
Yoga Marketing Tactic
The VIP Card


Before I give you this yoga marketing tactic,  you might be thinking just who the heck I am to be giving you such tips. I’m a full-time BWY yoga teacher and creator of the Yoga Teacher Business Kit

How The VIP Card Works

With VIP Cards you can arrange all sorts of special perks for your yoga students with local businesses.

You go to your local cafe and set up a 10% discount off all drinks.  You tell your students something like, “Guess what my beloved and cherished students (that may be a bit too much), I’ve wangled a special 10% discount off drinks at our local ABC Organic Cafe.  All you need to do is flash your Yoga VIP Card.”  This could also turn into a piggyback business relationship with the organic cafe.  The best part is that students will think you’re a God or Goddess. That means they’ll come to your classes for longer.  That means you don’t need to advertise your classes as much.  And that means you and your student wins.  We all love win-wins!

Option 1
Business Card With Metalic Finish

You can use vistaprint business cards using the metalic finish for your VIP Card. The metalic finish made the cards feel more substantial than a normal business card (remember you’re only giving them out to your students).

Option 2
Loyalty Card

You can use vistaprint’s loyalty card template.  I couldn’t believe how well this strategy worked!  My students love it.  If you’re using the loyalty card, you will need to initial a box on their card each week, until they have 10 boxes filled in.  It’s also a great way to chat and get to know your students, because they have to bring their loyalty card to you to get signed.  I find in my classes that 1 out of 10 students are really shy and find it hard to approach me (the loyalty card gives them courage to approach me).  This option obviously takes more time then option 1, but people love being rewarded for loyalty.

Example VIP Card Layout

Name Of Your Yoga Business
VIP Member
Name Of Your Website


Now you have your lovely new VIP Cards, it’s time to do a wee bit of networking. Your mission is set up as many nifty “discounts” for your students as possible.

So, get in your car, bus, bike, feet, or whatever mode of transport that rocks your boat and go to all the businesses in your local area that you think your students would like to frequent.  Ask the business owner for a “special discount” for your students.  Most business owners will fall over themselves to get business from a group.  A group has purchasing power!

Examples Of Businesses To Approach


  • Acupuncturist
  • Alternative Health Practitioners
  • Cafes
  • Chiropractors
  • Complementary Therapists
  • Dietitians
  • Hair Dressers
  • Health Food Shops
  • Herbalists
  • Homeopaths
  • Hypnotherapists
  • Fair Trade Businesses
  • Flower Shops
  • Masseuses
  • Nutritionists
  • Organic Cafes
  • Physiotherapists

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