Plank Pose (Kumbhakasana) FAQs
What are the Plank Pose teaching steps?
Begin on hands and knees. Knees under hips. Hands under shoulders. Roll shoulders back and down. Fingertips point forward. Don't splay elbows. Lift up in your middle as you step one foot straight back and then the other. Keep legs engaged in supporting the plank position. Hold.
What are some Plank Pose variations?
Plank pose is mostly a transition post between Downward Dog and something like Cobra pose. If you’re feeling daring, instead of the traditional Plank pose, try one of these variations.
7 Variations Of Plank Pose
1. Knees
Come into plank pose and lower your knees onto the mat.
2. Cross It Up
Come into plank pose. Cross one ankle on top of the other. Squeeze thighs together to work quads and core. Hold. Breathe. Switch legs.
3. Four-Limbed Staff Pose
From plank lower into Four-Limbed Staff (Chaturanga) which is a half pushup position.
4. Wide Stance
From the traditional plank take a huge step out with your feet so they come to the edge of your mat or wider. Zip up the muscles along the inner leg (adductors) and engage, engage, engage.
5. Tree Leg
Move the leg inside of your base legs ankle, calf, or thigh. Work on the alignment in the upper body as well as core and breathing control. To kick it up from here, lower to Four-Limbed Staff (Chaturanga) and then press back up to plank. Switch legs.
6. Flying Plank
From the traditional plank pose, dig your back toes into the mat and begin to bend your knee to float the leg of your choice forward. Let it hover as your knee bends in towards your elbow, arm, or midline. Keep your spine straight and your abdominals contracted.
7. Rocking Plank
From the plank pose, rock forward on toes until shoulders move past your hands. Then push shoulders backwards until heels extend beyond your toes. Move slowly and in a controlled manner to challenge your balance, coordination, and shoulder strength. This move can be done on your hands or forearms.
What are some Plank Pose warmups?
Below are some gentle warmups to give to your students before they get to Plank pose.
Dolphin Pose (Makarasana)
The dolphin pose is the ideal variation of the Plank pose for students who have weak wrists.
Cat Pose
Cat Cow Pose
Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
Cow Leg Raise (Bitilasana)
Frog Pose (Mandukasana)