
Yoga Stick Figures Kit


You can make your purchase from anywhere in the world. £15 is approximately $19. 

Brought to you by George Watts, BWY yoga teacher and creator of the Online Yoga Lesson PlannerThis is the largest collection of premium-quality, yoga stick figures on the web


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  • Mac & Windows Compatible
Yoga Stick Figures

George WattsHi, my name is George Watts. That’s me over there.

I’m a BWY yoga teacher and creator of The Yoga Stick Figure Kit which has 2,511 premium quality yoga stick figures. It’s by far the largest collection of premium-quality yoga stick figures on the web.

It’s taken us 10+ years to create them all. They aren’t available anywhere else. They were created for our Online Yoga Lesson Planner.


“Instead of the yoga stick figure collection gathering dust on my hard-drive, I’m offering them to my fellow yoga teachers at a ridiculously low price of £97 (approximately $120).”

Ashtanga Yoga Stick Figures Blue
Ashtanga Yoga Stick Figures (click to open)

Ashtanga Yoga Stick Figures Sale

Ashtanga Stick Figures Include: 

  1. Surya Namaskar A poses
  2. Surya Namaskar B poses
  3. Ardha Baddha Padma
  4. Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana I
  5. Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana II
  6. Ardha Matsyendrāsana I
  7. Ardha Matsyendrasana II
  8. Badha Konasana A
  9. Badha Konasana B
  10. Ardha Matsyendrāsana I
  11. Ardhamatsyendrasana II
  12. Badha Padmasana
  13. Bhujapidashana
  14. Bound Half Lotus Fold
  15. Chin Mudra
  16. Garbha Pindasana
  17. Janu Shirsasana A
  18. Janu Shirsasana B
  19. Janu Shirsasana C
  20. Karnapidasana
  21. Kukkutasana
  22. Kurmasana
  23. Marichyasana
  24. Marichyasana A Prep
  25. Marichyasana A
  26. Marichyasana B Modification I
  27. Marichyasana B Modification II
  28. Marichyasana B
  29. Marichyasana C
  30. Marichyasana D
  31. Padahastasana
  32. Parivrtta Baddha Parsvakonasana I
  33. Parivrtta Baddha Parsvakonasana II
  34. Parivritta Parshvakonasana
  35. Parivritta Trikonasana
  36. Parshvakonasana
  37. Parvataasana
  38. Paschimottanasana A
  39. Paschimottanasana B
  40. Paschimottanasana C
  41. Paschimottanasana D
  42. Pindasana
  43. Prasarita Padottanasana A
  44. Prasarita Padottanasana B
  45. Prasarita Padottanasana C
  46. Prasarita Padottanasana D
  47. Setu Bandhasana
  48. Shirsasana B
  49. Shirsasana B Variation
  50. Shoulderstand
  51. Supta Padangusthasana A
  52. Supta Padangusthasana B
  53. Supta Konasana
  54. Supta Kurmasana
  55. Triang Mukha Eka Pada
  56. Trikonasana
  57. Upavishta Konasana A
  58. Upavishta Konasana B
  59. Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana
  60. Urdhva Padmasana
  61. Utplutihih
  62. Uttana Padasana
  63. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana I
  64. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana II
  65. Yoga Mudra
  66. And lots more!
Bolster Yoga Stick Figures Blue
Bolster Yoga Stick Figures (click to open)

Bolster Yoga

Bolster Yoga Stick Figures Include: 

