloads

Short Plan

Yoga For Cyclists Lesson Plan (short plan)

Each yoga lesson plan you create within the Yoga Genie Lesson Planner comes with a short version of the lesson plan. The short version is perfect for taking into class with you. It’s short and sweet.

Long Plan

Yoga For Cyclists Lesson Plan (long plan)

Each yoga lesson plan you create within the Yoga Genie Lesson Planner comes with a long version of the lesson plan. The long version has everything you need to practice the lesson plan before getting to class. You can take it to class with you (but you may prefer to take the short version). The long version is a great handout to give to your students, especially your one-to-one students. It immediately shows your professionalism and increases your expertise in the eyes of your students.

Stream Plan

Yoga For Cyclists Lesson Plan (stream plan)

Each yoga lesson plan you create within the Yoga Genie Lesson Planner comes with a video stream version of the lesson plan. You’ll be able to provide the streams to students as a URL, so they can practice from home.

Breathing Exercises Class Handouts 

I’ve included a few breathing exercises handouts for you, which are ideal for cyclists.

Breathing Exercises Class Handouts

Hey, if you’re into triathlons, you might like my Triathlon Yoga Lesson Plan Bundle.

Q & A

Below are common questions you may get from cyclists…

“Are yogic breathing exercises good for cyclists?” 

Yes. Yogic breathing exercises help cyclists to focus on the task at hand and block out any negative thoughts during a difficult ride. Learning to take deep, quality breaths while you pedal is the main difference between an amateur and pro riders.

“Will core yoga help cyclists?” 


Weakness in the core can result in lower back pain – a very common problem with cyclists.

You can download the core yoga lesson plan series below…

Part 1 – downloadable core yoga lesson plan 

Part 2 – downloadable core yoga lesson plan

Part 3 – downloadable core yoga lesson plan

“My hips feel out of alignment. What poses can I do?” 

When cycling, the quadriceps, hamstrings, and hips never rest. As a result, riders often have overdeveloped quadriceps and tight hamstrings, which can pull the hips out of alignment. Squats will help to gently coax your entire pelvis back into its natural position.

“Is sitting in Easy Pose while meditating good for the core?” 

Yes. But you may not be able to stay in Easy Pose (legs crossed) for very long if you have a weak core. To begin with, you may only be able to sit for a minute or two. That’s fine. Yoga isn’t a race…unlike your next bike race.

“What poses can I do to ease the strain in my back?

A cyclist’s spine is constantly flexed forward which can lead to muscle pain and strain in the back and shoulders. Yoga backbends help counter the ‘hunched over handlebars’ position. And any yoga poses that engage the core will help take the strain off your back.

“What poses I can do to ease my tight hips and hip flexors?”

Low lunges are great for those mega-tight quads and tight hip flexors. Low lunge will help to gently open the entire front of your leg and hip, and will even invite space into your pelvis and lower abdomen. It is a great stretch to take after your ride or to add to your daily yoga practice.

Online Yoga Lesson Planner

Create yoga lesson plans quickly and easily. Access 100,000+ yoga lesson plans. Choose from 3000+ poses. Used by 1000+ yoga teachers, trainers and trainees worldwide.

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