Arthritis, Back Pain, Constipation, Diabetes, Indigestion, Poor Posture
Tip Of Nose
Pitta, Kapha
Sit with legs extended. Raise pelvis on folded blanket (helps you extend forward). Take hold of back of left thigh. Draw knee in. Plant left foot flat on floor with heel in line with sitting bone. Reach left arm up. Extend through left side. Reach left arm forward and take hold of inside of right foot. Lengthen out through left side. Roll trunk to right (away from left thigh). Bring left arm around left shin and right arm behind you. Clasp left wrist in right hand (hold onto a belt if the hands do not reach). Draw wrists down towards floor. Lift sides of trunk. Roll trunk to right once again. Turn head to look at left knee. Open trunk to right once again. Lengthen trunk out over right leg bringing chin towards shin. Allow left sitting bone to lift as you lean forward. Hold. Switch sides.
Engages core. Stretches spine, shoulders and hips.
Clasp fingers behind back.
Back or spine injury. High blood pressure.
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