How To Teach Pigeon Pose
In this post, you’ll follow seven steps to teach pigeon pose using a memorable pigeon yoga class theme.
Step 1: Download The Pigeon Handout
Feel free to download the infographic pigeon pose card, and use as a yoga teaching aid in your classes.
Step 2: Pick A Pigeon Theme
Here are some ideas to theme your next class around “Pigeon Pose”.
Pigeon Theme 1: A Pigeon’s Sacrifice
Here is a blog article I wrote called A Pigeon’s Sacrifice: The Death That Raised Our Consciousness. It would make a highly memorable yoga class theme.
Pigeon Theme 2: Family
The Pigeon is the embodiment of the maternal instinct. Home and family are very dear and meaningful to those with this power animal. The pigeon’s brood consists of two eggs. Two is a symbol of the creative feminine energies. When practicing Pigeon Pose, remember to practice on both (two) your legs and allow your creative energies to flow freely.
Pigeon Theme 3: Inner Peace
The Pigeon represents peace of the deepest kind. When practicing Pigeon Pose, you reduce the noise emanating from your troubled thoughts, and find renewal in the silence of your mind. In these moments of stillness, we are able to feel deep gratitude for the simple things in life. More peace is needed in our hearts and the hearts of nations. When practicing Pigeon Pose, you fill your heart with peace.
Pigeon Theme 4: Navigate
A 10-year study carried out by Oxford University concluded that pigeons use roads and motorways to navigate, in some cases even changing direction at motorway junctions. Other theories include navigation by use of the earth’s magnetic field, visual clues such as landmarks, the sun and even low frequency seismic waves. Whatever the truth, this unique ability makes the pigeon a very special bird. When practicing Pigeon Pose, you are better able to be able to use your feelings (heart) to navigate the roads and motorways within your mind.
Pigeon Theme 5: Revered
The pigeon is revered in India with huge flocks numbering many thousands of birds being fed daily at Hindu temples.
Pigeon Theme 6: Peaceful Warrior
The Pigeon has been used to great effect during wartime. In both the First and Second World Wars the pigeon saved hundreds of thousands of human lives by carrying messages across enemy lines. Sometimes we need to take action to get out of dire situations. Sometimes we need to send a message from our subconscious to our conscious mind to take action. When practicing Pigeon Pose in silence, you allow the subconscious messages to bubble to the surface of the mind. You can then use ‘the message’ given to you.
Pigeon Theme 7: Come Up With Your Own Theme
Come up with your own pigeon theme. Think about what pigeons are known for such as: “Bringers of peace and love”, “femininity”, “maternity”, “being spirit messengers”, and “gentleness“.
Step 3: Teach Some Pigeon Facts
Giving interesting facts about pigeons while your students are practicing pigeon pose, subconsciously releases pigeon qualities into their minds…
Pigeon Fact: Bobbing Heads
The pigeon has side-mounted eyes, unlike humans who have forward facing eyes. As pigeons have monocular vision rather than binocular vision they bob their heads for depth of perception. The pigeon’s eyes function much better with stationary images and therefore as the pigeon takes a step forward the head is temporarily left behind. The next step jerks the head forward again and so on. This allows the bird to orient itself.
Pigeon Fact: Football Match Results
In England, prior to the days of telegraphs, pigeons were often taken to football matches and released to carry home the result of the game.
Pigeon Fact: Olympic Games Results
In Roman times the pigeon was used to carry results of the Olympic Games. This is why white doves are released at the start of the Olympic Games today.
Pigeon Fact: Spectrum Of Colours
Pigeons can see a broader spectrum of colours than humans, including ultraviolet light, which helps them navigate and find food.
Pigeon Fact: Impressive Memory
Pigeons have an impressive memory, capable of remembering people’s faces and distinguishing between friendly and threatening humans.
Step 4: Teach Pigeon Pose Benefits
Because I was getting into the pigeon theme, I’ve written the benefits as if I was pigeon teaching the benefits to a yoga class.
“Greetings, fellow yogis! I’m Percy the Pigeon, your feathery guide to the wonders of Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana). Let me tell you why this pose is a treasure trove of benefits, straight from a bird who knows a thing or two about stretching those wings and legs!