  1. Bolster Chat
  2. Bolster Creation
  3. Bound Angle
  4. Bound Angle (strap)
  5. Bridge (block between knees)
  6. Bridge (on block with arms behind)
  7. Bridge (hands to side)
  8. Child (knees parallel)
  9. Child (knees wide)
  10. Easy Twist
  11. Fish (knees bent)
  12. Fish (legs straight)
  13. Fish (arms overhead)
  14. Fish (arms up)
  15. Fish (block raises)
  16. Fish (legs straight)
  17. Fish (swimming)
  18. Fish (knees bent on side)
  19. Half Pigeon
  20. Half Pigeon (arms forward)
  21. Half Pigeon (on forearms)
  22. Hero
  23. Jesus On The Cross
  24. Knees To Chest
  25. Leg Lift
  26. Legs Up
  27. Legs Up Wall
  28. Pigeon (on forearms)
  29. Pigeon (arms in front)
  30. Reclined Hero
  31. Reclining Bound Angle
  32. Reclining Bound Angle (with blocks & strap)
  33. Reclining Twist
  34. Reversed Child
  35. Savasana I
  36. Savasana II
  37. Savasana III
  38. Scissors I
  39. Scissors II
  40. Seated (legs crossed)
  41. Single Leg Raises I
  42. Single Leg Raises II
Chair Yoga Stick Figures Blue
Chair Yoga Stick Figures (click to open)

Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga Stick Figures Include: 

  1. Ab Breath
  2. Ab Stretch
  3. Ankle Curl
  4. Arm Circles
  5. Arm Stretch
  6. Arms In
  7. Arms Out
  8. Arms Out Heals Up
  9. Arms Out Toes Up
  10. Arms Up
  11. Backbend
  12. Big Toe Hold
  13. Blastoff
  14. Bow
  15. Breathwork
  16. Bridge
  17. Calf Raise
  18. Cat Cow I
  19. Cat Cow II
  20. Centering
  21. Chest Opener
  22. Clam
  23. Desk Posture
  24. Down Dog I
  25. Down Dog II
  26. Eagle
  27. Elbows Up & Down
  28. Flying Crane
  29. Forward Bend I
  30. Forward Bend II
  31. Forward Bend III
  32. Front Leg Stretch
  33. Grounding
  34. Half Fold
  35. Hamstring Lift
  36. Hamstring Stretch
  37. Half Standing Forward Bend
  38. Heart Center
  39. High Plank
  40. High Plank Knee to Chest
  41. Hip Flexion
  42. Hip Opener
  43. Knee Extension
  44. Knee To Chest
  45. Kneeling Shoulder Stretch
  46. Levator Scapulae Stretch
  47. Lunge
  48. Lunges
  49. Lunge Reverse
  50. Mountain
  51. Mountain Stretch
  52. Neck Extension
  53. Neck Flexion
  54. Neck Incline
  55. Neck Retraction
  56. Neck Stretch
  57. Neural Glide
  58. One Leg On Chair Forward Bend
  59. One Leg Stretch
  60. Pelvic Elevator
  61. Press Up
  62. Quad Stretch
  63. Reach For The Sky
  64. Reverse Arms
  65. Ribs To Thighs
  66. Savasana
  67. Shoulder Circles
  68. Shoulder Shrugs
  69. Shoulder Squeeze
  70. Sidebend
  71. Side Mountain
  72. Side Triangle
  73. Single Arm Lift
  74. Single Knee Lift
  75. Single Leg Lift
  76. Sitting Posture
  77. Sitting To Standing (palms on thighs)
  78. Slump Test
  79. Squat I
  80. Squat II
  81. Supine (legs up)
  82. Tree I
  83. Tree II
  84. Triangle I
  85. Triangle II
  86. Twist Left
  87. Twist Right
  88. Twist Stretch
  89. Up Dog
  90. Warrior I (basic)
  91. Warrior I
  92. Warrior II (basic)
  93. Warrior II
  94. Warrior III
  95. Warrior III Preparation
  96. Wide Leg Fold
  97. Wide Leg Fold Twist
  98. Wrist Stretch
  99. And Many More!
Partner Yoga Stick Figures Blue
Partner Yoga Stick Figures (click to open)

Partner Yoga Stick Figures

Partner Yoga Stick Figures Include: 

