Sanskrit Name: | Vajrasana |
Similar Pose Names: | Thunderbolt, Vajrasana, Adamantine, Diamond |
Category: | Seated & Floor |
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Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Seated & Floor |
Types: | Hip Opener, Restorative, Seated, Seated & Floor, Stretch |
Anatomy: | Core, Hamstrings, Hips, Knees, Lower Back, Psoas |
Chakras: | Base, Crown Centre, Heart Centre, Sacral Centre, Third Eye, Throat Centre |
Therapy: | Anxiety, Back Pain, Poor Posture, Stress |
Drishti: | Tip Of Nose |
Dosha: | Kapha, Pitta |
Sit with buttocks on heels. Feet slightly wider than hips with tops of feet flat on floor. Angle big toes slightly toward each other. Release shoulder blades away from ears.
Stretches quads, thighs, knees, and ankles. Helping build flexibility in knees, ankles, and thighs. Improves posture. Improves breathing.
A) Baby Hero: Sit on knees and shins. Place feet with soles pointing behind you with toes touching the mat. B) Sit On Heels: Bring feet close to each other. Place them one upon the other with soles pointing backwards. Placing sit bones on heels raises hip higher. This brings pressure on ankles, so do this modification carefully. C) Practice Uddiyana Bandha: Place hands on thighs. Push hands downwards on knees and raise chest and upper abdomen upwards. Take a deep inhale through your nose and exhale quickly and powerfully. Exhale all the way until the end of the breath. This stretches diagram to its most expanded position. At end of your exhale, pull belly in as if you are trying to bring navel to touch your spine. Keep belly like this while taking no further breaths. Release belly. D) Raised Arms: raise arms above shoulders with fingers interlocked and gaze up.
Knee or ankle injury.
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Hero Pose (Vajrasana) FAQs
Below are some questions about Hero Pose that will be helpful to think about when you’re creating a yoga lesson plan with Hero pose in it.
What Does Vajrasana Mean?
Vajrasana comes from the Sanskrit word vajra, which means thunderbolt or diamond.
What Is Hero Pose Good For?
Stretches quads, thighs, knees, and ankles. Helping build flexibility in knees, ankles, and thighs. Improves posture. Improves breathing. Strengthens arches of the feet and the knees.
Is Hero Pose Good For My Knees?
Yes, but it’s recommended that you don’t sit in the pose for longer than 15 minutes.
How Long Can I Sit In Hero Pose?
It’s quite a strong pose for the knees, so it’s a pose you’d want to stay in for any longer than 10 to 15 minutes (especially if you have knee pain).
What Is Your Number One Beginner Tip?
Even Feet Pressure: Often the inner top of the feet presses more heavily into the floor than the outer top feet. To prevent this, press the bases of the palms along the outer edges of the feet and gently push the pinky-toe sides of the feet to the floor.
What Are Your Top 5 Preparation Poses For Hero Pose?
Hero pose is a deep stretch for the quads, thighs, knees, and ankles. Below are poses that stretch those areas more gentle and are therefore ideal as preparation poses.
- Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
- Easy Forward Fold I Pose (Sukhasana)
- Lotus Pose (Padmasana)
- Preparation For Camel Pose (Ustrasana)
- Kneeling On A Yoga Bolster
What Are Your Top 16 Variations Of The Pose?
Reclined Hero Pose: Begin in a high kneeling position. Separate feet a little wider than hips (wide enough to sit back between them). Use thumbs to massage calves to help them relax as you sit back (avoid rolling calves outward because it puts knees at risk). If your seat is far from the floor (or hurts knees), place a block or folded blanket between feet and ankles. Feet are just outside hips. Tops of feet press into the floor. Toes pointing straight back. Knees don’t splay out wider than hips. Recline back, first walking back onto hands, then elbows, then onto the back (if there’s a block under your seat, you won’t be able to go all the way onto back unless you have a bolster behind you to support middle/upper back, neck, head). If you feel discomfort in your knees or lower back, or if your knees lift significantly off the floor, back out of the pose and come more upright.
Reclined Hero Pose On A Bolster I: Begin in Hero Pose. Lower back toward the floor. Lean onto hands, then forearms, then elbows. Place hands on the back of the pelvis. Release lower back and upper buttocks by spreading flesh down toward the tailbone. Finish reclining onto the bolster. If front ribs jut up sharply use hands to press front ribs down slightly and lift pubic bone toward the navel. This will lengthen the lower back and lower it toward the floor (If not, raise onto higher support). Lay arms and hands on the floor, palms up. Sink tops of thighs deep into hip sockets. It’s ok to lift knees off the mat a little to soften groins. Allow a little space between knees (as long thighs remain parallel to each other). Do not allow knees to splay apart wider than hips (will cause strain on hips/lower back). Hold. To release, press forearms against floor and come onto hands. Use hands to lift the torso into Hero (Virasana). Come up leading with the sternum (not head).
