Engage Mula Bandha. Fully exhale and activate Jalandhara. Bend forward and suck up to hold Uddiyana. This is Maha Bandha. Release in the reverse order you engaged (Uddiyana first, Jalandhara second and then Mula bandha).
Calms autonomic nervous system. Calms the mind. Strengthens pelvic region. Tones internal organs. Promotes the thyroid gland. Improves core strength.
Pregnancy. Intestinal disorders.
Welcome to Maha Bandha (also known as the Great Lock).
Teaching Directions
- Sit crossed legged with back straight.
- Place palms on knees (or thighs).
- With mouth closed take in a deep breath.
- Empty out your lungs completely.
- Rest chin on notch between collarbone in a Chin Lock (Jalandhara bandha).
- Pull in abdominal organs against the spine.
- Lift diaphragm (creating a cavity – Uddiyana bandha).
- Contract the pelvic floor (region between anus and naval).
- Pull pelvic floor up in Mula bandha (root lock).
- Pressing palms down, hold breath with all 3 bandhas engaged.
- Release root lock.
- Release Abdominal Lock.
- Release Chin Lock.
- Inhale gently to fill your lungs.
- Repeat 5 to 10 times.