How To Teach Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana): Includes 30 Modifications & Visualisations For The Pose
How To Teach Extended Side Angle Pose
In this post, you’ll discover how to teach Extended Side Angle Pose. Packed with 30 modifications, 30 creative visualisations, and an easy-to-follow infographic, this post is a useful case study for yoga teachers looking to find new ways to teach this amazing pose.
Below is my 7 step guide for teaching Extended Side Angle Pose. Let’s get started with step one.
Step 1
Teach the Sanskrit
Teach your students the Sanskrit by breaking it down into bite sized morsels.
It’s pronounced:
“oo-TEE-tah parsh-vah-cone-AHS-anna“
Utthita = extended
Parsva = side
Kona = angle
Asana = pose
Ask your students to learn the Sanskrit by getting them to repeat it as a mantra for 5 minutes.
Step 2
Teach the Symbolism (visualisations)
I’m big on symbolism and visualisations for students because a mind picture is worth more than a thousand words. Below are 30 ways to use visualisations to teach the pose.
30 Visualisations for Teaching Extended Side Angle Pose
Visualisation 1: Tailbone Lengthening
Imagine your tailbone lengthening away from your crown. Feel the elongation of your spine as you create space between each vertebra.
Visualisation 2: Rooted Like a Tree
Picture your feet rooting into the earth like tree roots. Feel the grounding stability through your legs as you grow tall and strong.
Visualisation 3: Stretching Through the Sky
Imagine your top arm reaching for the clouds above you. Feel the length and lightness in your side body as you stretch.
Visualisation 4: Energy Shooting Through Your Fingers
Visualise energy radiating from your fingertips as you extend your arm. Let it flow outward, creating a sense of expansion.
Visualisation 5: Spine Like a Waterfall
Picture your spine cascading down like a waterfall, smooth and fluid. Let the movement create a sense of ease and grace in your pose.
Visualisation 6: Heart Shining Upward
Visualise your heart as a glowing light, shining up toward the ceiling. Allow this light to guide your chest into an open, expansive position.
Visualisation 7: Grounded Like a Mountain
Feel your back foot pressing into the earth like the base of a mountain. Let this connection ground you and provide strength.
Visualisation 8: Lengthening Through the Side Body
Imagine your torso stretching like an elastic band. Feel the elongation from your hip to your fingertips.
Visualisation 9: Floating Ribcage
Picture your ribcage floating upward like a balloon. Let this lightness help you maintain openness in your side body.
Visualisation 10: Top Arm as a Rainbow
See your top arm creating a graceful arc, like a rainbow. Let this visual guide your alignment and balance.
Visualisation 11: Energy Spiralling Through the Body
Visualise a spiral of energy travelling from your back foot, through your core, and out your fingertips. Feel this continuous flow grounding and energising you.
Visualisation 12: Shoulder Like a Wing
Imagine your top shoulder as a bird’s wing, gliding effortlessly. Let it guide the movement of your arm in the pose.
Visualisation 13: Crown Reaching Toward the Horizon
Picture your head extending toward the horizon in front of you. Feel the length through the back of your neck as you gaze forward.
Visualisation 14: Anchor in Your Back Foot
Visualise your back foot as an anchor, holding you steady. Let this grounding give you confidence in the pose.
Visualisation 15: Expand Like the Horizon
Imagine your body expanding outward like the horizon at sunrise. Feel your energy radiating in all directions.
Visualisation 16: Waves Flowing Through the Spine
Picture gentle waves flowing up and down your spine. Allow this rhythm to bring fluidity and relaxation to your posture.
Visualisation 17: Hands Connecting the Earth and Sky
See your bottom hand reaching into the earth and your top hand touching the sky. Let this connection energise your entire body.
Visualisation 18: Side Body Like a Bow
Imagine your side body forming the curve of a bow. Feel the tension and strength that prepares you to release.
