Sanskrit Name: | Shashankasana |
Similar Pose Names: | rabbit,Sasangasana, Shasangasana |
Category: | Seated & Floor |
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Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Seated & Floor |
Types: | Forward Bend, Inversion, Prone, Seated & Floor, Stretch |
Anatomy: | Arms & Shoulders, Core, Lower Back, Middle Back, Neck, Upper Back |
Chakras: | Crown Centre, Heart Centre, Solar Plexus Centre, Third Eye, Throat Centre |
Therapy: | Anxiety, Back Pain, Poor Posture, Stress |
Drishti: | Navel |
Dosha: | Pitta, Vata |
Sit on knees with palms on thighs. Lift arms above head. Bend forward from hips, keeping arms and head in a straight line. Hands and forehead rest on floor in front of knees. Bend elbows so arms are relaxed. Hold. Raise arms and body back to start position.
Hip opener. Stretches inner thighs, groins, hips. Eases sciatic pain.
Blanket under knees.
Knee or ankle injuries. Back pain.
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