1000+ Shared Kids Yoga Lesson Plans
1000+ Poses
83 Pose Categories

How It Works
1. register
Register a username and password.
2. create
Quickly and easily create kids yoga stories and lesson plans.
3. Jump
Jump for joy because you’re a kids yoga story creating rock star!
3 Lesson Plans In 1
Each lesson plan you create can be viewed and downloaded as a short plan, long plan or a streamed plan with a click of a button…without you having to write a single word. They are teaching aids, but also make ideal handouts to give to parents so they can practice at home with their kids.
Short Version Plans
Each lesson plan you create comes with a short version lesson plan which is ideal for taking into class with you.
Long Version Plans
Each lesson plan you create comes with a long version lesson plan which is a great handout to give to your students. They’re also ideal for creating the detailed plans needed during Yoga teacher training.
Stream Lesson Plans
Each lesson plan you create comes with a video stream which is ideal to give to your students so they can practice at home with their parents.
19 Fab Features
The Kids Yoga Lesson Planner comes with these fab features…
Drag & Drop Technology
You can create yoga stories and lesson plans effortlessly with our time-saving drag & drop technology.
Easy Practice Management
You can save, copy, download, edit, print or e-mail lesson plans any time across any device.
83 Yoga Categories
There are 83 yoga categories to choose from. This variety gives you infinite creativity with your stories and plans.
Flexible Plan Layouts
The layout of the lesson plans are as flexible as a Yogi. You choose what to include in your lesson plans.
Add Bespoke Poses
If you want to add your own poses to a lesson plan or story, you can by clicking the “Add Poses” button. It’s easy.
Copy Lesson Plans & Stories
Click the “Copy” button to copy a lesson plan or story. This is a huge time-saver if you’re planning a 6 week course.
500+ Pre-filled Pose Descriptions
You’ll have access to 500+ pre-filled and editable yoga poses. Or add your own teaching steps.
One Click Yoga Stories
Click Ask Genie and an advanced yoga sequencing algorithm will instantly create a kids yoga story for you.
Getting Started Steps
We’ve got you covered (even if you hardly know how to turn a computer on) with our video tutorial suite.
Quick PDF Downloads
You can quickly and easily download yoga lesson plans as PDFs. Or take your device to class and view online.
Access New Poses
Each week new yoga poses are added to the Kids Yoga Story Creator. You will receive access to them all.
500+ Pose Cues
Quickly and easily add cues to each pose (e.g. repeat x2, inhale, exhale, switch sides).
Pose Suggestions
Click on a pose and you’ll see suggestions for preparation poses, follow up poses and counter poses.
500+ Kids Yoga Lesson Plans & Stories
You’ll have access to a community of yoga teachers who have shared hundreds of kids yoga lesson plans.
Mobile, Tablet & iPhone Friendly
You’ll be able to create and view yoga stories and lesson plans on all your devices including mobile, tablet, and iPad.
Search Sanskrit Names
You can also search all the poses by their English or Sanskrit names by using the yellow “Search Pose” button.
Request A Pose
Request new poses to George and he’ll add them to the Kids Yoga Story Creator for you within 24 hours.
Create Courses
You’ll be able to organise your lesson plans and stories into courses.
Merge Lesson Plans
If you want to merge multiple lesson plans or stories into one, you can with a click of a button.
500+ Kids Yoga Asanas, Games & Exercises
Click on a category to see some of the 500+ kids yoga asanas, games, and exercises that you can choose from when creating your kids yoga stories and lesson plans. You’ll be able to create an infinite variety of stories and lesson plans quickly and easily.
Attention Getting Games
Attention Getters are life savers during a kids yoga class. A kids yoga class never goes 100% according to plan. It’s never happened and never will happen. It’s crucial to have lots of ways to get the attention of distracted kids. All you need to do is learn a few of the attention getting exercises.
For example, below is the Frere Jacques attention getting exercise…
“Sing the original Frere Jacques song with the kids: “Frère Jacques, frère Jacques, Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous? Sonnez les matines! Sonnez les matines! Ding, daing, dong. Ding, daing, dong.” When they get good at the original song, change the words to: “Are you listening? Are you listening? Everyone! Everyone! If you are listening. If you are listening. Look at me. Look at me.” At the end of the chant they can snap their fingers (and or pat their heads).”