Visualisation 19: Light Spiralling Upward
Visualise a golden light spiralling upward from your grounded foot to your extended arm. Let this energy guide your movement.
Visualisation 20: Bottom Arm as a Root
Picture your bottom arm as a root stabilising your foundation. Let it draw strength from the earth.
Visualisation 21: Opening Like a Flower
Imagine your chest opening like a flower blossoming toward the sun. Feel the beauty and openness in your pose.
Visualisation 22: Stretching the Side Like Taffy
Visualise your side body stretching like soft, pliable taffy. Allow this image to create a sense of ease in the pose.
Visualisation 23: Top Hand Catching a Star
Picture your top hand reaching up to catch a twinkling star. Let this image inspire a sense of lightness and aspiration.
Visualisation 24: Spine as a Golden Line
Visualise your spine as a golden line of energy, straight and luminous. Allow it to guide your posture into alignment.
Visualisation 25: Side Body as a Bridge
Picture your side body as a bridge spanning between your hips and fingertips. Feel the strength and stability in this connection.
Visualisation 26: Ribcage Like a Sail
Imagine your ribcage as a sail, catching the wind and lifting upward. Let this elevate your posture and create space.
Visualisation 27: Hips Rooting Like a Boulder
Visualise your hips sinking deeply into the ground like a heavy boulder. This grounding provides a strong foundation for your pose.
Visualisation 28: Energy Flowing Like a River
Picture energy flowing through your body like a gentle river. Allow it to connect your movements seamlessly.
Visualisation 29: Top Shoulder as a Guiding Light
Imagine your top shoulder glowing brightly, leading your chest upward. Let it inspire openness and ease in your pose.
Visualisation 30: Stretching Like a Cat
Visualise your side body stretching long and supple, like a cat. Embrace the sense of length and flexibility this brings.
Step 3
Teach the Benefits
Teach your students the benefits.
- Strengthens and stretches legs, groins, hamstrings.
- Opens chest and shoulders.
Step 4
Teach the Precautions
- Don’t look up for too long if you have cervical spondylosis
- Don’t raise your arm if you have a cardiac condition
- Don’t practice if you have lower back problems
- Don’t practice if you have neck pain
- Don’t practice if you have a headache
- Don’t practice if you have a diarrhoea
- Don’t practice if you have a low blood pressure
- Don’t practice if you have psoriasis
- Don’t practice if you have varicose veins
- Don’t practice if you have depression
Step 5
Teach the Pose
Step 1: Start in Warrior II
Align feet, bend front knee deeply.
Step 2: Lower forearm to thigh
Place forearm lightly on thigh.
Step 3: Extend top arm overhead
Reach arm toward ceiling, palm down.
Step 4: Engage core and twist
Rotate chest upward, lengthen through torso.
Step 5: Ground through feet
Press evenly, maintain stability and alignment.
Step 6
Teach the Modifications
Knowing a few modifications for each posture you teach is really important. It will make you a versatile and much more professional yoga teacher. Below are 10 beginner, 10 intermediate and 10 advanced modifications for Extended Side Angle Pose.
10 Beginner Modifications for Extended Side Angle Pose
Beginner Modification 1: Use a Block for Support
Place a yoga block on the inside of your front foot. Rest your hand on the block to reduce strain and maintain stability.
Beginner Modification 2: Keep Forearm on Thigh
Instead of reaching for the floor, rest your forearm lightly on your bent thigh. This helps maintain alignment while avoiding overstretching.
Beginner Modification 3: Shorten Your Stance
Step your back foot closer to the front foot. This reduces the intensity of the stretch in the hips and legs.
Beginner Modification 4: Avoid Full Side Bend
Keep your torso more upright, focusing on alignment over depth. This is gentler on the spine and shoulders.
Beginner Modification 5: Use a Chair
Place a sturdy chair next to your front leg. Rest your forearm or hand on the seat for additional support.