  1. Backbend
  2. Boat
  3. Bow & Squat I
  4. Bow & Squat II
  5. Bridge & Shoulderstand
  6. Camel
  7. Child & Fish
  8. Child & Squat
  9. Cobra & Standing backbend
  10. Confidence & Boat
  11. Dead Bug
  12. Down Dog & Child
  13. Down Dog & Lunge
  14. Double Down Dog
  15. Elevator
  16. Engage Core I
  17. Engage Core II
  18. Folded Leaf
  19. Foot To Shin
  20. Forward Fold
  21. Front Plank
  22. Half Frog
  23. Hamstring Stretch
  24. Heart Opener
  25. Knee To Chest & Low Lunge
  26. Low Lunge (hip opener)
  27. Lunge Heart
  28. Lying Belly Twist
  29. Plank & Dog
  30. Seated Bow
  31. Seated Forward Fold I
  32. Seated Forward Fold II
  33. Simon Says
  34. Stacked Plank
  35. Starfish
  36. Super Yogi
  37. Throne
  38. Tree
  39. Triple Hill
  40. Twin Warrior
  41. Updog & Squat
  42. Warrior I
  43. Warrior II
  44. Wheel
  45. Wide Leg Seated Fold
  46. Wind Releasing
  47. And more!
Pregnancy Prenatal Yoga Stick Figures
Pregnancy Yoga Stick Figures (click to open)

Pregnancy Yoga Stick Figures

Pregnancy Yoga Stick Figures Include:

  1. Ankle Cranking
  2. Bound Angle (hands in namaste)
  3. Bound Angle (hands on knees)
  4. Bridge
  5. Bridge (with block)
  6. Butterfly
  7. Butterfly (arm up)
  8. Butterfly (backbend)
  9. Butterfly (forward bend)
  10. Butterfly (half-butterfly)
  11. Butterfly (hands pushing down on thighs)
  12. Butterly (supported)
  13. Butterfly (with props)
  14. Camel
  15. Cat
  16. Cat (one leg extended)
  17. Chair (grounding feet)
  18. Chair (resting)
  19. Chair (seated twist)
  20. Chair (tree)
  21. Chair (warrior II)
  22. Chair (wide leg forward fold)
  23. Chair (wide leg forward fold using a wall)
  24. Chair (wide leg forward fold with a twist)
  25. Child
  26. Child (arms extended)
  27. Child (bolster)
  28. Child (circling)
  29. Child (forehead on arms)
  30. Child (prayer hands)
  31. Chopping Wood
  32. Churning The Mill
  33. Cow
  34. Cow (modification I)
  35. Cow (modification II)
  36. Cow (modification III)
  37. Cow (modification IV)
  38. Cow (modification V)
  39. Down Dog
  40. Down Dog (using a wall)
  41. Eagle
  42. Easy Pose
  43. Easy Pose (on a folded blanket)
  44. Easy Pose (arms raised)
  45. Easy Pose (forward bend)
  46. Easy Pose (hands-on belly)
  47. Easy Pose (namaste hands)
  48. Easy Pose (side bend)
  49. Easy Pose (neck circling)
  50. Easy Pose (twist)
  51. Extended Cat
  52. Extended Side Angle
  53. Flapping Fish
  54. Forward Bend (modified)
  55. Goddess
  56. Half Dog
  57. Heart Opener
  58. Hero
  59. Hero (arms in eagle)
  60. Hero (arms stretch)
  61. Hero (hands-on belly)
  62. Hero (prep)
  63. Hero (a twist on a block)
  64. Legs Up Wall
  65. Low Lunge
  66. Lunge
  67. Lying On Side
  68. Mellow Horse
  69. Mountain (hands raised)
  70. Mountain
  71. Mountain (against a wall with straight legs)
  72. Mountain (against a wall with bent legs)
  73. Mountain (holding belly)
  74. Mountain (massage)
  75. Mountain (side view)
  76. Palm Tree
  77. Pigeon
  78. Pigeon (prep)
  79. Pigeon (with block & blanket)
  80. Pigeon (block under the knee)
  81. Pigeon (holding foot)
  82. Pigeon I (on a chair)
  83. Pigeon II (on a chair)
  84. Pigeon (modification)
  85. Plank (knees on the mat)
  86. Reclining Heroine
  87. Recovery Position (with props)
  88. Runner I
  89. Runer II
  90. Savasana
  91. Savasana (modification)
  92. Seated (easy twist)
  93. Seated Forward Bend
  94. Seated Forward Bend (modification)
  95. Seated Forward Bend (one leg)
  96. Seated Forward Bend (one leg modification)
  97. Seated Legs Wide
  98. Seated Legs Wide (arms down)
  99. Seated Legs Wide (arms up)
  100. Seated Legs Wide (bend to left)
  101. Seated Legs Wide (bend to right)
  102. Seated Side Stretch
  103. Seated Twist
  104. Seated Twist (on a block)
  105. Seated (shoulder rotations)
  106. Seated (shoulder rotations with one arm)
  107. Side Angle (modified)
  108. Side Lying (with props)
  109. Side Plank
  110. Spinal Bending
  111. Squat
  112. Squat (in bed)
  113. Squat (seated on a birthing ball)
  114. Squat (seated on a block)
  115. Squat (side view)
  116. Squat (twist to left)
  117. Squat (twist to right)
  118. Staff (knees bent)
  119. Stalk
  120. Standing Backbend
  121. Stir The Honey
  122. Supine (butterfly)
  123. Supine (knees up)
  124. Supine (twist)
  125. Tabletop
  126. Tabletop (prep)
  127. Tree
  128. Tree (modification)
  129. Triangle
  130. Triangle (chair as a prop)
  131. Triangle (modification)
  132. Waist Rotations
  133. Wall Stretch
  134. Warrior II
  135. Wide Leg Forward Fold (against a wall)
  136. Wide Leg Twist (using wall)
  137. Wide Leg Forward Fold (exercise ball)
  138. Wide Leg Forward Fold (preparation)
  139. Wind Removing
Seated And Floor Yoga Stick Figures
Seated & Floor Stick Figures (click to open)

