
Yoga Lesson Planning Clinic
How To Teach Warrior I Pose

Step 1
Teach The Benefits

  • Smashes anxiety out of the ball park.
  • Energizes the entire body
  • Stretches chest, lungs, shoulders
  • Stretches neck, belly & groin
  • Strengthens shoulders, arms & back
  • Strengthens & stretches the thighs, calves & ankles

Step 2
Teach Warrior I

You can also watch this video tutorial of Warrior I

1) Start in Mountain Pose.

2) Widen legs.

3) Turn right foot at right angle.

4) Press into outside edge of back foot.

5) Inhale and lift arms to shoulder height, drop shoulder blades, bend knee towards the toes, knees stop above ankle, move knee backwards (NOT towards big toe), body weight centre, turn head to look along the arm, relax jaw, breath, feel energised and strong like a warrior.

6) Straighten leg, breath in and back to wide stance.

7) Repeat other side.

8) To come out of pose straighten the bent leg, bring foot in to face front, release arms, turn foot around to front of class and step forward into Mountain Pose.

Step 3
Give Modifications

It’s a good idea to give at least one or two modifications for every asana you teach.   This is really important if you have beginners in your class.

  • Neck problems (keep head in neutral position & don’t look up at hands)
  • Raise back heel on a folded blanket

Step 4
Give Adjustments

Most students really appreciate getting an adjustment from you.  It demonstrates that you are paying attention and they are getting great value for their money.  Here are two typical adjustments for Warrior I…

Anterior Rotated Pelvis Adjustment (video tutorial):  If your student has a big arch in their lower back it means they have an anterior rotated pelvis. To adjust bring your fist into sacrum and ask the student to move it back into your fist (front ribs will drop).

Shaky In The Back Leg Adjustment (video tutorial):  If your student is shaky in the back leg walk to the front and bring palm to the front of the knee cap and ask him/her to push into your hand and reach back with his/her back leg.

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