Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Seated & Floor |
Types: | Balance, Seated & Floor, Strengthen, Supine |
Anatomy: | Arms & Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps, Core, Wrists & Arms |
Chakras: | Base, Sacral Centre |
Therapy: | Fatigue |
Drishti: | Up |
Dosha: | Kapha, Pitta |
Lie on back. Lift legs and head off mat. Engage core. Keep legs squeezed together and toes pointed. To release lower head and legs to mat.
Strengthen abs.
Keep head on mat.
Neck and spine injuries.
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- Jan 10th 2017
- Peak - Navasana (Boat)
- Vinyasa sequence for digestion
- Sheri strong upper bod
- 2018 week 12
- WH 26/4/17
- Caterpillar To Butterfly: Be The Change That You Wish To See In The World
- Flow with back bends 06-03-18
- Ask Genie4
- Inverted poses YYI No 1A
- Tummy
- 60min Vinyasa (Strong)
- power of now
- power of now
- 60min Vinyasa (Strong)
- Beginner Yoga Foundational
- 60min Vinyasa (Strong) Copy !!!
- Beginner Yoga Foundational
- power of now
- Supine Superman Peak Pose
- Recovery
- Recovery - Copy - Yoga Doux
- Supine
- Core and More
- Core and sound week 1 Frimley
- Another plan 1
- Another plan 1
- Twists 5th November
- Supine Super Man Peak Pose: Tap Into Your Super Human Powers
- WH 17/05/17
- Throat Chakra
- 2017 Week 22
- Stability June 2017
- Stability June 2017 week 2
- bangs intermediate
- Finishing Sequence
- Stability June 2017 week 4
- Four courts July 14th 2017
- Stability June 2017 week 4
- Intermediate2
- Throat Chakra
- Beginner Warrior
- Intermediate2
- Throat Chakra: Vishuddha (5) Mixed Level
- Isvara Pranidhana
- Core strength in asana part 2
- Yoga Plan 1
- Breath 2
- Stretch and Fold
- Substitute teacher plan
- C. TYC Beginner's Series - Core / Stength
- Abs
- Yoga+ Basic Sequenz (5.1) Advanced Level
- Inversion focus - beginners course wk6
- Breath focused Gentle Yoga
- Gentle Yoga: Dancer Pose
- legs
- 14 November Abs
- Flow with back bends 27-02-18
- Supine Yoga Practice
- Yoga Sutras Niyamas
- Wk 4 - Core / Tummy
- yoga flow
- Lesson plan 4
- Hip Opener, Core and Side Plank 30-01-18
- Thursday Evenings Mixed Ability
- Morning Balance Feb 11 2018
- Morning Balance Feb 16
- Crow & Tittibhasana Flow 75 minutes
- The Solar Plexus Chakra with Adrienne
- harry
- Flow with back bends 06-03-18
- Flow Gentle 12-03-18
- Flow Gentle 12-03-18 Seniors
- Supine - copy
- Binds 20-03-20
- Binds 04-04-20
- Warrior I Peak Pose
- Warrior II Peak Pose
- Warrior II Peak Pose
- RSMH 2
- Feet, Legs and Back
- Peak Pose - Warrior III
- Navasana - Peak Pose
- Flow and Align 3
- 'May Day' Lesson Plan
- Supine
- Thursdays class
- 2018 week 23
- Spinal flexibility 4-6-18
- Caterpillar To Butterfly
- Hatha chill
- Hatha End of Summer Term
- 2018 week 35
- Yoga therapy
- Stretch and Fold
- vball yoga
- Autumn freshness - Lyn
- Autumn freshness - Lyn
- Supine ck