Downward Facing Dog: 59 Modifications & Free Class Plan
Today, I’d like to share 59 ways to modify Downward-facing Dog pose to get your student’s tails wagging with excitement. Includes free class plan.
22 Wrist-Friendly Modifications for Sun Salutation A
Today, I’m sharing 22 creative modifications for Sun Salutation A to help you practice comfortably and safely if you experience wrist pain.
Yin Yoga Class Plan: For Managing Depressive Disorder
Today, I’m sharing a Yin Yoga class plan designed to support those managing severe Depressive Disorder. This plan includes calming Yin Yoga poses, soothing breathwork, and deeply restorative relaxation exercises.
How To Draw Downward Facing Dog Pose: 4 Step Formula
Today, I’m excited to share my method for drawing Downward Facing Dog Pose. Follow my simple 4-step formula, complete with an easy-to-follow infographic!
Yoga by the Numbers: 20 Fascinating Stats You Didn’t Know
In this post, I’ll explore some of the most interesting data points related to yoga, each represented by a number.
Yoga For Sleep: 50 Yoga Poses for Improving Sleep Quality
Today, I’m sharing 50 yoga poses to enhance sleep quality, plus 50 off-mat sleep tips.
How To Draw Tree Pose: Simple 4 Step Formula
Today, I’m sharing my 4-step formula for drawing Tree Pose, complete with infographics.
4 Yoga Philosophy Lesson Plans: 8 Limbs, Purusha, Prakriti, & Sutras
Today I’m sharing four yoga philosophy lesson plans covering the Eight Limbs of Yoga, Purusha, Prakriti, and the Yoga Sutras.
21 Yoga Poses For Your Spine: 101 Ways To Improve Spinal Health
Today, I’d like to share my spinal health doodle art, give you 101 little things you can do for your spine, and provide a bunch of Yoga poses for your spine.
The Power Of A Daily Yoga Practice: Unfurl Your Mat
Today, I’d like to share my doodle art and blog post called “The Longer Your Wait To Get On Your Yoga Mat, The Harder It Gets To Unfurl It”.
50 Face Yoga Exercises: Ancient Anti-ageing Secret
Today I’m excited to share 50 Face Yoga exercises you can use for a 30-day Face Yoga Challenge. Facial Yoga is an anti-ageing secret for a younger, healthier you.
The Yogi Guide to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Today I’d like to share with you the Yogi Guide to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: A fun, doodle art guide to “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs” through the eyes of a Yoga teacher.