Seated Yoga

Seated & Floor Stick Figures Include: 

  1. All Fours I
  2. All Fours II
  3. Alternate Nostril Breathing
  4. Ankle Rotation
  5. Archer
  6. Bananasana
  7. Bharadajasana Twist
  8. Boat
  9. Boat (knees bent)
  10. Boat (half)
  11. Bound Headstand
  12. Bound Headstand (against a wall I)
  13. Bound Headstand (against wall II)
  14. Bound Headstand (prep)
  15. Bound Headstand (prep tuck)
  16. Bound-Headstand-Wall
  17. Bound Angle
  18. Bound Angle (against a wall)
  19. Bow
  20. Bow (half)
  21. Bridge
  22. Bridge (against a wall)
  23. Bridge (ankle on knee)
  24. Bridge (arms behind)
  25. Bridge (block)
  26. Bridge (leg raises)
  27. Butterfly
  28. Butterfly Twist
  29. Camel
  30. Camel (half)
  31. Camel (hands-on back)
  32. Camel (namaste hands)
  33. Camel (wide legs)
  34. Cat
  35. Cat (head to knee)
  36. Cat Pulling Tail
  37. Cat-Cow
  38. Cat Pulling Tail
  39. Child
  40. Child (arms in front)
  41. Child (frog)
  42. Child (hands-on back)
  43. Confidence
  44. Cow I
  45. Cow II
  46. Cow III
  47. Cow IV
  48. Cow Face
  49. Cow Face (on knees)
  50. Cradle The Baby
  51. Crocodile
  52. Crow
  53. Crow (prep)
  54. Dead Bug I
  55. Dead Bug II
  56. Deer
  57. Deer (on elbows)
  58. Dear (twist)
  59. Eagle (lying down)
  60. East Stretch
  61. Easy
  62. Easy (arms up I)
  63. Easy (arms up II)
  64. Easy (forward bend I)
  65. Easy (forward bend II)
  66. Easy (forward bend III)
  67. Easy (hands behind)
  68. Easy (hands on knees)
  69. Easy (namaste hands over heart)
  70. Easy (side bend)
  71. Easy (twist I)
  72. Easy (twist II)
  73. Extended Child
  74. Extended Tabletop
  75. Eye Of The Needle
  76. Firelog
  77. Fish
  78. Four-Limbed Staff
  79. Frog
  80. Frog (half)
  81. Gate
  82. Gate (hand on knee)
  83. Gate (hands on hips)
  84. Half Lord Of The Fishes
  85. Hand Clenches
  86. Hand To Big Toe I
  87. Hand To Big Toe II
  88. Hand To Big Toe (wall)
  89. Handstand (wall)
  90. Happy Baby
  91. Hare
  92. Headstand (bound angle I)
  93. Headstand (bound angle II)
  94. Headstand (bound with hands-on elbows)
  95. Headstand (forearms touching)
  96. Headstand (single leg I)
  97. Headstand (single leg II)
  98. Headstand (single leg III)
  99. Headstand (twist)
  100. Hero I
  101. Hero II
  102. Hero (side bend)
  103. Heron
  104. Knee To Chest I
  105. Knee To Chest II
  106. Knee To Chest III
  107. Kneeling Half Moon
  108. Kneeling Superman I
  109. Kneeling Superman II
  110. Kneeling Superman III
  111. Kneeling Superman IV
  112. Knees Chest Chin
  113. Knees To Chest (butterfly)
  114. Knees To Chest (core)
  115. Knees To Chest (wall)
  116. Legs Up
  117. Legs Up (arms behind)
  118. Legs Up (block)
  119. Legs Up (wall)
  120. Lion
  121. Locust
  122. Locust (modification I)
  123. Locust (modification II)
  124. Locust (half I)
  125. Locust (half II)
  126. Locust (half III)
  127. Locust (half IV)
  128. Lotus
