
Yoga Teacher Class Handouts Kit


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The Yoga Teacher Class Handouts Kit includes 200+ editable handouts in MS Word format. The handouts were created by BWY yoga teacher, George Watts, for his own yoga classes.

Yoga Stick Figures

Hi, my name is George.

That’s me on the right morphed into a yoga stick figure.

George Watts Yoga Stick ManI’m a BWY yoga teacher and creator of the Yoga Teacher Class Handouts Kit

The Kit has 200+ editable yoga class handouts. And is by far the largest collection of yoga class handouts on the web.

I discovered very early on as a yoga teacher that students loved it when I rocked up to class with handouts. Luckily, I love creating yoga class handouts. Every six weeks since 2010 I’ve been creating handouts for my students.

Each one of the 200+ handouts has taken me approximately 2 hours to create. That means I’ve spent 400+ hours creating them all.

All you need to do is download, print and give to your students.

Easy, heh.

You can edit each one of the handouts if you want to. All the handouts are in MS Word and PDF formats.

“Instead of the yoga class handouts collection gathering dust on my hard-drive, I’m offering them to my fellow yoga teachers.”

200+ Yoga Class Handouts


29 Asana (Seated) Handouts

Asana (Seated) Handouts Include: 

  1. Backbends
  2. Boat
  3. Bound Angle
  4. Bow
  5. Bow (Sugar Cube)
  6. Bridge
  7. Camel
  8. Child
  9. Circle The Knees
  10. Cobblers (Modified)
  11. Cobra
  12. Cow Face
  13. Crow
  14. Dolphin
  15. Dolphin Relaxation
  16. Downward Facing Dog
  17. Easy Posture Stretch
  18. Extended Side Angle
  19. Finger Curls
  20. Fish
  21. Handstand
  22. Hero Pose Variation
  23. Locust
  24. Pigeon
  25. Revolved Head to Knee
  26. Shoulderstand
  27. Shrugs
  28. Sphinx
  29. Tripod
  30. Upward Facing Bow
  31. Wrist Stretch
14 Bolster Yoga Handouts

Bolster Yoga Handouts Include: 

  1. Make Your Own Bolster
  2. Backbend
  3. Bridge With Block
  4. Bridge With Block & Hands Behind
  5. Bridge With Block Between Knees
  6. Child With Knees In
  7. Child With Knees Wide
  8. Easy Twist
  9. Diaphragmatic Breathing
  10. Fish With Knees Bent
  11. Fish Swimming
  12. Reclining Bound Angle
  13. Seated Cross Legged
  14. Yoga Room Setup
12 Mantra Handouts

Mantra Handouts Include: 

  1. Ang Sang Wahe Guru
  2. Cosmic
  3. Gayatri
  4. Lord Shiva
  5. Om Breath
  6. Om Continual
  7. Om Drawing
  8. Om Meaning
  9. Om Silent
  10. Om Gum Ganapateyei
  11. Namaha
  12. Peace Chant
11 Mudra Handouts

Mudra Handouts Include: 

  1. An Introduction To Mudras
  2. Apana
  3. Asthma
  4. Bronchial
  5. Ganesha
  6. Linga
  7. Mandala
  8. Prana
  9. Pushan
  10. Shankh
  11. Ushas
21 Yogic Philosophy Handouts

Yogic Philosophy Handouts Include: 

  1. 7 Ways To Become A Dog
  2. 8 Limbs Of Yoga
  3. Chakra Affirmations
  4. Chakra Chart
  5. Chakra Dowsing
  6. Chakra Journey
  7. Chakra Symbolism
  8. Eustress
  9. Exceed Yourself
  10. Kleshas
  11. Letting Go Of Obstacles
  12. Mind Over Matter
  13. Moskha & Mayas
  14. Niyamas
  15. Patanjali (10 Golden Rules Of Conduct)
  16. Pendulum
  17. Sanskrit Translation
  18. Psychic Powers (Siddhis)
  19. Symptoms Of Inner Peace
  20. Wake Up
  21. Warrior Story
4 Pregnancy Yoga Handouts

Pregnancy Yoga Handouts Include: 

  1. Poses To Avoid When Pregnant
  2. Ankle Cranking
  3. Child With Bolster
  4. Side Lying Pose
8 Yoga Therapy Handouts

Yoga Therapy Handouts Include: 

  1. Neti Pot
  2. Osteoporosis Yoga
  3. Rheumatoid Arthritis Yoga
  4. Sciatica
  5. Sciatica Overview
  6. Yoga For Sleep (Floor Poses)
  7. Yoga For Sleep (Forward Folds)
  8. Yoga Therapy Map
12 Asana (Standing) Handouts