The Attention Getting Exercises Include:
- Bell Sound
- Clap If You Can Hear
- Clap Pattern
- Consequences
- Countdown
- Eyes On Me Chant
- Eyes On Your Chant
- Frère Jacques Chant
- How Did You Do That
- Sentence Starter
- Smile
Kids Yoga Games
Don’t make the mistake of teaching adult yoga to kids. You’ll bore the socks off them and they’ll never come back. Your job is to provide education and entertainment (edutainment). These kids yoga games do just that.
For example, below is the Alphabet Game:
Go through whole alphabet with creative interpretations of poses. Let kids move naturally from one pose to next. Alligator “A”, Boat “B”, Cat “C”, Dog “D” , Rag doll with elephant’s trunk “E” , Frog “F”, Gorilla “G” , Handstand “H”, Inversion “I” , Jumping Jacks “J”, Knee to chest “K” , Locust “L”, Mountain “M” , Namaste Mudra “N”, OM “O”, Plough “P” , Quiet Sitting “Q”, Reclining Bound Angle “R”, Seated Forward Bend “S”, Tree “T”, Upward Facing Plank “U”, Vayu Mudra “V”, Warrior I “W”, X Factor (make up a pose) “X”, Yoga Mudra “Y”, Zzz Relaxation “Z”.
The Kids Yoga Games Include:
- A to Z Trial Game
- Alien, Tiger, Cow Game
- Alphabet Yoga Game
- Alphabet Yoga Trail Game
- Around The World In 80 Poses Game
- Association Game
- Attitude Of Gratitude Game
- Ball Throw Game
- Chairs Game
- Christmas Nativity Game
- Circle Question Time Game
- Clap Focus Game
- Count to 20 Game
- Creativity Time Game
- Dance 1 Game
- Dance 2 Game
- Door Sign Game
- Electric Shock Game
- Farm Game
- Freeze Game
- Freeze Dance Animal Game
- Gradient Laughter Game
- Gratitude Game
- Greetings Laughter Game
- Ha Game
- Halloween Game
- Hand Squeeze Game
- Hearty Laughter Game
- Hello Game
- Hi Fives
- Hoop Yoga: Over Under Game
- Hop Yoga: Pass The Hoop Game
- Hoop Yoga: Sun Salutations Game
- Hoop Yoga: Walk, Hop, Hoop Game
- Human Mandala Game
- Imaginary Ball Throwing Game
- Invent A Pose Game
- Jeepers Peepers Game
- Kids Become The Teacher Game
- Laugher 1 Game
- Laugher 2 Game
- Leading Game
- Magic Animal Pillowcase Game
- Mandala Game
- Massage Game
- Mexican Wave Game
- Mirroring Game
- Mistakes Game
- Mobie Phone Game
- Musical Chairs Game
- Name The Asana Game
- Nativity Game
- Object Association Game
- Obstacle Course Game
- Old McDonald Had A Farm Game
- Partner Yoga: Camel Game
- Partner Yoga: Camel & Child Game
- Partner Yoga: Lunge Game
- Partner Yoga: Lunge & Down Dog Game
- Partner Yoga: Seated Forward Bend 1 Game
- Partner Yoga: Seated Forward Bend 2 Game
- Partner Yoga: Simon Says Game
- Partner Yoga: Starfish Game
- Partner Yoga: Tree
- Partner Yoga: Warrior II
- Picnic Trip Game
- Pyramid Poses Game
- Rasperry Noises Game
- Silly Game
- Simon Says Gam
- Slow Motion Tag Game
- Sun Rise & Sun Set Game
- Surfing Game
- Teach A Pose Game
- Trust Building Game
- Walkies Game
- What Are You Doing Game
- Why Is Yoga So Amazing Game
- World Trip Game
- Wrong Association
- Yes, Lets Game
- And many more!
