Online Yoga Sequence Builder With Drag & Drop Technology: Effortless Yoga Lesson Planning
Online Yoga Sequence Builder
Hi, I’m George Watts, a BWY yoga teacher from the UK. For the first few years after becoming a full time yoga teacher, I was taking several hours to create one yoga lesson plan!
I know.
That’s crazy!
So, I did the only reasonable thing I could think of.
I spent several months creating an Online Yoga Sequence Builder, featuring intuitive drag-and-drop technology, which now has over 100,000 shared yoga lesson plans.
The Yoga Sequence Builder enabled me to create customised yoga sequences in seconds and elevated my teaching with ease. Never again did I need to struggle when creating a yoga lesson plan.
Amazingly, the Yoga Sequence Builder is now used by 2000+ yoga teachers, trainers and trainees worldwide.
Most yoga teachers find creating a yoga sequence hard work, because…well it is. If you don’t have a Yoga Sequence Builder to help you, it means you have to create each plan from scratch.
That is hard work!
But don’t fool yourself into thinking that hard work makes your yoga lesson plans any better.
We all know it doesn’t.
I used to think that spending several hours creating a lesson plan made it better than plans created by other teachers.
The truth my lesson plans weren’t any better, and because I wasted several hours creating the lesson plan, I didn’t spend any time practicing it before class. All my energy was tied up in the planning! That made me a worse yoga teacher than my peers!
So, to recap. I created the Online Yoga Sequence Builder for my own yoga classes. I’m a full-time yoga teacher. That means you can be assured that it’s been tested and proven in the real “yoga teaching world”.
So, if you have a few minutes spare, take a quick peek at the Online Yoga Sequence Builder.