Staff Pose (Dandasana) FAQs
Below are some questions about Staff Pose that will be helpful to think about when you're creating a yoga lesson plan with Staff Pose in it.
What Does Dandasana Mean?
Danda = stick or staff
Asana = posture
What Are The Main Physical Benefits Of Staff Pose?
- Improves posture.
- Strengthens back muscles.
- Stretches shoulders.
- Stretches chest.
What Are Your Top 14 Modifications Of Staff Pose?
Blanket: Sit on a folded blanket to lift your pelvis.
Wall: Sit with your back against a wall.
Sand Bag: Lay one or more sandbags across the tops of your thighs at the hip crease to help ground your thighs.
Staff Pose With Backbend: Sit on the floor. Legs extended. Palms on the floor behind the back. Fingers point forward. Elbows straight. Straighten back. Stretch spine towards the ceiling. Open chest. Curve back. Lower shoulders. Gaze up.
Staff Pose With Knee Bend Circles: Part I: Knee Bending. Sit. Extend legs. Bend right knee. Interlock figures around right thigh. Bring right knee close to the chest. Extend right leg without touching foot on the ground. Repeat. Switch legs. Part II: Knee Circling. Interlock figures around right thigh. Bring right knee close to the chest. Make clockwise circles with the lower leg with pointed toes. Begin with small circles and gradually increase the circle size. Change directions (counter-clockwise). Switch legs.
Staff Twist Pose With Knees Bent: Sit upright in staff pose. Bend knees. Reach arms straight in front at shoulder height. Rotate head, neck upper spine to left (look at the wall behind you). Return to start. Repeat on the right side.
Staff Fold On Block I: Sit on a block with legs extended. Tilt pelvis forward. Reach arms overhead. Fold forward. Take hold of feet. Relax head towards the mat.
Staff Fold On Block II: Sit with legs extended. Hinge forward and place a block behind feet. Bends knees needed. Relax head towards the mat.
Staff With Arms Up Pose: Sit with legs crossed. Elongate through the spine. Straighten legs. Press into heels. Toes point towards the face. Palms on tops of thighs (help draw thighs down). Tops of thighs draw in to engage legs. Lift chest up (open heart). Draw belly button towards the spine. Raise arms overhead.
Cradle Baby Pose: Sit with legs crossed. Keep left leg crossed. Hold the right foot with both hands. Draw right shin into chest and cradle knee in the elbow of the right arm. Gently rock back and forth as if cradling a baby.
Sage Marichi A Pose (Marichyasana A): In Marichyasana A, the non-Marichyasana leg is straight and the bind has a forward bend. Lean forwards with the pelvis off the floor. Place the other hand on the floor behind you to lift the pelvis. Reach torso and binding arm forward. Make arm long. Hold. Reach arm to the side. Internally rotate, then reach arm back and bend the elbow. Sit down. Sweep the other arm behind you. Bend forwards.
Sage I (Marichyasana I) Pose: Sit with legs extended. Raise the pelvis on a folded blanket (helps you extend forward). Take hold of the back of the left thigh. Draw knee in. Plant left foot flat on the floor with heel in line with sitting bone. Reach the left arm up. Extend through the left side. Reach left arm forward and take hold of inside of the right foot. Lengthen out through the left side. Roll trunk to right (away from the left thigh). Bring your left arm around your left shin and your right arm behind you. Clasp left wrist in right hand (hold onto a belt if the hands do not reach). Draw wrists down towards the floor. Lift sides of the trunk. Roll trunk to right once again. Turn head to look at the left knee. Open the trunk to the right once again. Lengthen trunk out over right leg bringing the chin towards the shin. Allow left sitting bone to lift as you lean forward. Hold. Switch sides.
Staff Half Bound Lotus Pose: Come into Staff. Draw left leg back into Half Lotus (Ardha Padmasana). Swing left arm around to grab left big toe. Inhale and lengthen right arm up out of the right side of the trunk. Exhale. Take hold of your foot. Inhale. Elongate trunk, lifting and opening chest. Exhale. Reach head forward. Bring chin towards the shin. Hold. Inhale. Lift up through the trunk, opening the chest. Exhale. Return to Staff. Repeat on the other side.
Greeting The Earth Pose: Sit in Staff pose. Lean back and rotate round to the left. Plant both hands into the floor bending both arms. Gaze behind. Return to Staff pose. Swap sides.