Seated & Floor Poses
It’s important to teach “Kids Yoga Asanas”, not adult ones. If you teach adult poses to kids, it’s 100% guaranteed to bore them. I’ve made sure all the kids poses are not only interesting, but mini adventures.
For example, below is the Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana) mini adventure…
“Sit up tall with legs outstretched to become a caterpillar. Imagine you’re a wiggly caterpillar that is attached to a leaf and your skin is started to shed to reveal a hard skin underneath. We’ve now going to sit quietly before we turn into a colourful butterfly (wait several seconds). Wow! Look you’re turning into a butterfly. Bend your knees. Bring the bottoms of your feet together and hold onto them. We’re going to flap our wings and fly from our leaves. Gently bounce your knees up and down. Well done everybody. You’re flying.”
The Seated & Floor Asanas Include:
- Bananasana
- Basket
- Bike Riding
- Boat
- Bow & Arrow
- Butterfly
- Camel
- Camel Baby
- Cat
- Cheetah
- Cobra
- Cougar
- Cow
- Cow Stretching
- Crab
- Crocodile
- Dog Tub Rub
- Downhill Ski Slope
- Fish
- Flower
- Force Field
- Frog
- Happy Baby
- Happy New Year
- Hedgehog
- Hedgehog Ball
- Jaguar
- Kayak
- Lamb
- Leopard
- Lion
- Lion Roar
- Mountain Cat
- Mouse
- Nest
- People Bridge
- Playful Monkey
- Plough
- Ramp
- Rest Time
- Rhino
- Rock
- Scary Mummy
- Seed Pod
- Shark
- Sheep
- Sleeping
- Sleepy
- Sphinx
- Up Doggie
- Wheelchair Ramp
Sun salutations
This category has all the traditional “sun salutation” poses. Rach of the poses has a cute, eye-catching sun.
For example, below is Upward Facing Dog Pose
The Sun Salutation Asanas Include:
- Cobra
- Down Dog
- Forward Bend
- Knees Chest Chin
- Lunge
- Mountain
- Plank
- Up dog
- Upward Salute
Breathing Exercises
A child’s fragile and still-developing brain is less suited to handling stress and negative emotions, such as fear, anger or sorrow which is why approximately 170,000 UK children are seen by the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) each year. That’s where kids breathing exercises can come to the rescue.
For example, below is the shooting star breathing exercise:
“Everyone knows that if you see a shooting star, you make a wish. Ready? Sit with legs crossed. Bring palms together across your heart with fingers pointing up. Gently press hands against each other and straighten back. Inhale and bring hands over head. Exhale and lower hands to sides, twinkling your fingers. Whisper the word “wish” as you lower your arms. As we’ve just seen a shooting star let’s all wish for… (e.g. world peace).”
The Breathing Exercises Include:
- Balloon Breath
- Feather Breath
- Fireworks Breath
- Fireworks Group Breath
- Happy Sad Breath
- Lava Breath
- Shooting Stars Breath
Magic Hand Exercises
These magic hand exercises (Kid Mudras) build self-empowerment by learning how to access and send energy where it needs to go for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being.
For example, below is the “Turtle In It’s Shell” magic hands exercise…
“Turtles have a hard shell that protects them like a shield. It’s so protective that they don’t have any predators interested in eating them. Are you ready to put your Turtle head inside your shell? Place your thumbs across your palms and wrap the fingers over the thumbs. Rest your hands palms face down on your knees or thighs. Did you know that the turtle is one of the oldest living animals. The oldest fossils of turtles are over 200 million years old. And they can live up to 100 years.”