  129. Lying Twist
  130. Monkey
  131. Monkey (supported on a block)
  132. Monkey (half)
  133. Mountain Climbers
  134. Neck Movement I
  135. Neck Movement II
  136. Neck Movement III
  137. Neck Movement IV
  138. Ninety-Degree Extension I
  139. Ninety-Degree Extension II
  140. Noose
  141. One Leg King Pigeon I
  142. One Leg King Pigeon II
  143. One Leg King Pigeon III
  144. One Leg Stretch
  145. One Leg Tiger
  146. Palming
  147. Peacock
  148. Perfect
  149. Pigeon
  150. Pigeon (forward fold)
  151. Plank
  152. Plank (on forearms)
  153. Plough I
  154. Plough II
  155. Plough III
  156. Pretzel I
  157. Pretzel II
  158. Pretzel III
  159. Prostration
  160. Reclined Bound Angle I
  161. Reclined Bound Angle II
  162. Reclined Hero
  163. Reclined Leg Lift
  164. Reversed Corpse
  165. Revolved Abdominal I
  166. Revolved Abdominal II
  167. Revolved Head To Knee I
  168. Revolved Head To Knee II
  169. Revolved Head To Knee III
  170. Revolved Pigeon
  171. Revolved Staff
  172. Rocking I
  173. Rocking II
  174. Sacral Circles
  175. Sage I
  176. Sage II
  177. Sage III
  178. Savasana
  179. Savasana (arms overhead)
  180. Savasana (blanket)
  181. Savasana (head to side)
  182. Savasana (knees bent I)
  183. Savasana (knees bent II)
  184. Savasana (knees bent III)
  185. Scale
  186. Seated Angle I
  187. Seated Angle II
  188. Seated Angle III
  189. Seated Angle IV
  190. Seated Cat Cow
  191. Seated Fold Forward (one leg)
  192. Seated Fold Forward (two legs)
  193. Seated Pigeon I
  194. Seated Pigeon II
  195. Seated Pigeon (against a wall)
  196. Seated Twist I
  197. Seated Twist II
  198. Seated Wind Release
  199. Shoulder Rotations
  200. Shoulder Shrugs
  201. Shoulderstand I
  202. Shoulderstand II
  203. Shoulderstand (wall I)
  204. Shoulderstand (wall II)
  205. Side Crow
  206. Side Plank
  207. Side Plank (knee crunch)
  208. Side Reclining I
  209. Side Reclining II
  210. Side Reclining (half I)
  211. Side Reclining (half II)
  212. Side Turn Crocodile
  213. Sleeping Hero
  214. Sphinx
  215. Staff
  216. Staff (arms overhead I)
  217. Staff (arms overhead II)
  218. Staff (twist)
  219. Superman
  220. Supine (block I)
  221. Supine (block II)
  222. Supine (deer)
  223. Supine (superman)
  224. Supine (leg raises)
  225. Supine (legs up I)
  226. Supine (legs up II)
  227. Supported Plank
  228. Supported Pleasant
  229. Tabletop
  230. Tabletop (fire hydrant)
  231. Threading The Needle
  232. Three Limbs Facing West
  233. Thunderbolt I
  234. Thunderbolt II
  235. Thunderbolt III
  236. Toe Squat
  237. Tortoise
  238. Tripod Headstand (against a wall)
  239. Tripod Headstand (prep)
  240. Twisted Money I
  241. Twisted Money II
  242. Upward Facing Dog
  243. Upward Facing Staff
  244. Upward Plank
  245. Wheel
  246. Wrist Joint Rotation
  247. And many more!
Standing Yoga Stick Figures Blue
Standing Pose Stick Figures (click to open)

