Today, I’m excited to share a step-by-step guide on drawing a Yoga Stick Figure using the Ivan Brunetti method, inspired by the techniques of the renowned cartoonist.
Yoga Lesson Planning Tips Articles
My Yoga Routine Explained: A Fun Yoga Doodle Cartoon
A yoga doodle cartoon unveiling the truth behind my yoga routine. Created by yoga teacher George Watts, adding a humorous touch to his practice.
4 Steps To Teach Warrior II (Virabhadrasana)
Yoga Lesson Planning Clinic How To...
Explore 3000+ Yoga Poses: A Comprehensive Yoga Pose Directory
Our Yoga Pose Directory has 3000+ yoga poses. It took us over a year to morph it into reality. I hope you find it useful.
Your Favourite Poses: Yoga Lesson Planner Favourite Poses Feature
The Yoga Genie Lesson Planner has introduced a new feature – “favourite” a pose with just a click. This enables you to swiftly access your preferred poses and reduces the time spent on creating lesson plans.
How To Draw Yoga Stick Men | Bow Pose (Dhanuraasana)
How To Draw Yoga Stick Figures Bow...
How To Draw Eagle Pose Stick Figure
How To Draw Eagle Pose (Garudasana) In...
How To Teach Camel Pose With A Poet’s Heart: Free Class Handout
I absolutely love creating handouts for my yoga students. Hope the Camel Pose Handout becomes a useful addition to your yoga teacher toolbag.
Bumblebee Yoga Class Theme: For Yoga Teachers
Aerodynamically a bumblebee shouldn’t be remotely capable of flying! But here’s the thing, bumblebees don’t know that. So, what do they go ahead and do? They fly.
10 Yoga Lesson Planning Tips And Handouts
I’ve just compiled a list of some of the most popular yoga lesson-planning tips and templates on my site for the past few years.
Downward Facing Dog Pose: 30 Variations In 1 Cheat Sheet
Downward Facing Dog Pose: 30 Variations In 1 Cheat Sheet. Free to download.
5 Steps To Teach Easy Twist (Parivrtta Sukhasana) & Free Downloadable Yoga Class Handout
5 Steps To Teach Easy Twist (Parivrtta...
How To Teach Reclining Bound Angle Pose – Supta Baddha Konasana
Reclining Bound Angle Pose, also known...
An Insider’s Look at What Yoga Teacher Training is Really Like
Have you ever wondered what it’s really like to go through yoga teacher training? If you’re a wannabe yoga teacher, you’re not alone in silently asking yourself this question. Well, wonder no more!
Yoga Anatomy 101: Exploring Joint Actions in Yoga Asanas
This post is a crash course on joint actions for common Yoga asanas. It’s the resource you wish you had been given during your teacher training course.
How I Prepare For Teaching A Yoga Class: 3 Step Formula
Most Yoga teachers, even experienced ones, are always asking themselves this question: “Is There A Better Way Of Preparing For My Yoga Class?” In this post are the steps I take when preparing for teaching a Yoga class.
Yoga Garden Studio Dome: Stunning HypeDome
This Stunning Garden HypeDome Is Perfect For A Yoga Studio, Pilates Studio, Meditation Studio, Gym, Office Pod, Stargazing Pod, Romantic Candlelit Outdoor Dining, Kids Playroom, And A Greenhouse Garden Pod. It’s Ideal For All Family Members To Enjoy.
Discover How To Make Yoga Sequences Flow Naturally
Discover How To Make Yoga Sequences...