Reclined Hero Pose On A Bolster II: Begin in Hero Pose. Lower back toward the floor. Lean onto hands, then forearms, then elbows. Place hands on the back of the pelvis. Release lower back and upper buttocks by spreading flesh down toward the tailbone. Finish reclining onto the bolster. If front ribs jut up sharply use hands to press front ribs down slightly and lift pubic bone toward the navel. This will lengthen the lower back and lower it toward the floor (If not, raise onto a higher support). Lay arms and hands on the floor, palms up. Sink tops of thighs deep into hip sockets. It’s ok to lift knees off the mat a little to soften groins. Allow a little space between knees (as long thighs remain parallel to each other). Do not allow knees to splay apart wider than hips (will cause strain on hips/lower back). Hold. To release, press forearms against floor and come onto hands. Use hands to lift the torso into Hero. Come up leading with the sternum (not head).
Hero Pose With Leg Extended: Sit with legs straight out in front (staff pose). Bend left knee and bring left foot beside left hip. Feel grounded on both hips. To avoid leaning hip to right, slide folded blanket under right hip. Keep knee glued to the floor. Hold (Optional: walk hands behind you and lean chest back to intensify the stretch. Use elbows, arms and hands as leverage to come back up). Repeat on the other side.
Hero Pose With Side Bend: Sit with buttocks on heels. Feet slightly wider than hips with tops of feet flat on the floor. Angle big toes slightly toward each other. Release shoulder blades away from ears. Interlock (or hold hands) and raise them overhead. Bend to the side. Hold. Repeat on the other side.
Heron Pose: Sit with legs extended. Bend right knee. Bring foot next to right hip. Sit evenly on both sit bones. Bend left leg. Place your foot on the floor. Take hold of left foot with both hands. Open chest. Straighten left leg, while keeping the spine long, chest open and sternum lifted. When the leg is straight, bring it in close to the chest. Bring head towards shin bone. Hold. Release. Switch legs.
Hero With Arms Raised: Clasp your hands and extend your arms forward perpendicular to the torso and parallel to the floor. Turn palms away from the torso so that the thumbs point to the floor. Raise arms so palms face the ceiling. Stretch actively through bases of index fingers.
Half Hero Pose: In Hero Pose bring your left thigh to your chest. Keep the left leg in the normal position for Hero Pose.
Hero With Soles Pointed Behind You: Sit in Hero Pose (knees and shins touching the floor). Place your feet with the soles pointing behind you and with all the toes touching the floor.
Advanced Hero Pose: Bring your feet close to each other. Place feet one upon the other with the soles pointing backwards. Place your sit bones on the heels of the feet will raise your hip higher bringing more pressure to the ankles.
Revolved Hero Pose: In Hero Pose rotate the torso to the right with the left hand on the outside of the right knee. Right hand behind you. Look over your right shoulder. On each exhale, try to rotate a little farther. Return to start and repeat on the left side.
Side Twist Hero Pose: In Hero Pose place hands on the floor as far left as you can place them. Stretch towards the left side. Keeping walking your hands to the left on each exhale. Repeat on the other side.
Twisted Hero Downward Facing Dog Pose: Start in Child Pose. Walk your hands out towards the left side. Allow the hips to sink back. Hold. Repeat on the right side.
Hero And Uddiyana Bandha: Place your hands on the thighs and practice Uddiyana Bandha (Inhale deeply through the nose. Exhale quickly and forcibly through the nose. Contract abdominal muscles fully to push as much air as possible out of lungs. Relax abdominals. Repeat).
Hero And Chin Lock Jalandhara Bandha: Place your hands on the thighs and practice Chin Lock Jalandhara Bandha (Inhale. Hold breath. Fold head down so that the chin rests on the upper chest. Place hands on knees. Push knees towards the floor, keeping the upper body tall. To release, raise your head during an exhale).
Hero And Chin Lock Ujjaji Breath: Place your hands on the thighs and practice Chin Lock Ujjaji Breath. Fold head forward to squeeze throat. Feel the breath as a sucking sound on inhaling and hissing sound on exhaling (Ujjaji breath). The sound of Ujjaji breath is “So Hum” (can repeat as a mantra aloud or silently). Place hands on knees with arms straight. Push towards the floor (upper body remains tall). To release, raise the head and exhale.
Hero With Arms Raised: Raise the arms above your shoulders and head. Stretch your arms upwards with fingers interlocked. The upwards stretch will stretch the chest and upper abdominal muscles.
Hero With Palms On Soles Of Feet: Place the palms on the soles of the feet while seated Hero pose. Bring your forehead to the floor. This helps to keep your hips flexible.