Standing Poses

Standing Yoga Stick Figures Include: 

  1. Bird Of Paradise
  2. Bound Extended Side Angle
  3. Bound Half Moon
  4. Bound Triangle
  5. Chair
  6. Chair (arms behind back)
  7. Chair (arms up)
  8. Chair (on toes)
  9. Chair (against a wall)
  10. Crescent Lunge
  11. Crescent Moon
  12. Crouching Cat
  13. Dancer I
  14. Dancer II
  15. Dancer III
  16. Dancer (wall)
  17. Dolphin
  18. Downward Facing Dog
  19. Downward Facing Dog (knee to nose)
  20. Downward Facing Dog (knees bent
  21. Downward Facing Dog (looking up)
  22. Downward Facing Dog (lunge)
  23. Downward Facing Dog (one leg raised)
  24. Downward Facing Dog (peddling)
  25. Downward Facing Dog (split)
  26. Downward Facing Dog (wide legs)
  27. Dwi Konasana
  28. Eagle
  29. Extended Hand To Big Toe I
  30. Extended Hand To Big Toe II
  31. Extended Side Angle
  32. Extended Side Angle (on one knee)
  33. Extended Side Angle (arm on the thigh)
  34. Extended Triangle
  35. Fig Tree
  36. Figure Four
  37. Firelog
  38. Five Pointed Star
  39. Flying Pigeon
  40. Forward Bend
  41. Forward Bend (knees bent I)
  42. Forward Bend (knees bent II)
  43. Forward Bend (half)
  44. Forward Bend (hands interlocked behind back)
  45. Goddess I
  46. Goddess II
  47. Goddess III
  48. Goddess IV
  49. Goddess V
  50. Goddess VI
  51. Half Kneel
  52. Half Moon
  53. Half Lotus Tree Fold
  54. Half Moon Bow
  55. Half Split
  56. Half Triangle
  57. Halfway Lift
  58. Halfway Lift (superman)
  59. Halfway Lift (hands halfway up shins)
  60. Halfway Lift (hands halfway up thighs)
  61. Handstand
  62. High Arms Shoulder Stretch
  63. High Lunge (hands on hip)
  64. High Lunge (twist)
  65. Horse I
  66. Horse II
  67. Horse III
  68. Horse IV
  69. Horse V
  70. Horse VI
  71. Horse VII
  72. Horse VIII
  73. Humble Warrior
  74. Indudalasana
  75. Intense Side Stretch
  76. Kneeling Side Twist (left)
  77. Kneeling Side Twist (right)
  78. Lizard Lunge
  79. Loosey Goosey
  80. Low Lunge (knee on the floor)
  81. Low Lunge (hands-on the mat)
  82. Low Lunge (left foot forward)
  83. Low Lunge (right foot forward)
  84. Lunge I
  85. Lunge II
  86. Lunge III
  87. Lunge IV
  88. Lunge V
  89. Lunge VI
  90. Lunge VII
  91. Lunge VIII
  92. Lunge IX
  93. Lunge X
  94. Lunge XI
  95. Lunge XII
  96. Mountain (side view)
  97. Mountain I
  98. Mountain II
  99. Mountain III
  100. Mountain IV
  101. Mountain V
  102. Mountain VI
  103. Mountain VII
  104. Mountain VIII
  105. Mountain IX
  106. Mountain X
  107. Mountain XI
  108. Mountain XII
  109. Mountain XIII
  110. Mountain XIV
  111. One Leg Wind Relieve
  112. One Sided Intense Side Stretch
  113. Palm Tree I
  114. Palm Tree II
  115. Palm Tree III
  116. Pyramid
