
The Yoga Retreat Kit contains all the tips, tools and templates you need when planning and marketing for your own yoga retreat. The resources will save you time, money and lots of stress. You’ll have at your fingertips a wonderful resource to build and grow a successful yoga retreat business.  

“Do you have an idea for a yoga retreat, but aren’t sure where to begin?”

If so…

“Would you like easier ways to organise and promote your retreats?”

If you answered “Yes” to any of those two questions, the Yoga Retreat Kit just might be what you’ve been looking for.


“You’ll struggle to find one successful full-time yoga teacher who doesn’t run yoga retreats and here’s why…”


Ever wondered why most full-time yoga teachers host yoga retreats?

It’s a sustainability issue.

By far the best way to sustain a yoga business is to host yoga retreats (and continue to teach your classes). Over 80% of yoga teachers burn out and quit teaching yoga within 3 years of gaining their yoga teacher training certificate.

Why such a high burn out rate? 

Well, because they teach too many classes.

Teaching 10+ classes week in, and week out is unsustainable for 99% of the human population. Yes, there is the odd yoga-teaching maverick who teaches 10+ classes a week and looks like they’re managing to cope.

But there’s almost definitely a hidden cost that has been paid for teaching 10+ classes a week such as:

  • a neglected partner who you hardly ever see
  • a neglected personal yoga practice (too busy teaching)
  • losing enthusiasm for your personal yoga practice
  • losing your joy of teaching yoga
  • ending up teaching run-of-the-mill classes (no time to be creative)
  • physical, mental and emotional exhaustion


One Yoga Retreat = £8,850.00


Let’s nip inside the brain of a serious full-time yoga teacher who is experienced in hosting yoga retreats.

Okay then. 

Here goes…

You’re now inside the yoga teacher’s brain.

“Oh, hi there. Nice to have you in my yoga teacher brain. I’m just calculating the profits from the retreat that I’ve just hosted. Hmmm, let’s see. I charged £395 for the retreat. My costs were £100 per student. There were 30 students coming to the retreat. That means I made £295 profit per student. That means I made a total profit of £8,850.00. Not bad for one yoga retreat.”


Let that £8,850.00 number sink in a bit…

Hopefully you now fully appreciate why most successful full-time yoga teacher hosts yoga retreats.

If you’re not hosting yoga retreats and are wondering why you’re struggling to make ends meet, stop wondering.

Start organising yoga retreats.

Yoga Retreat Action Planner

16 Step Secret Formula For Organising A Successful Yoga Retreat

A typical yoga retreat takes approximately 60 hours to plan and execute!

And that’s not including the time spent during the retreat.

The Yoga Retreat Action Planner is an easy to follow 9 page editable MS Word Document that will save you 59 of those 60 hours. You’ll be getting your yogic hands my proven 16 step formula for organising and hosting a successful yoga retreat.



1001 Yoga Retreat Venues

With the 1001 Yoga Retreat Venues List you don’t even need to spend countless hours searching for a suitable venue.  Anyone who’s planned a yoga retreat knows that selecting a suitable perfect venue is the most time consuming part of organising a retreat.

This list includes 1000+ venues worldwide that are perfect for hosting your yoga day, weekend or retreat. That means you have enough locations to host a yoga retreat in a different venue every weekend for the rest of your life.

You’ll also discover how to approach the retreat venue to get the best possible discount.

101 Yoga Retreat Marketing Tactics

With 101 yoga retreat marketing strategies, you’ll be able to promote your retreat without spending a penny.

I recommend you dedicate a few hours each week marketing your retreat or face the embarrassment of cancelling it. After speaking to dozens of yoga teachers who host retreats, I’d say that 7 out of 10 yoga retreats need to be cancelled due to low student numbers.

Please don’t let that happen to you!

When you invest in the Yoga Retreat Kit, you’ll be given 100+ of my yoga retreat marketing tactics in easy to follow step-by-step format.  All you need to do is choose which tactics that resonate with you and follow the steps.

It’s as easy as following a cake recipe. To bake a cake all you need are ingredients and heat.

To bake a successful yoga retreat all you need are ingredients (marketing strategies) and heat (taking action on the strategies). Without heat you’ll only have gloop (a cancelled retreat). So, have the courage to take action on some of the 100+ retreat marketing tactics. 

If you take action on the retreat marketing tactics, I promise you’ll bake a successful yoga retreat that all your students will love the taste of…and want more. You can then organise another retreat….and another…and another.  

The Yoga Retreat Marketing Strategies Include:  

  • Ads In Yoga Publications
  • Ads In your Local Directory
  • Ads Online for free
  • Direct Mail
  • Dream Team
  • Email Follow Ups
  • Linkedin tactics
  • Posters
  • Press Release
  • Youtube Video Promos
  • Eye-catching Web Page
  • Writing Articles For Your Local Paper
  • Writing Articles For Your Local Directory

Below is one of the 101 yoga retreat marketing tactics for you…

I send the email below to my yoga retreat prospects (yoga students who have been to my yoga classes or previous retreats). It’s also great for sparking off their interest in your retreat. You aren’t sending them an annoying sales email, you’re simply asking for their help. I always get several people sign up from sending this email. Feel free to use and edit it for your next yoga retreat.

Email Promo Template

Hi Mrs Retreat Prospect,

I’m planning to run a yoga weekend for golfers. I’ve brainstormed 10 potential titles for the retreat and would really appreciate it if you could let me know what your top 3 favourite ones are.