Beginner Modification 6: Straighten the Front Leg Slightly
If your front knee feels strained, straighten it slightly. This reduces pressure on the knee joint.
Beginner Modification 7: Support Your Knee
Place a folded blanket under your front knee for cushioning. This helps reduce discomfort during the pose.
Beginner Modification 8: Reduce Arm Extension
Keep your top hand on your hip instead of overhead. This reduces strain on the shoulders and allows for better balance.
Beginner Modification 9: Wall Support for Balance
Perform the pose with your back against a wall. This provides stability and improves alignment.
Beginner Modification 10: Focus on the Upper Body
Perform the upper body stretch without the leg alignment. This allows beginners to build strength and flexibility gradually.
10 Intermediate Modifications for Extended Side Angle Pose
Intermediate Modification 1: Deepen the Stance
Widen the distance between your feet. This increases the intensity of the stretch in the hips and legs.
Intermediate Modification 2: Palm Flat on the Floor
Place your bottom hand flat on the floor inside your front foot. This deepens the pose and challenges flexibility.
Intermediate Modification 3: Bind with a Strap
Use a yoga strap to create a bind by holding it with both hands behind your back. This encourages shoulder opening.
Intermediate Modification 4: Extend the Bottom Arm Forward
Reach your bottom arm forward, parallel to your top arm. This intensifies the side stretch and engages the core.
Intermediate Modification 5: Focus on Twisting
Rotate your chest further upward while maintaining alignment. This deepens the twist and engages your obliques.
Intermediate Modification 6: Add a Lift
Lift your back heel off the floor into a high lunge. This challenges balance and engages the leg muscles.
Intermediate Modification 7: Top Arm Wrap
Wrap your top arm around your lower back, resting your hand on your thigh. This deepens the shoulder stretch and adds complexity.
Intermediate Modification 8: Engage the Back Leg
Actively press through the outer edge of your back foot. This adds intensity and improves grounding.
Intermediate Modification 9: Focus on Core Stability
Engage your core to hover your bottom arm off the floor. This strengthens the torso and improves stability.
Intermediate Modification 10: Gaze Upward
Turn your gaze upward toward your top hand. This improves balance and enhances the twist.
10 Advanced Modifications for Extended Side Angle Pose
Advanced Modification 1: Full Bind
Wrap your bottom arm under your thigh and clasp hands behind your back. This requires flexibility in the shoulders and chest.
Advanced Modification 2: Lift into Bird of Paradise
From the full bind, step your back foot forward and lift the front leg off the ground. This challenges balance and strength.
Advanced Modification 3: Straighten the Front Leg
Perform the pose with your front leg straightened. This transitions into a challenging variation known as Triangle Pose.
Advanced Modification 4: Floating Extended Side Angle
Hover your bottom hand off the floor entirely. This engages the core and increases balance.
Advanced Modification 5: Add a Twist to Reverse
Twist your torso fully and place the bottom hand on the outside of the front foot. This creates a deeper spinal rotation.
Advanced Modification 6: Side Plank Transition
Transition into Side Plank Pose from Extended Side Angle. This challenges core strength and balance.
Advanced Modification 7: Extended Arm Variation
Extend both arms forward parallel to each other. This intensifies the core engagement and lengthens the torso.
Advanced Modification 8: Deep Lunge Variation
Lower your back knee to hover just above the floor. This adds intensity to the hip flexors and quadriceps.
Advanced Modification 9: Balance on Tiptoes
Lift your front heel off the floor while maintaining alignment. This strengthens the ankle and improves balance.
Advanced Modification 10: Dynamic Flow
Move dynamically between Extended Side Angle and Reverse Warrior. This builds strength, balance, and fluidity.
Step 7
Teach a Follow-up Pose
You can follow up “Extended Side Angle Pose” with a standing forward bend (or any standing poses such as Mountain Pose, Tree Pose or Warrior Pose.
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