  117. Pyramid (starting position)
  118. Reversed Warrior
  119. Revolved Angle I
  120. Revolved Angle II
  121. Revolved Angle III
  122. Revolved Chair Twist
  123. Revolved Downward Facing Dog
  124. Revolved Forward Bend
  125. Revolved Half Moon
  126. Revolved Hand To Big Toe
  127. Revolved Wide Leg Fold
  128. Roll Down
  129. Runner
  130. Runner (knee on the mat)
  131. Samasthiti I
  132. Samasthiti II
  133. Side Lunge
  134. Single Leg Stand
  135. Skater
  136. Sleeping Eagle
  137. Squat
  138. Squat Jumps
  139. Squat (leg extended)
  140. Squat (on toes)
  141. Standing Backbend I
  142. Standing Backbend II
  143. Standing Shoulder Rotations
  144. Standing Shoulder Shrugs
  145. Standing Side Bend I
  146. Standing Side Bend II
  147. Standing Split
  148. Standing Twist I
  149. Standing Twist II
  150. Sun Salutation (position 1)
  151. Sun Salutation (position 2)
  152. Sun Salutation (position 3)
  153. Sun Salutation (position 4
  154. Sun Salutation (position 5)
  155. Sun Salutation (position 6)
  156. Sun Salutation (position 7)
  157. Sun Salutation (position 8)
  158. Sun Salutation (position 9)
  159. Sun Salutation (position 10)
  160. Tree (left leg on the thigh)
  161. Tree (right leg on the thigh)
  162. Tree (arms up I)
  163. Tree (arms up II)
  164. Tree (arms up III)
  165. Tree (arms up IV)
  166. Tree (arms up V)
  167. Tree (arms up VI)
  168. Triangle
  169. Triangle (using a block)
  170. Triangle (using a chair)
  171. Warrior I
  172. Warrior II
  173. Warrior II (hands on hips)
  174. Warrior II (using a chair)
  175. Warrior III
  176. Warrior III (hand on a mat)
  177. Warrior III (squat)
  178. Warrior III (using a wall)
  179. Warrior Eagle I
  180. Warrior Eagle II
  181. Wide Leg Forward Bend
  182. Wild Thing
  183. Wrist Rotating I
  184. Wrist Rotating II
  185. And many more!
Strap Yoga Stick Figures Men
Strap Yoga Stick Figures (click to open)

strap yoga stick figures

Strap Yoga Stick Figures Include: 

  1. Balance
  2. Bend and straighten
  3. Bow
  4. Cow-Face
  5. Dancer
  6. Dolphin
  7. Dolphin (legs up)
  8. Figure 4 Hip Stretch
  9. Ham Stretch
  10. Hand To Big Toe I
  11. Hand To Big Toe II
  12. Hand To Big Toe III
  13. Hip Opener
  14. Lateral Leg Stretch (bend & straighten)
  15. Lateral Leg Stretch (flex & point)
  16. Lateral Leg Stretch (hip opener)
  17. Leg Extensions
  18. Leg Presses
  19. Leg Up (straight)
  20. Leg Up & Down
  21. Lying Quad Stretch
  22. Piriformis Stretch
  23. Quad-Stretch
  24. Reclining Hand To Big Toe I
  25. Reclining Hand To Big Toe II
  26. Seated Half Forward Bend I
  27. Seated Half Forward Bend II
  28. Seated Fold
  29. Shoulder Stretch
  30. Side Hamstring Stretch
  31. Staff