First, Pigeon Pose is all about hip-opening magic. We pigeons are known for our graceful cooing, but let me tell you, nothing beats the feeling of releasing tension from those tight hip flexors. This pose gently stretches the hip rotators and flexors, helping you to glide through your day with ease, just like I do through the skies.
Second, it’s a posture of peace and relaxation. Ever watched a pigeon perched on a sunny ledge? That’s me, soaking in the calm. Pigeon Pose invites you to find a moment of stillness, lowering stress levels and bringing tranquility to your mind.
Third, let’s talk about spinal health. When you settle into this pose, your lower back gets a delicious stretch, and your spine says thank you! As a pigeon who often puffs up his chest, I appreciate the gentle backbend that keeps everything aligned and in harmony.
Lastly, Pigeon Pose is a gateway to balance and flexibility. Stretching those legs (or wings) and holding the pose helps build a solid foundation. It’s the perfect practice to improve your flexibility, so you can fly—or walk—with a newfound sense of freedom.
So, next time you find yourself in Pigeon Pose, remember me, Percy, and embrace the benefits with a light heart and a calm mind. Happy coo-ing, I mean, yoga-ing!“
Step 5: Teach Pigeon Pose Precautions
To teach the precautions, you can say something like this:
“As you settle into Pigeon Pose, I want to remind you to approach this posture with mindfulness and care.
It’s essential to listen to your body and avoid forcing yourself into a deeper stretch than feels comfortable. If you experience any knee discomfort, adjust by bringing a block or blanket under your hip for support.
Keep the front foot flexed to protect the knee joint, and ensure your back leg is extended straight behind you to prevent twisting in the lower back. Remember, it’s not about how deep you go, but how connected you stay to your body’s signals.
If you have any previous hip, knee, or lower back injuries, be extra cautious or skip the pose altogether, opting for a gentler modification.
Always prioritise safety and ease over intensity.”
Step 6: Teach Pigeon Pose
“To teach pigeon pose, you can say this:
Alright everyone, let’s move into Pigeon Pose, a wonderful stretch for opening the hips.
Start in a tabletop position, then bring your right knee forward and place it behind your right wrist, allowing your right ankle to rest near your left hip.
Extend your left leg straight back, keeping your hips square and centred. You can stay upright with your hands on the mat, or, if it feels comfortable, slowly lower your forearms or rest your forehead on the mat.
Breathe deeply, feeling the stretch in your hip. If you feel any strain in your knee, adjust by placing a block under your hip or modify by lying on your back and crossing one ankle over the opposite thigh. Hold for a few breaths, then switch sides.
Remember to stay connected to your breath and listen to your body.”
Step 7: Teach A Modification Or Two
Pigeon Pose On A Bolster
Beginner Modifications: Pigeon Pose
Beginner Modification 1: Reclined Pigeon Pose
Lie on your back and cross one ankle over the opposite knee, gently pulling the legs towards your chest. This reduces pressure on the hips and makes it easier to ease into the stretch.
Beginner Modification 2: Seated Pigeon Pose
Sit on a chair and cross one ankle over the opposite thigh, keeping your back straight. This provides support while still opening the hips gently.
Beginner Modification 3: Elevated Pigeon
Place your front leg on a bolster or cushion to reduce the intensity of the stretch. This helps maintain alignment and ease into the pose comfortably.
Beginner Modification 4: Wall-Assisted Pigeon
Lie on your back with one foot pressed against the wall and the opposite ankle crossed over your thigh. This modification offers control over the depth of the stretch.
Beginner Modification 5: Shorter Hold Times
Hold the pose for a shorter duration, about 10-15 seconds initially. This allows your body to gradually adapt to the position.
Beginner Modification 6: Use Blocks Under Hips
Place a yoga block under the hip of the bent leg for support. This modification helps maintain balance and reduces strain on the hips.
Beginner Modification 7: Forward Fold Support
Use a bolster under your chest as you fold forward over the bent leg. This creates a gentle stretch while offering full upper body support.
