Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Standing |
Types: | Chest Opener, Hip Opener, Side Bend, Standing, Strengthen, Stretch, Twist |
Anatomy: | Arms & Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps, Core, Hamstrings, Hips, Knees, Lower Back, Middle Back, Neck, Psoas |
Chakras: | Base, Sacral Centre, Solar Plexus Centre |
Therapy: | Arthritis, Back Pain, Constipation, Depression, Diabetes, Fatigue, Herniated Disc, Indigestion, Poor Posture, Stress |
Drishti: | Up |
Dosha: | Kapha, Pitta |
Stand in a lunge (left leg in front and right knee raised off floor). Place right hand on mat directly under shoulder. Inhale, raise left arm (feel right ribs moving towards inner left thigh). Back leg strong and lifted. Chest open. Gaze up. Switch legs.
Spine strengthened & opened. Hip opener. Strengthen legs. Improves balance. Calms nervous system.
Keep knee on mat.
Headache. High or low blood pressure.
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- Ask Genie1
- Tuesday 5.8 HYP
- Vinyasa sequence for digestion
- Hatha Yoga - lezione 25
- Full Chakra vinyasa sequence
- Hips & Hammies
- 6 Vinyasas
- Breath and Moon 24 July
- Sequence to aid respiratory health
- Ask Genie4
- Peak Pose - Plank - copy
- Standing - copy
- Chapasana prep sequence
- charity yoga: spring 3 (twists)
- Twist Themed Yoga
- 'May Day' Lesson Plan
- Standing II
- Peak Pose - Plank
- a little yin and yang
- Evening Twists May 22 & 23 2018
- Evening Twists May 23 2018
- charity yoga: spring 3 (twists)
- Hips and shoulders copy
- Yoga Lesson 4-Open and Closed Hip Poses
- Saturday Sunrise Twist Class Two
- Full Body Flow
- Zakti--side crow
- power vinyasa
- Ask Genie15
- 3
- Pigeon flow
- de stress one 2 one
- Full Body Flow
- Full Body // Back Bends
- Evening Twists & Self Study 31 July 2018
- Kevin
- Hips & Spine
- anaharta
- Twist Themed Yoga
- Hips & Hammies
- Breath and Moon 21 August
- Full Body
- Ask Genie1
- Autumn freshness - Lyn
- Autumn freshness - Lyn
- Hips&More
- Inner Connection Class
- Autumn flow
- Moon Oct 23/4 18
- Couples program - Autumn flow
- Chaos to Grace #2
- Aparigraha class
- Saucha - purity
- Santosha - Contentment
- Tapas Class - Willpower / purification
- Energize with People
- Energize the soul
- Yoga Lesson 3 Hip Closed and Open
- 6 week program-week 4
- Ask Genie1
- Happiness class plan
- Breath and Moon 22 January 2019
- Twists Vinyasa
- Stillness in motion
- Kasyapasana - Vashistasana Week 3
- Stillness in motion
- Vinyasa - Core Connection
- Speak your Truth!
- Save the Wrists Flow
- Kapinjalasana - Vashistasana Week 4
- Beginner Yoga: March 2019
- Ajna Chakra (3rd eye) vinyasa sequence
- Vinyasa - Manipura Chakra
- Harmony & Intuition Class plan
- Throat Chakra vinyasa (Vishuddha 5th)
- Anahata Chakra - Heart opening Vinyasa
- Intuition class sequence
- Intuition class sequence
- Autumn into winter
- Full Chakra vinyasa sequence
- Autumn flow
- To the Wilderness School we go
- Creating Space - Vinyasa
- Twists and Energy
- Standing
- Twists and Energy 16 June 2019
- rainy day energizing vinyasa
- Tuesday 3.7
- rainy day energizing vinyasa
- Autumn Vata class - grounding
- Tuesday 3.8
- Fire Element Hatha
- Welcome back-- with fire
- Twisting!
- Equanimity Vinyasa Sequence
- Air Element - Hatha Class
- standing
- Creating Space Class