Stand in Mountain. Step feet together with big toes touching. Heels half an inch apart. Sweep arms above head. Press hands together in prayer. Inhale. Exhale while bending to the left. Keep feet rooted and Inner core engaged as you breathe into right side body. Repeat on opposite side.
Start in Downward Facing Dog. Step right foot forward next to right hand. Bend right knee. Right hand inside right foot. Left arm up (form line with body). Open chest. Repeat on left.
From Warrior II straighten front leg (right leg). Reach right arm forward. Drop right hand onto shin or ankle. Left shoulder stacks on top of right. Reach left fingertips upwards. Gaze at fingertips. Slightly bend right knee. Repeat on left.
From Mountain take a big step forward with right foot. Shift weight onto right leg. Raise arms overhead. Interlace fingers. Lift left leg. Gaze at a point on floor. Repeat on other side.
Stand tall. Arms by sides. Step feet out wide. Turn toes out slightly. Bend knees and lower hips into a squat. Thighs parallel to floor, but not into a deep squat. Tuck tailbone. Press hips forwards. Draw thighs back. Knees in line with toes. Soften shoulders. Gaze softly. Hands in Aakash Mudra (Join and press tip of third finger with a tip of thumb. Keep remaining 3 fingers straight.). Raise up on toes.
Sit with legs extended. Spread legs wide. Back straight. Knees and toes point up. Press legs and sitting bones down to raise spine. Place hands between legs. Walk hands forward. Fold down from hips. Hold.
Sit with legs crossed. Elongate through spine. Straighten legs. Press into heels. Toes point towards face. Palms on tops of thighs (help draw thighs down). Tops of thighs draw in to engage legs. Lift chest up (open heart). Draw belly button towards spine.
Lie on back. Legs and arms extended. Both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release.
Lie on back. Knees bent. Legs and arms out wide. Palms up. Release lower back to floor. Close eyes. Abdomen rises on inhale and falls on exhale. Feel heavy with each exhalation.
Lie on back. Legs and arms extended. Both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release.
Lie on back with legs and arms extended. Draw both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down toward mat. Lengthen spine. Clock-wise circles with knees.
Lie on back with knees bent. Press left thigh down and stretch right leg out. Bend right leg and grasp big toe with first two fingers and thumb (or use a strap). Straighten leg. Hold. Lower. Repeat on left leg.
Lie on back. Knees bent. Legs and arms out wide. Palms up. Release lower back to floor. Close eyes. Abdomen rises on inhale and falls on exhale. Feel heavy with each exhalation.
Lie on back. Legs and arms extended. Both knees to chest. Clasp hands around knees. Wrap forearms over shins. Clasp each elbow with opposite hand. Keep back flat on mat. Release shoulder blades down toward waist. Draw tailbone and sacrum down. Lengthening spine. Softly rock backward and forward or side-to-side for a spinal massage. Tuck chin slightly. Gaze down. Hold. Release.
Lie on back. Arms stretched out at shoulder height. Palms down. Bend knees. Feet flat on floor. Swing hips to left. Pull knees toward chest. Drop knees to floor on right side. Inhale. Lengthen spine. Lower shoulders to floor. Repeat on right.
Slit on edge of mat. Wrap arms around legs. Engage core. Round back. Tuck chin toward belly button. Roll back and forth without touching toes to floor (imagine there are hot coals on the floor).
Sit on heels. Walk hands forward until forehead touches floor. Arms alongside legs. Alternatives include: Child with head on bolster. Child with bolster between legs. Child pose with arms extended. Child with hands on back. Child with cheek on mat. Child with leg raised and arms extended.
Sit with buttocks on heels. Come onto all fours. Wrists under shoulders. Pull navel into small of back. Inhale while raising head. Exhale, while lowering head and arching spine up like a cat. Repeat.
Sit on heels. Walk hands forward until forehead touches floor. Arms alongside legs. Alternatives include: Child with head on bolster. Child with bolster between legs. Child pose with arms extended. Child with hands on back. Child with cheek on mat. Child with leg raised and arms extended.
Come onto hands and knees. Bring knees hip-width apart. Palms directly under shoulders. Fingers facing forward. Gaze down. Flat back. Press into palms to drop shoulders away from ears. Press tail bone towards back wall and crown of head towards front wall.
Come onto hands and knees. Bring knees hip-width apart. Palms directly under shoulders. Fingers facing forward. Gaze down. Flat back. Press into palms to drop shoulders away from ears. Press tail bone towards back wall and crown of head towards front wall.
Begin in Plank Pose. Shoulders directly above wrists. Lower knees to floor. Keep toes tucked under. Hug elbows in. Keeping hips lifted and palms flat, bring chest to mat. Touch chin to mat.
Lie flat on stomach. Feet together. Forehead on floor. Rest chin on floor. Stretch chin slightly forward. Soften front of body. Both hands under thighs (or place head on folded arms). Slowly lift leg on an inhale. Switch legs.
Lie face down with forehead resting on mat. Align neck and head. Extend arms in front of you with palms facing down. Lengthen torso by stretching neck away from body. Engage abs. Keep head in line with upper back and raise left arm and right leg 6 inches. Hold. Lower to start. Raise right arm and left leg. Keep alternating.
Lie flat on stomach. Feet together. Forehead on floor. Place arms by sides. Palms up. Stretch chin slightly forward. Rest chin on floor. Soften front of body. Lift chest, legs, arms off floor. Extend fingertips towards toes. Look straight ahead.
Sit on heels. Walk hands forward until forehead touches floor. Arms alongside legs. Alternatives include: Child with head on bolster. Child with bolster between legs. Child pose with arms extended. Child with hands on back. Child with cheek on mat. Child with leg raised and arms extended.
Relax on stomach. Arms folded on floor above head. Widen legs. Roll feet so heels point in. Squeeze buttocks. Press pelvis into floor. Rest forehead on arms.