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Yoga Card Game Guide

My intention with these FREE downloadable yoga cards is to create a dynamic resource that can be used by yoga teachers as teaching aids, and for yoga students wanting a fun way to practice yoga at home.

Yoga Pose Card Features

(1) Each pose in the directory comes with an A4 downloadable yoga card. The cards can be used as a teaching aid, or as a fun handout to give to your students.

(2) Each card can be combined with any other card in the directory. That means there is a limitless amount of yoga practices you and your students can create with the cards.

(3) Yoga cards are a fun yoga practice planning tool for yoga teachers, yoga teacher trainees and students of yoga.

(4) Yoga cards will help to inspire your yoga students to practice their yoga daily at home, instead of only once a week at a yoga class. If a student of yours practices yoga daily, they are much more likely to come to your classes for several years. Cultivating a daily yoga practice within the minds of your students is great for them, and also means you don't have to spend loads of time on yoga marketing tactics to get more students to your classes.

(5) The yoga cards will have hundreds of beginner, intermediate and advanced poses, categorised, numbered, and colour-coded by the following types: ashtanga, bandhas, bolster yoga, chair yoga, inversions, kundalini, laughter, mantras, meditation, mudras, partner yoga, pawanmuktasana, pranayama, prone, relaxation, seated & floor, standing, strap yoga, supine.

(6) Each yoga card includes:

* Asana name (including Sanskrit name)
* Stick figure (image of the pose)
* Stick figure image of a preparation pose
* Stick figure image of a follow up pose
* Colour coded category
* Unique Number
* Difficulty level
* Seconds (recommended time to practice)
* Video (download, print, & scan camera over QR code)
* Benefits of the pose
* Written instructions for the pose
* Modifications
* Precautions (relevant medical warnings)

(7) The Yoga Pose Directory page will soon have lots of recommended 10 minute themed yoga practices - ideal for quick home practices. For example, the "chair yoga for seniors over the age of 80" practice will have several recommenced cards (e.g. chair yoga cards 2, 6, 8, 23, 27 and 31). The practitioner can decide which order to practice them in, pick only one card, or pick three cards, hold poses, not hold poses, flow, not flow, or whatever he or she is feeling in the moment.

(8) Playing with these yoga pose cards are a fun way to learn the asanas if you're going through a yoga teacher training course. Each time you pick up a card, you're learning and absorbing the information. When you see the cards on your yoga mat, it will also help to stimulate the brain with sequencing strategies that you wouldn't have thought about by reading a book, or concentrating hard with pen and paper at the ready. The simple act of moving the cards around can spark ingenious ideas for new sequences. Even though you're enjoying the "game", you'll be getting a great "yoga teacher" brain workout!

(9) Your students could take turns in picking a card, and teaching the class from the card by reading it out. I know this might sound radical. You're the teacher. You should be teaching. That's true. And you will. You'll be free to observe everyone and walk around making adjustments and giving praise. It will build confidence in the student being given the mantle of teacher, which increases the chances of them practicing yoga daily at home.

Sanskrit Pronunciation

Pronunciation: BAH-dah cone-AHS-anna
Baddha = bound
Kona = angle

Our Yoga Genie Lesson Planner includes the option to include the Sanskrit names for the poses. Discover how 1000+ yoga teachers, yoga therapists, yoga teacher trainers, and yoga teacher trainees use the Yoga Genie Lesson Planner by liking our Facebook page.


Our Yoga Genie Lesson Planner includes a video for each pose. That means if you want a quick refresher on how to teach the pose, all you need to do is click the link. Easy! Plus, you can even include the video links within your lesson plans by selecting “video” within the print settings. Discover how 1000+ yoga teachers, yoga therapists, yoga teacher trainers, and yoga teacher trainees use the Yoga Genie Lesson Planner by liking our Facebook page.


Badha Konasana B1. Sit with legs straight out in front of. 2. Exhale, bend knees. 3. Pull heels toward pelvis. 4. Drop knees out to sides and press soles of feet together. 5. Bring heels as close to pelvis as you can. 6. With first and second finger and thumb, grasp big toe of each foot, turning soles of feet up towards face. 7. Keep outer edges of feet firmly on floor. 8. Curve spine forward and draw head towards feet – rounding the back. 9. Hold. 10. Release.

Baddha Konasana B

Our Yoga Genie Lesson Plan Creator includes the option to add pose steps to a lesson plan. These steps are pre-filled for you, so you don’t have to do anything. Discover how 1000+ yoga teachers, yoga therapists, yoga teacher trainers, and yoga teacher trainees use the Yoga Genie Lesson Plan Creator by liking our Facebook page.


Stretches hips, back of body and groins.
Engage core.

Our Yoga Genie Lesson Plan Creator includes an option to add pose benefits to a lesson plan. These benefits are pre-filled for you, so you don’t have to do anything. Discover how 1000+ yoga teachers, yoga therapists, yoga teacher trainers, and yoga teacher trainees use the Yoga Genie Lesson Plan Creator by liking our Facebook page.

Prep Poses

2. Baddha Konasana A

Butterfly Pose (Bound Angle)

Lotus Pose

Each pose usually has several suitable preparation poses. Our Yoga Genie Lesson Plan Creator will recommend preparation poses when you select a pose. This makes your life a little easier. Discover how 1000+ yoga teachers, yoga therapists, yoga teacher trainers, and yoga teacher trainees use the Yoga Genie Lesson Planner by liking our Facebook page.

Follow Up Poses

Garbha Pindasana

Seated Forward Bend Pose

Each pose usually has several possible follow up poses. Our Yoga Genie Lesson Plan Creator will recommend follow up poses when you select a pose. Discover how 1000+ yoga teachers, yoga therapists, yoga teacher trainers, and yoga teacher trainees use the Yoga Genie Lesson Plan Creator by liking our Facebook page.


If it’s not possible to hold your toes, clasp each hand around same-side ankle or shin.

Each pose usually has several possible modifications. Our Yoga Genie Lesson Plan Creator has  2000+ pose modifications to choose from. That means you can effortlessly cater to a mixed ability class, and to your private yoga clients. Discover how 1000+ yoga teachers, yoga therapists, yoga teacher trainers, and yoga teacher trainees use the Yoga Genie Lesson Plan Creator by liking our Facebook page.


Back or knee injury.
Sacroiliac joint pain.

Our Yoga Genie Lesson Plan Creator includes an option to add pose precautions to a lesson plan. These precautions are pre-filled for you, so you don’t have to do anything. Discover how 1000+ yoga teachers, yoga therapists, yoga teacher trainers, and yoga teacher trainees use the Yoga Genie Lesson Plan Creator by liking our Facebook page.

Yoga Sequences

If you’d like to create a yoga sequence with this pose as the Peak Pose, take a free trial of our Yoga Genie Lesson Plan Creator.  You’ll gain full access to 1000’s of pre-filled, editable and downloadable yoga lesson plans that have been created by our 1000+ yoga teacher members.

Yoga Genie Lesson Planner

Largest collection of Yoga Lesson Planning resources on the web. 

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