Yoga Marketing Tip Of The Day
Partner With An Acupuncture Practitioner


Why spend all your time, effort and expense to attract new clients from the outside market when there is a much easier and less expensive way to do it.  You can get other people, companies, publications, and organisations to get new clients for you.  And they can do it faster, more efficiently, and for a fraction of the cost you’d spend doing it yourself.

Step 1

Go to Google and search for ‘alternative health practitioners’ in your local area.  You will soon find a list of acupuncture practitioners.

Step 2

Create a list of them (either in a notepad or on your computer).  Include their names, telephone number and email address.

Step 3

 Send an email letting them know about your yoga classes.  Say that the yoga class may be beneficial to their clients.

Step 4

If you have a website add his or her website to your links page, then tell them you have added their website to your links page in the email you send.   Ask if they could add your website to their links page.

Step 5

I recommend calling the acupuncturist on the phone which helps build a real relationship, not just an online virtual one.

This marketing tip came from the Yoga Teacher Business Kit.