The Magic Hands Exercises Include:
- Aakash Mudra
- Anjali Mudra
- Apan Vayu Mudra
- Apana Mudra
- Asthma Mudra
- Atmanjali Prayer Mudra
- Bhairav Mudra
- Bhramara Mudra
- Bodhisattva Dhyan Mudra
- Bronchial Mudra
- Chin Mudra
- Crocodile Mudra
- Dharmachakra Mudra
- Dhyani Mudra
- Figa Mudra
- Ganesh Mudra
- Garuda Mudra
- Giver Of Kindness Mudra
- Hakini Mudra
- Hridya Mudra
- Jalodar Nashak Mudra
- Jnana Mudra
- Ksepana Mudra
- Kubera Mudra
- Linga Mudra
- Lotus Mudra
- Maha Sacral Mudra
- Matangi Mudra
- Merudanda Mudra
- Mukula Mudra
- Mushti Mudra
- Namaste Mudra
- Owl Mudra
- Power Mudra
- Prana Mudra
- Prithvi Mudra
- Pushpaputa Mudra
- Shakti Mudra
- Shankh Mudra
- Shiva Linga Mudra
- Shunya Heaven Mudra
- Suchi Mudra
- Surya Mudra
- Turtle In Its Shell Mudra
- Ushas Mudra
- Uttarabodhi Mudra
- Vajrapradama Mudra
- Varun Mudra
- Vayu Mudra
Standing Poses
It’s important to teach “Kids Yoga Asanas”, not adult ones. If you teach adult poses to kids, it’s 100% guaranteed to bore them. I’ve made sure all the kids poses are not only interesting, but mini adventures.
For example, below is the Alice In Wanderland (Tadasana) mini adventure:
“Imagine you’ve got a magic potion given to your by Alice In Wonderland. Drink. Wow! You’re becoming taller and taller (stretch hands over head).”
The Standing Asanas Include:
- African Dog
- Alice In Wonderland
- Archer
- Bat
- Bird
- Chimp
- Dancer
- Dolphin
- Down Dog
- Duck
- Eagle
- Elephant
- Farmer On A Tractor
- Frog (standing)
- Get Back Up
- Giraffe
- Gorilla
- Helicopter
- Horseback Rider
- I Am Confident
- Invisible Chair
- Jeep
- Jellyfish
- Kangaroo
- Lemur
- Monkey
- Mountain
- Peaceful Warrior II
- Peregrine Falcon
- Rocket
- Royal Chair
- Sailboat
- Skate Boarder
- Snow Boarder
- Standing Back Bend
- Standing Forward Bend
- Standing Side Bend
- Star
- Surfer
- Thunderbolt
- Tree Beard The Ent
- Ugly Duckling
- Volcano
- And many more!
The “Xtras” are the extra poses that I’ve added that I think are useful, but don’t fit in any other category. For example, you might want an image to represent “breathe in” and “breathe out”. Well, you’ve guessed it, I added them to the “Xtras” category.
The Xtras Include:
- Breathe In
- Breathe Out
- End Repeat
- Game Reserve
- Inhale/Exhale
- Left Foot Forward
- Namaste
- Namaste (Activate Flying Mat)
- Repeat
- Repeat 2 Times
- Repeat 3 Times
- Repeat 4 Times
- Repeat 5 Times
- Right Foot Forward
- Story
- Sun Salutations
- Sun Salutations A
- Sun Salutations B
- Sun Salutations C
- Warm Up
Kids Meditation Exercises
Meditation helps children in many ways including: positive self concept, reduce stress, deal with stress better, strengthen immune system, improve relationships, replace anger with self acceptance, improves focus, memory and opens the door to inner peace.
For example, below is the “Blue Forcefield” meditation exercise :
“Sit with legs crossed. Close eyes. In your mind’s eye imagine you are covered in blue light (blue is associated with protection). It’s your force field that keeps out all negative energy. Feel your shoulders lowering and your breath slowing down as you feel secure in the knowledge that your force field is protecting you.”
The Kids Meditation Exercises Include:
- Blue Forcefield
- Chest Drum
- Compassion Circle
- Crying Baby
- Destiny
- Empty Cup
- Gift Awareness
- Karmic Laws
- Mind Massage
- Sight Awareness
- Silent Bell
- Silent Mind Retreat
- Sound Meditation
- Still Breath
- Success Meditation
- Taste Meditation
- Third Eye Mediation
Relaxation Exercises
A child’s fragile and still-developing brain is less suited to handling stress and negative emotions, such as fear, anger or sorrow which is why approximately 170,000 UK children are seen by the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) each year. That’s where kids relaxation can come to the rescue.
