Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Standing |
Types: | Arm Balance, Balance, Forward Bend, Hip Opener, Inversion, Prone, Standing, Strengthen |
Anatomy: | Arms & Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps, Core, Hamstrings, Hips, Psoas, Wrists & Arms |
Chakras: | Crown Centre, Heart Centre, Solar Plexus Centre, Throat Centre |
Therapy: | Confidence Building, Sciatica |
Drishti: | Tip Of Nose |
Dosha: | Kapha, Pitta |
From Mountain, bring outside of right ankle on top of left thigh and flex right foot. Press right knee toward floor while lowering hips back and down. Hold. Fold forward over standing leg. Rest fingertips on floor (or on blocks in front of you). Hook flexed right foot around left triceps (feel stretch in right hip & glutes, not right knee). Repeat on other side.
Hip opener. Strengthens thighs, buttocks, hams. Arm, shoulder, leg, knee, stretch.
A) Flying pigeon with Yoga blocks under hands. B) Flying pigeon at the wall (allow foot to use the wall as a prop). C) Flying pigeon with one foot on a Yoga block. D) Flying pigeon with one shin on a block.
Knee injury.
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- 15 Minute Yoga: 136 Standing Poses
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- Asana families Arm Balances
Quick Flying Pigeon Pose Tips
Do not allow one shoulder to dip lower than the other. Keep them level and even
Do not allow your shoulders to dip lower than your elbows. Maintain your Four-Limbed Staff (Chaturanga) shape in the arms.
Hug your elbows into the midline of your body.
Maintain broadness within your chest. Imagine your collarbones are smiling.
Press your right leg firmly down into your arms, but draw your core in and up to lift your torso away from the floor.
Try to resist the force of gravity. Think about lifting up rather than allowing gravity to push you down.
Send energy extending up and out of your back leg
Benefits Of Balance Poses
Balance is the ability to control your body’s position, whether stationary (i.e. a complex yoga pose) or while moving (e.g. playing golf).
Balance is a key component of Yoga, along with strength and flexibility poses.
Top 5 benefits to of balance poses…
1) Body Awareness – Body awareness is the sense of how your limbs are oriented in space, also known as proprioception. Balance training improves body awareness, which decreases the likelihood of injury.
2) Coordination – Balance poses requires your entire body to work in harmony, otherwise you will fall or stumble. Improved coordination during balance poses will be transferred into coordination in everyday life.
3) Joint Stability – Balance poses promote stable knees, ankles, hips, and shoulders. This can prevent a multitude of injuries including sprained ankles and knee problems.
4) Reaction Time – Balance poses can improve your reaction time. If you happen to slip or stumble when performing balance poses, your body needs to re-balance immediately or you will fall. This in turn will improve your reaction time in everyday life.
5) Long Term Health – Adding balance poses into your Yoga session helps to maintain or improve your balance, which is needed to prevent falls and fractures. As we age, our balance can deteriorate. Yoga balances will help delay that deterioration.