
Free Yoga Business Tips
7 Steps To Create & Promote Your 1 to 1 Yoga Package

Don’t be afraid to charge a premium for your 1 to 1 yoga sessions.   Most newbie yoga teachers charge less than £30 for a 1 to 1 session.  Charging so little is big mistake for several reasons.

Reason #1
Your students won’t value it.

Reason 2
If you fail to charge enough you’ll have to work 2, 3 or 4 times harder – that is a sure fire way to burn out.  Burn out is the #1 reason yoga teachers quit teaching.

Reason #3
It shows you don’t value your services.


Step 1
Create a 1 to 1 Yoga Package

Take a peek at my 1 to 1 Yoga Package.  Please feel free to copy and paste it to your website.  If you don’t have a yoga website and would like an affordable one, take a peek here.

Step 2

Copy and paste my 1 to 1 Yoga Package to your website.  You may want to edit it a bit.

Step 3

Create a 1 to 1 Yoga Flyer (or use the pre-filled 1 to 1 yoga flyer within The Yoga Teacher Business Kit).

Step 4

Print a bunch of copies and give a copy to every student in your yoga class.

Step 5

Print plenty flyers and give handout to your students when they arrive for their first class.

Step 6

When you have a chat with a new student, and it looks like they would benefit from a  1 to 1 Yoga Session (e.g. she is pregnant), have the courage to mention your “Private Yoga Package”.  Don’t be shy about it.

Step 7

Send an email to your students.  See below for an email I sent to a lady who had just started coming to my yoga class.

Email Template

Hi Bev,

Hope your enjoying the yoga classes.

Some of the new students like to combine their yoga classes with a package of 5 or 10 private yoga sessions with me.   This is a good option if you have any specific issues (e.g. back pain or arthritis) and want to create a yoga practice that suits your body and personality.   If that sounds interesting, click on this link for more info:  www.georgewatts.org/services/1-to-1-yoga


One session (60 minutes): £35
Block of five sessions: £160 (saves £15)
Block of ten sessions: £300 (saves £50)

This yoga marketing tip came from within The Yoga Teacher Business Kit.

Plus, you may also want to consider using The 15 Minute Yoga Genie Lesson Planner (available within the The Yoga Teacher Lesson Plan Kit) to create professional and personalized yoga lesson plans for your 1 to 1 students.

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