
Teaching Yoga Income: 5 Yoga Products That Will Make Money While You Sleep


Here’s a quick yoga marketing tip from the Yoga Teacher Business Kit.

My advice is not to sell generic yoga products such as mats, blocks as separate items. There are countless thousands of websites offering that sort of stuff.  Instead use your imagination and create (or repackage something) that isn’t available anywhere else in the entire world. The goal is to create products that can be sold without you (e.g. themed yoga kits can be sold in your local sports shops, yoga retreat centres, etc).  Once you’re not needed to do the selling, that frees you up to create other yoga products.

OK, hare are some ideas for you…

Yoga Product # 1
Themed Yoga Kits

Sell themed kits.  For example you could create a Kit called: “Yoga The Lazy Man’s Way Kit” (an intriguing, humorous title helps).  That Kit could include the following features:  yoga block, yoga belt, eye bag, bolster, Yin Yoga DVD.

Yoga Product # 2
Yoga Holidays

Create a yoga retreat, host it and get someone to film it.  You can then package the film into a “Yoga For Runners Workshop” (if your yoga retreat was for runners).  You can then sell that workshop on your website forever and ever and ever.  And as it’s a 100% unique product (you created it), you can charge a premium for it.

Yoga Product # 3
Personal Development Courses

Sell personal development courses.  Contact someone who has a great looking personal development course (or create one) and ask for a commission per sale. Then offer the course to your students.  And if you want to be really proactive, find other people and organizations to sell it to.

Yoga Product # 4
Unique Yoga Clothing

Sell unique yoga clothing.  You must, however, stand out from the crowd.  Do not sell run-of-the-mill yoga clothes.  Plus, this can be a great excuse for going on holidays!  My mum taught me this because she used to own a jewellery shop and would take 2 or 3 holidays abroad every year searching for new jewellery for her shop.

Yoga Product # 5
Unique yoga products

Sell yoga products that are unique.

When you sell “unique yoga products” you’re far more likely to attract customers from all over the world.  You could be proactive and post your “unique yoga product” to a celebrity for free with a hand written letter.  They may turn around and say you can use their name on your website (e.g. Used and endorsed by Andy Murray).  You’d probably need to give 10% of the income to a charity for a celebrity to let you use their name.

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