Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Seated & Floor |
Types: | Chest Opener, Seated, Seated & Floor, Stretch |
Anatomy: | Arms & Shoulders, Core, Hamstrings, Hips, Lower Back, Psoas |
Chakras: | Base, Sacral Centre, Solar Plexus Centre |
Therapy: | Leg Congestion, Poor Posture, Varicose Veins |
Drishti: | Tip Of Nose |
Dosha: | Kapha, Pitta |
Sit with legs crossed. Elongate through spine. Straighten legs. Press into heels. Toes point towards face. Palms on tops of thighs (help draw thighs down). Tops of thighs draw in to engage legs. Lift chest up (open heart). Draw belly button towards spine. Raise arms overhead.
Strengthens back muscles. Stretches shoulders, chest.
Sit on a folded blanket to lift pelvis. Back against a wall.
Any lower back injury.
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- summer 3 = hip/shoulder opening
- Opening out to greet the new season, summer is here
- 13, creating space
- Swan Flow
- Beginner Class 4 - Rajakapotasana
- Tuesday 3.1
- Restorative New
- What Makes Me an Awesome Parent?
- July 24th
- Ruth 3
- WLC June 19 2017
- Intro to Autumn
- Beginners Taster class
- Basic daily practice - Haze Tillman, Access To Yoga
- 8, cooling summer sequences, bw
- Crow for Confidence
- Hatha Class 6
- for our backs, 3
- Ask Genie3
- Beginner class 1 - Vrksasana
- Beginner Class 3 - Paschimottonasana
- Beginners Course - forward bends
- Ask Genie2
- Beginners Course - forward bends
- week 1
- week 1
- Basic daily practice
- 4, flowing and foundation strengtheners - BW
- yoga for sensory foundation
- Flexibility - beginner to intermediate
- Hatha Intermediate 1
- Flexibility - beginner to intermediate
- Diane
- 4, flowing and foundation strengtheners - H
- 5, stability
- Hatha Intermediate 1
- 8, cooling summer sequences, bw
- Hatha Intermediate M.S. Wednesday
- Beginners Course - forward bends
- Beginners Course - forward bends
- Beginners Course - forward bends
- Hatha Intermediate M.S. Wednesday
- Hatha Intermediate 1
- Hatha Intermediate 1
- Hatha Intermediate 1
- 3, more flowing and foundation strengtheners - H
- Ask Genie1
- 2, flowing sun salutation, H
- 2, flowing sun salutation, H
- 2, flowing sun salutation, H
- 3, more flowing and foundation strengtheners - BW
- 3, more flowing and foundation strengtheners - H
- full moon virgo
- week 11 2017
- 3, more flowing and foundation strengtheners - H - Copy
- 2, flowing sun salutation, H - Copy
- Sattva Hatha Yoga - 20.03.17
- Loosen up the Hamstrings
- Hatha for flexiblity
- 4, flowing and foundation strengtheners - H
- Chill
- Floor1
- Sunningdale
- Morning Wake Up 2
- Wednesday class
- Ask Genie1
- Ask Genie1
- Celebrate the Small Wins - from Shared
- stability 8 June 2017
- Brickfields
- 5, releasing, H
- Hatha for flexiblity
- vinyasa for better sleep
- stability 2 June 2017
- 41, Zoom
- Hatha Yoga 20170610
- 6, Celebrate the small wins, bw
- yin
- stability 2 June 2017
- stability 2 June 2017
- Ask Genie1
- 8, cooling summer sequences, bw
- Ask Genie2
- Sattva Hatha Yoga - 3 July 2017
- 9, hips and shoulders, bw
- 9, hips and shoulders, h
- WLC 4/7/17
- Ask Genie1
- Power Yoga Evening
- Retreat 2017 - Morning - Class 1
- Sunningdale 12/7/17
- 2. Stunde YogaPlus Rücken Schulter Nacken
- 9, hips and shoulders, h
- Hips and shoulders,
- Week 7 - Space
- 14, creating space
- Ask Genie3