For example, below is the “Peace Bubbles” relaxation exercise :
“Lie on your back. We’re going to send peace to everyone on our planet. Ready? Inhale deeply and on the exhale, gently blow imaginary peace bubbles into the room. As you blow out the peace bubbles, imagine they are filled with peace. Everyone in the room is peaceful thanks to your peace bubbles. Keep breathing in and exhaling peace bubbles. You’re doing great. The peace bubbles have now floated to the village or town where you live. Everyone in your village or town is peaceful thanks for your peace bubbles. Keep breathing in and exhaling peace bubbles. The peace bubbles have now floated across the whole country. Everyone in our county is peaceful thanks for your peace bubbles. Keep breathing in and exhaling peace bubbles. The peace bubbles have now floated across the whole world. Everyone in the world is peaceful thanks for your peace bubbles.”
The Kids Relaxation Exercises Include:
- Belly Balloon
- Body Scan
- Compassion Field
- Compassion Ugly
- Elastic Band
- Peace Bubbles
- Sleepy Sea Star
- Whisper Name
Star Wars
This is our newest Lesson Planner category. And we’re super excited about it. All kids love Star Wars…and they’ll definitely love these Star Wars themed yoga poses.
For example, below is the C-3PO Pose (Standing Twist)…
“C-3PO has had his head blasted off. Let’s put it back on him. Oh no. We’ve put his head on the wrong way around (Twist upper body and neck to the right so you’re looking behind and walk forwards. Twist upper body and neck to the left so you’re looking behind and walk forwards). Let’s put his head on the correct way. (return to facing straight ahead).”
The Star Wars Asanas Include:
- AT-AT Shot Down
- Attitude Of Gratitude
- C-3PO
- Change Your Past
- Darth Luke Yoda Group Game
- Down Wookiee
- Droid
- Force Field
- Force Lightning Ball
- Jabba The Hutt
- Lightsaber Training (partner)
- Lightsaber Training (side bend)
- And lots more!
5 Star Reviews
Read some of the 5 star reviews from our members (the Kids Yoga Story Creator (used to be called the Kids Yoga Teacher Lesson Plan Kit)…
Megan Quackenbush Feels Like She Has Won The Lottery With The Kids Yoga Teacher Lesson Plan Kit Because Its Given Her The Gift Of Time
Megan is a fully qualified Yoga Teacher who teaches in South Carolina, USA
“I have been a school teacher and certified children’s yoga teacher for about 13 years. Because I believe in the importance of health for children, I’ve always integrated yoga into my daily curriculum, as well as led before and after school programs for elementary school students. On top of academic lesson planning, which has gotten increasingly more demanding in recent years, yoga lesson planning requires time, effort, and creativity. These are resources that are being spread thin. Recently, I made the decision to leave the public education field, and teach yoga full-time. It’s ironic that once I cleared some room on my plate, I stumbled upon this amazing lesson planning program! The drag and drop format makes it easy for me to see the flow of poses, and move them around as needed. I also love the plethora of choices provided in organized categories (breathing, games, seated). This keeps my lessons varied and creative. Finally, I really like the printing options. When I download the PDF, I can see a picture of each pose, benefits, contraindications, and even a link for a video demonstration! The box provided to document the time for each pose is beneficial when I’m running through the lesson before teaching it to my students; I can plan out every minute of the class with confidence. I’m very excited about my new adventures as a full-time yoga teacher, and I feel like I’ve won the lottery with this program, which is awarding me the gift of time.”
Sarah Gray Thinks The Kids Yoga Teacher Lesson Plan Kit Is Bursting With Useful Teaching Resources
Sarah is a fully qualified Kids Yoga Teacher who teaches in Aberdeen, UK
“The Kids Lesson Planner is a super package, bursting with useful teaching resources. It’s presented in a way that makes yoga fun and engaging for children.”
JoAnna Martin From Playful Explorations Thinks The Kids Yoga Teacher Lesson Plan Kit Is Spectacular For Teachers In Schools
JoAnna is a 200RYT Yoga Teacher trainee from in Virginia, USA
“I think this site is spectacular for teachers in schools because it provides all of the benefits of the poses and really cuts down on the time. As a classroom teacher, new to teaching yoga (finishing my 200RYT in a couple of months) I find this to be helpful for my own study and practice. Thank you again! I am going to recommend it to my fellow trainees!”
