
Free Core Yoga Lesson Plan Series (part 1 of 3) 

This Core Yoga Themed Lesson Plan was created using the Yoga Genie Lesson Planner. It’s FREE. Hope you like it.

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Short Plan

Core Yoga Lesson Plan 1 of 3 (short plan)

Each yoga lesson plan you create within the Yoga Genie Lesson Planner comes with a short version of the lesson plan. The short version is perfect for taking into class with you. It’s short and sweet.

Long Plan

Core Yoga Lesson Plan 1 of 3 (long plan)

Each yoga lesson plan you create within the Yoga Genie Lesson Planner comes with a long version of the lesson plan. The long version has everything you need to practice the lesson plan before getting to class. You can take it to class with you (but you may prefer to take the short version). The long version is a great handout to give to your students, especially your one-to-one students. It immediately shows your professionalism, and increases your expertise in the eyes of your students.

Stream Plan

Core Yoga Lesson Plan 1 of 3 (stream plan)

Each yoga lesson plan you create within the Yoga Genie Lesson Planner comes with a video stream version of the lesson plan. You’ll be able to provide the streams to students as a URL, so they can practice from home.

Two More Free Core Yoga Lesson Plans For You

Core Yoga Lesson Plan 2

Core Yoga Lesson Plan 3

Lesson Plan Overview

Core Yoga

Lesson Plan Title 
Core Yoga Challenge 1: 12 Weeks To Sculpt A 6 Pack (No Crunches!)

90 minute class

Intermediate to advanced

I created this “Core Yoga Challenge” lesson plan after reading a news article about a 45 year old guy (I’m 42) who went from being overweight to having a 6 pack every 20 year old would envy. He hit the gym 5 days a week for 12 weeks.

I can’t stand gyms!

Hate ’em with a passion. To me they are cold, mysterious places that I run from.

So, instead of the gym, I’m gonna unfurl my yoga mat 5 days a week for 12 weeks practicing my core yoga lesson plan. For all experienced yoga teachers, I apologise for calling my lesson plan a “core yoga lesson plan”, because you are probably saying in your yoga teacher brain right now….”Aren’t all yoga poses core strengtheners if the core is engaged during the pose?”

Yes. Yes. That is correct.

So, you can ignore the silly title of my lesson plan.

I think I know what you’re thinking? Hold on. Yep. It’s coming to me. You’re thinking, “Is this George fellow ashamed of his 42 year old belly?


I understand that I said that way too quickly and having added an exclamation mark, I have given you your answer. Though, it’s not a definitive yes. It’s a grey area. I’ve never given my belly much thought until I saw the 6 pack of that 45 year old staring accusingly at me; and each one of his 6 fine bulging belly lumps was saying: “George, George, George. Have you seen your flat, white, middle-aged belly recently? I mean…have you?

And I reply. “Yes. Yes, I have. It was flat, white and middle aged looking.”

This 12 week journey that I’m embarking upon to sculpt my core is woefully unyogic. There are an inexhaustible amount of global issues that deserve my attention more than my flat unimpressive belly. To name just a few, there is: global warming, genocide of 100 billion farm animals every year, high suicide rates of teenagers with too much pressure and too few inner tools to manage that pressure, an ageing world population, 795 million undernourished people, millions of people (most of them children) dying each year from diseases associated with inadequate water supply, and cyber bullying.

I’m interested in and concerned about all these global issues…and more.


Maybe it is yogic to focus on the core?

After all, there isn’t a yoga teacher on this fair planet who doesn’t harp on (in a good way) about the importance of engaging the core during their classes.

Why such devotion to such a small area of the body?

Well, because a strong rectus abdominis has a myriad of glorious benefits such as:

  • improved balance and stability
  • prevention of back problems
  • strengthened diaphragm which plays an essential role in deep breathing
  • improved digestion
  • improved heart health (excess fat around the belly is dangerous)
  • better posture (a strong core keeps your back stable which improves posture)

So, it is yogic to embark on a 12-week core challenge.

And it will be a fun experiment to see if the humble £20 yoga mat can match the might of a gym with £20,000 pounds worth of metalled, glinting, shiny equipment.

I must, however, profess to envisioning a day, 12 weeks hence, of oiling myself down in whatever muscle glinting oil bodybuilders glaze themselves in when competing (hopefully not lard as I’m vegan), and then hearing a girlish shriek of approval from my better half as she lays eyes on my “six” well grooved belly segments (which I’ve been reliably informed are called a 6 pack) as I peel off the way too small t-shirt (that fitted me perfectly 12 weeks ago) from my desirable, hairless, 6 packed, bronzed chest.


Below are common questions about core yoga…

“Can abdominal strength improve every pose?” 

Yes. Core abdominal strength improves nearly every pose, offering a sense of balance and ease.

“What is the number one benefit of core yoga?” 

Weakness in the core can result in lower back pain (a whopping 1 in 4 people experience regular lower back pain).

“Can a weak core lead to degenerative disk disease and arthritis?” 


Weakness in the core can result in over rotations in the vertebrae of the lower back, which can lead to degenerative disk disease and arthritis.

“Can weakness in the core can result in your digestive fires being weak?”


Weakness in the core can result in your digestive fires being weak. This can cause chronic exhaustion because you’re not absorbing nutrients properly.

“Could I become a door mat if I don’t get on my yoga mat?” 

Okay. You might not get this question. But I thought I’d throw it in because…well, two mats are involved. If you don’t know how to get centred in your core, you can easily turn into a doormat for anyone with a strong personality.

With a week core you can become easy pickings for anyone who wants to push you off balance, whether it’s a controlling family member or an advert on the TV trying to get to you buy something that harms your body (cough…did I just say McDonalds).

Don’t become a door mat. Get on your yoga mat.

“I’ve been told that every asana helps strengthen the core?

The good news is that every asana is potentially a core-strengthening exercise, if you engage your core (pull abs toward spine).

“Is meditation good for the core?” 

Yes, meditation is good for the core. But you may not be able to stay in Easy Pose (legs crossed) for very long if you have a weak core. To begin with you may only be able to sit for a minute or two. That’s fine. Yoga isn’t a race.

“What are the best yoga asanas to build a strong core yoga?

There really isn’t a set of best core yoga poses. If you engage your core (pull abs toward spine) almost all asanas will help build a strong core.

I can’t think of a single asana, even Savasana, that wouldn’t help strengthen your core if you engaged your core. Though, if I had to pick some of my favourite core yoga asanas they’d be:

Online Yoga Lesson Planner

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