
Pregnancy Yoga Training
Trimester 1 (1-13 weeks)

Legs Up Wall Pose


1) Bring right hip to the wall.

2) Come onto your back and swing legs up onto wall so heels and sitting bones are supported against it. If any discomfort in lower back, adjust body slightly back from the wall so sitting bones are not touching it.

3) Separate legs as wide as feels comfortable.

4) Rest head on the mat keeping spine straight, and bend your knees a little.

5) Rest arms out to sides with palms facing up.  Relax hands and wrists.

6) Close eyes for 5 minutes as you soften and let go.

7) When ready to come of pose bend knees and drop them to one side.  You’ll now be in foetal position.  Take a few breathes and come up to cross legged position.




  • Don’t practice full shoulderstand during pregnancy.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Menstruation
  • Neck injury.
  • Stiff low back.


  • Cure-all for most common ailments.
  • Soothes nerves.
  • Good for balance.
  • Feel joy of life.
  • Eradicates colds.

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