Here are the titles…

Yoga For Golfers Weekend Retreat: Ancient secrets of effortless golf revealed
Yoga For Golfers Weekend Retreat: Discover a Foolproof way to better golf
Yoga For Golfers Weekend Retreat: Discover how yoga can get you in the zone
Yoga For Golfers Weekend Retreat: Discover how yoga can drop 7 shots from your score
Yoga For Golfers Weekend Retreat: Transform your golf game
Yoga For Golfers Weekend Retreat: Double Whammy! Transform your golf & improve your health
Yoga For Golfers Weekend Retreat: Little known revolutionary secret that will improve your golf game
Yoga For Golfers Weekend Retreat: Kiss bad golf and your bad back goodbye
Yoga For Golfers Weekend Retreat: Discover how to play golf in the zone
Yoga For Golfers Weekend Retreat: Discover how to play golf in the zone like Jack Nicklaus
Yoga For Golfers Weekend Retreat: Discover how to play golf in the zone like Tiger Woods
Yoga For Golfers Weekend Retreat: Discover how to play golf in the zone like Nick Faldo

Thanks for your time. Hope your golf game is going well!

[Your Name] [Your Telephone Number] [Your Web Address]

P.S. If you’re interested in coming to the weekend retreat, I’ll give you a 10% discount for helping me with the title. Hurry! Places are limited.

Yoga Retreat Invitation Pack

The Yoga Retreat Invitation Pack is going to make you jump with joy because it’s absolutely guaranteed to fill up your yoga retreats.

It’s by far the most powerful yoga retreat marketing tactic I use or have ever come across, and believe me I’ve tested well over 100 yoga retreat tactics over the years.

The Invitation Pack Includes

* Top 100 Prospects List

Using this one document will guarantee your retreat is sold out. But not only that, it will also guarantee you have a waiting list for your next retreat.

* Lumpy Invitation Letter Template

What if you could send one invitation letter that leads to 10 people signing up for your retreat? That would be pretty amazing, right?  Almost impossible? Well, that’s exactly what I did for one of my yoga retreats. And it’s really simple. All I did was send one ‘lumpy’ letter to one person I knew who had 100+ prospects for my retreat. I’ll show you how to send a ‘lumpy letter’ and where to find the perfect prospects.

* Email Invitation Templates

If you don’t want to go the effort of sending lumpy letters, you can use my top four tried and tested email yoga retreat invitations. Or use both strategies: send lumpy letters and email invitations.

* Invitation Ticket

I discovered the power of using an Invitation Ticket when I was sent one for an Anthony Robbins event years ago. I wasn’t planning on going, but because I’d received a ticket, my mind went: “Click, whirr, oh gosh I’ve received an attractive glossy ticket, I must go to the event“.

This, of course, all happened at the unconscious level.

I wasn’t aware of the tickets glossy effect on me until I had read a book called persuasion that described how our brains go click, whirr automatically under certain conditions. The mind represents a glossy ticket as something of value. It will therefore be very hard, if not impossible, for the prospect to ignore or throw away your ticket…especially if it’s all glossy and shinny.

101 Yoga Retreat Themes

If you’re worried about choosing a profitable yoga retreat niche, you’ll love this bonus.

You’ll get 101 proven yoga retreats covering every niche you can think of it. You’ll gain inspiration and courage knowing that these niche yoga retreats have proven to be successful. And you’ll be amazed at how many niches there are for you to tap into.

The best part is that most of the time you can simply piggyback onto another business.

Here’s a quick “piggyback” example…

If you like football, you may choose the Bend it like Beckham Yoga Retreat (for football players). All you’d need to do is contact football clubs to let them know about your “Bend it like Beckham Yoga Retreat“. Within no time you’ll come across a football club that thinks your retreat sounds perfect for their players. The football club will then supply the venue for free (their football club) and the paying students (their football players).

Yoga Retreat Brochure/Booking Form Template

This brochure booking form template is the one I use for all my yoga retreats. Turning a brochure into a “booking form” is a great way of making it easy for prospects to sign up.

It has everything you need in booking form including: 

  • Sign up form
  • Teacher bios
  • Eye catching yoga images
  • Contact info

Yoga Retreat Flyer Collection

Yoga Retreat Flyer Pack

You’ll receive three tried and tested A4 Yoga Retreat Flyer Templates and one A6 Yoga Retreat Flyer Template.

If you put a few of these flyers up in vegetarian cafes, gyms, hairdressers, local schools, and other local business you’ll be glad you did.

Here are 4 templates and forms you’ll also receive: 

  • Yoga Retreat Press Release Template
  • Yoga Retreat Schedule Templates
  • Yoga Retreat Website Template
  • Yoga Retreat Evaluation Form



Is The Kit compatible with Macs & Windows?


Can I call you and ask questions?

Yes. Please call me (George) on 02921 257770 or email  me.



“As a leader of healing retreats and yoga tours, I have tried quite a few marketing courses and products. This is the only kit I have found specifically for yoga retreats and it is full of original ideas and industry-specific advice.  I can’t wait to start implementing his plans and watching my business grow!

Sharee James

Yoga Teacher, hosts healing and yoga retreats in Nepal, AshimaJourneys.com

“I have just recently started to organize Yoga retreats in Mexico and found George’s website extremely helpful in order to organize the events and especially with ideas for marketing which I was at a bit of a loss with.  I will continue to use the techniques I have learnt from the website.  Thanks so much for your help.”

Jo Cope

Yoga Teacher, hosts yoga retreats in Mexico, HotelRiolagartos.com

“I find George’s yoga kit extremely helpful and time saving. I can’t imagine how many hours I would have spent extra if I wouldn’t have had all the great templates, forms and examples on how to market a yoga retreat. I appreciate you sharing your expertise and knowledge with us George!”

Andrea Sulzbacher

Yoga Teacher, hosts yoga retreats in USA, Cre8balance.com

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