Asana (Seated) Handouts Include: 

  1. Dancer
  2. Five Pointed Star
  3. Mountain
  4. Squat
  5. Standing Side Stretch
  6. Standing Yoga Mudra
  7. Triangle
  8. Triangle (Revolved)
  9. Triangle (Extended)
  10. Warrior I
  11. Warrior II
  12. Warrior III
6 Chair Yoga Handouts

Chair Yoga Handouts Include: 

  1. Ankle Curl
  2. Arm Stretch
  3. Back Curl
  4. Neck Incline
  5. Ankle Curl
  6. Side Stretch
15 Meditation Handouts

Meditation Handouts Include: 

  1. 5 Second Meditation
  2. Alpha Brainwaves Chart
  3. Astral Travel
  4. Colour
  5. Complete
  6. Deep Silence
  7. Mindful Eating (part 1)
  8. Mindful Eating (part 2)
  9. Equal Love
  10. 13 Principles
  11. Mind’s Eye
  12. Pink Bubble
  13. Raja
  14. TM
  15. Zen
18 Partner Yoga Handouts

Partner Yoga Handouts Include: 

  1. Backbend
  2. Backbend & Squat
  3. Boat Pose
  4. Bridge & Shoulderstand
  5. Child & Dog Pose
  6. Child & Fish Pose
  7. Core Workout
  8. Dog & Plank Pose
  9. Easy & Boat Pose
  10. Forward Bends
  11. Savasana & Low Lunge
  12. Seated Bow
  13. Seated Forward Bend
  14. Seated Side Bend
  15. Support Shoulderstand & Child
  16. Warrior I
  17. Wheel
  18. Wide Leg Forward Bend
29 Pranayama Handouts

Pranayama Handouts Include: 

  1. Abdominal Breath
  2. Alternate Nostril Breath
  3. Bellow’s Breath
  4. Breath Chart
  5. Breath Counting
  6. Complete Body Breath
  7. Complete Breath (Advanced)
  8. Crow’s Beak
  9. Darth Vader Breath (Ujjayi)
  10. Dolphin Breath
  11. Elongated Breath
  12. Extended Out Breath
  13. Fire Breath
  14. Full Breath
  15. Holding The Breath
  16. Humming Bee Breath
  17. Kapalabhati Kriya Breath
  18. Kaya Kriya Breath
  19. Lion Breath
  20. Meditation On The Breath
  21. Pancha Koshas
  22. Pigeon Breath
  23. Pranayama Diary
  24. Rhythmic Breathing
  25. Spinal Breath
  26. Pranayama Quotes
  27. Uddiyanaa Bandha
  28. Vayus
  29. Whistle Breath
7 Relaxation Handouts

Relaxation Handouts Include: 

  1. Body Scan
  2. Confidence
  3. Light
  4. Relaxation
  5. Countdown
  6. Tense & Release
  7. Toe Tensing



Who created the yoga class handouts?

Since 2010 I’ve (George Watts) been creating these handouts for my own yoga classes.

Can I edit them?

Yes. They come in MS Word & PDF formats.

How long did they take you to create?

Over 400 hours and counting!

Can I include them in a package that I'm selling?

Sorry, but that’s a big fat “No”. You can only give them away as free gifts to your students. You can’t resell them. And you can’t add them to a commercial product (e.g. a yoga teacher training manual).



“I love your creativity and it inspires me to be more creative myself. There is only one “criticism” – there is too much in it (joke!). There is a lot of work in it and thank you very much for sharing your knowledge with us.”
Ilkay Ozcan

BWY qualified Yoga Teacher from Maldon, Essex, UK, Maldon Yoga

“There is so much valuable information, your classes can’t help but be anything but amazing after using this kit! Thanks, George, for all of the hard work and hours you’ve invested and for your quick response when I had a question. You’ve saved me a TON of hours in class planning. You have helped me to have the best classes ever! I will definitely be ordering more kits from you.”
Teresa Ferguson

Yoga Teacher from Florida, USA, Life Balance Yoga

“Had already decided to do something on the koshas so it’ll be fun getting it ready….and won’t take anything like the time!!! I love all the different bits. I love the tips, the meditation bits and all the posture bits. Well, all of it. It pulls together so many ideas that float around in my brain, my computer, my office, my classroom and elsewhere!”
Jo Chadwick

BWY qualified Yoga Teacher from Somerset, UK, Jo Chadwick Yoga

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