Beginner Modification 8: Half Pigeon on Back
Lie on your back and bring one knee towards your chest, holding your foot with your hands. This stretches the hip without bearing weight.
Beginner Modification 9: Use a Strap
Loop a strap around the ankle of the bent leg to gently pull it closer. This provides additional support and control over the stretch.
Beginner Modification 10: Prop Under Front Thigh
Place a rolled blanket under the thigh of the front leg to elevate it slightly. This eases tension on the knee and hip.
Intermediate Modifications: Pigeon Pose
Intermediate Modification 1: Deep Forward Fold
Fold your torso completely over the bent leg, extending your arms forward. This deepens the hip stretch and increases flexibility.
Intermediate Modification 2: Extended Arm Stretch
Reach your arms forward as far as possible, engaging your shoulders. This adds a shoulder stretch while maintaining the hip-opening benefits.
Intermediate Modification 3: Backbend Pigeon
Lift your chest and backbend slightly, bringing your hands to your hips. This enhances the stretch through the hip flexors and lower back.
Intermediate Modification 4: Twist in Pigeon
Place one hand on the mat and twist your torso towards the bent leg. This adds a spinal twist to the pose, increasing flexibility.
Intermediate Modification 5: Longer Hold Times
Hold the pose for up to one minute or longer. This allows for a deeper release in the hips and increased endurance.
Intermediate Modification 6: No Props
Remove any blocks or props supporting your hips. This increases the challenge and builds strength in the supporting muscles.
Intermediate Modification 7: Active Foot Flexion
Keep the foot of the bent leg actively flexed to protect the knee and deepen the hip stretch. This engages the muscles for more stability.
Intermediate Modification 8: Gentle Lift of Back Leg
Lift the back leg slightly off the ground, engaging the glutes. This adds strength-building to the stretch.
Intermediate Modification 9: Side Bend in Pigeon
Bend your torso towards the extended leg side, placing one arm overhead. This variation stretches the side body along with the hips.
Intermediate Modification 10: Forearm Variation
Lower down onto your forearms instead of keeping your hands on the mat. This deepens the stretch in the hips and engages the core.
Advanced Modifications: Pigeon Pose
Advanced Modification 1: King Pigeon Pose
Bend the back leg and reach back to grab the foot with both hands. This deepens the hip stretch and adds a quad stretch.
Advanced Modification 2: Mermaid Pose
Bend the back leg and hold the foot with one hand, while the other arm reaches overhead. This combines hip opening with a strong backbend.
Advanced Modification 3: One-Legged Pigeon Balance
Lift both hands off the ground and balance on the bent leg alone. This tests your balance and strength significantly.
Advanced Modification 4: Full Splits Entry
From Pigeon, slide the front leg forward into a full split. This requires extreme flexibility and strength in the hips and hamstrings.
Advanced Modification 5: Forehead to Floor
Fold forward completely until your forehead touches the floor, keeping the back leg fully extended. This deepens the hip stretch and increases flexibility.
Advanced Modification 6: Hands Overhead Stretch
Lift your arms overhead and clasp your hands, stretching the torso upwards. This adds a full-body stretch to the pose.
Advanced Modification 7: Backbend with Bind
Reach back with both hands to grab the foot of the back leg, bending deeply. This requires flexibility in the spine and shoulders.
Advanced Modification 8: Pigeon to Scorpion
From Pigeon, lift the back leg and bring it towards your head, creating a scorpion-like shape. This requires strength and extreme flexibility.
Advanced Modification 9: Reclined Pigeon Variation
From King Pigeon, recline back onto the ground while holding the foot of the back leg. This adds a supine element to the intense stretch.
Advanced Modification 10: Forward Fold with Leg Lift
Fold forward over the front leg while lifting the back leg off the ground. This engages the core and deepens the stretch in both hips and back.
George’s Conclusion
I hope this was a useful guide on how to teach pigeon pose using a pigeon yoga class theme. If you liked this post, you’ll love this one: 101 perfect poses for a peak pose themed yoga class.
And if you want to save time creating yoga lesson plans, take a peek at my Online Yoga Lesson Planner.