For A Limited Time Only, I’m Giving Away Another 1000+ Yoga Stick Figures As A Bonus

256 Green Yoga Stick Figures In JPG Format

256 Orange Yoga Stick Figures In JPG Format

256 Pink Yoga Stick Figures In JPG Format

256 Red Yoga Stick Figures In JPG Format

256 Yellow Yoga Stick Figures In JPG Format

107 Hand Drawn Yoga Stick Figures In JPG Format

98 Funky Yoga Stick Figures In JPG Format

13 Kundalini Yoga Stick Figures In JPG Format

23 Pawanmuktasana Yoga Stick Figures In JPG Format

50 Face Yoga Stick Figures In JPG Format

Special Offer

“There are 2,511 yoga stick figures in this collection. If you paid £1 per stick figure, you’d have to pay £2,511.00.” 

But you’re not going to pay anywhere near that…

Yoga Stick Figures Special Offer Deal


Who created the stick figures?

Since 2010 I’ve had two graphic designers on my team creating all the stick figures. It’s taken them 100’s of hours and cost me a small fortune (thousands of pounds!), but I think it has been worth it.

Are the images royalty free?

You can use the stick figures for personal use. If you’re a yoga teacher, you can use them to create yoga sequences, lesson plans, handouts, and flyers for your yoga classes. You cannot use these stick figures for commercial purposes (e.g. You cannot use them in lesson plans that you sell to students. You cannot use them within products).  

How much room on my computer do I need?

Actually, not a huge amount.  It adds up to about 65 Mb.

What's the difference between JPG and PNG?

PNG is considered the highest quality image available. They also become transparent in browsers which is great if you need to add them to a dark or colour background.

JPG compression is smaller than PNG files which make them ideal for putting on your website (to reduce the amount of time it takes for a page to load). JPG images are considered the “standard” format. Most images on the web are JPG images.


Join the hundreds of satisfied yoga teachers who have already got their yogic hands on my Yoga Stick Figure Kit. Grab your kit now and experience the transformative magic of these cute stick figures in your yoga teaching life.

“I was searching for some decent yoga stick figures (I am not blessed with great drawing skills myself) to help me produce some work for my yoga teacher training course. I found George’s website and his very useful yoga teaching tools, including the yoga stick figure kit which was exactly what I had been looking for. An extremely useful tool if you are teaching classes and need visual representation of any asanas.”

~ Hannah Brown is a yoga teacher from Southampton, UK

Hannah Brown

Yoga Teacher, Secret Garden Yoga

“Just downloaded your Stick Figures. So much awesomeness. Bless you!”

~ Zara Watkins is a yoga teacher from Brooklyn, New York, USA

Zara Watkins

Yoga Teacher, Zara Watkins Yoga


Well, there you have it, my fabulous fellow yoga teacher.

Are you ready to unlock a world of possibilities and take your yoga sessions to a whole new level with my comprehensive yoga stick figure collection? Whether you’re a seasoned yoga teacher or just starting out, these stick figures will beautifully illustrate your poses and flows, helping you teach to your full potential.


George Watts The Yoga Stick Guy

George Watts “The Yoga Lesson Planning Guy” 
BWY Yoga Teacher
Creator of the Online Yoga Lesson Planner

P.S. If you have any questions, please email me.


P.P.S. As you can see, there’s no other collection of yoga stick figures out there like this – and it’s something I’m so proud and excited to be able to make available to you today. I hope you’ll agree that the stick figures are ridiculously affordable. I wanted to keep them affordable for my fellow yoga teachers. 

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