Helene From Helene Everhart Yoga Thinks The Kids Yoga Teacher Lesson Plan Kit Makes Preparing Fun And Engaging Kid’s Classes A Breeze!
Helene is a RYT 200 Vinyasa Yoga Teacher and ACE Certified Fitness Instructor from Pennsylvania, USA
“George Watts Kid’s Yoga Lesson Plan Bundles make preparing fun and engaging kid’s classes a breeze! So many games (dice, bingo, scavenger hunt) and stories to mix and match means you’ll always have something new to introduce to your themed class.”
When you register, you’ll gain access to all these kids lesson planning resources…
African Animals Adventure (part 1) Bundle
African Animals Adventure (Part I)
Kids Yoga Lesson Plan Bundle
With this bonus bundle, you’ll receive a pre-filled kid yoga lesson plan with the theme of “African Animals Adventure” (A to L). This lesson plan includes African animal names from A to L including: African Wild Dog, Bat, Cheetah, Chimpanzee, Dolphin, Elephant, Frog, Giraffe, Gorilla, Helicopter and Lemur.
Bundle Includes:
- Pre-filled lesson plan
- Short version of the lesson plan (one page)
- Pre-filled aims and objectives
- Handout (African Map Kids Illustration)
You can use the “handouts” as teaching aids or to give to the kids and/or parents.
Around The World In 80 Poses Bundle
Around The World In 80 Poses Theme
Kids Yoga Lesson Plan Bundle
With this bonus bundle, you’ll receive a pre-filled kid yoga lesson plan with the theme of “The Around The World In 80 Poses”. This lesson plan includes a scary, but fun journey.
Bundle Includes:
- Pre-filled lesson plan
- Short version of the lesson plan (one page)
- Pre-filled aims and objectives
- Handout (travelling poses)
- Handout (African Animal Poses)
- Handout (America Animal Poses)
- Handout (Arctic & Antarctica Animal Poses)
- Handout (Asian Animal Poses)
- Handout (Australian Animal Poses)
- Handout (European Animal Poses)
- Handout (Middle Eastern Animal Poses)
You can use the “handouts” as teaching aids or to give to the kids and/or parents.
Halloween Themed Lesson Plan Bundle
Halloween Theme
Kids Yoga Lesson Plan Bundle
With this bonus bundle, you’ll receive a pre-filled kid yoga lesson plan with the theme of “Halloween”. This lesson plan includes a scary, but fun journey.
Bundle Includes:
- Pre-filled lesson plan
- Short version of the lesson plan (one page)
- Pre-filled aims and objectives
- Handout (The Great Big Boo Breath)
- Handout (Blue Monster Pose)
You can use the “handouts” as teaching aids or to give to the kids and/or parents.
The Cat Who Became A Lion Bundle
The Cat Who Became A Lion Theme
Kids Yoga Lesson Plan Bundle
With this bonus bundle, you’ll receive a pre-filled kid yoga lesson plan with the theme of “The Cat Who Become A Lion”. This is a great theme for getting the kids to use their amazingly creative brains to come up with a story for a short sequence.
Bundle Includes:
- Pre-filled lesson plan
- Short version of the lesson plan (one page)
- Pre-filled aims and objectives
- Handout (kids sun salutations)
- Handout (kids sun salutation teaching tips)
- Handout (lion breath)
- Handout (confidence of a lion relaxation)
You can use the “handouts” as teaching aids or to give to the kids and/or parents.
World Famous Storyteller Bundle
World Famous Storyteller Theme
Kids Yoga Lesson Plan Bundle
With this bonus bundle, you’ll receive a pre-filled kid yoga lesson plan with the theme of “The World Famous Storyteller”. This is a great theme for getting the kids to use their amazingly creative brains to come up with a story for a short sequence.
Bundle Includes:
- Pre-filled lesson plan
- Short version of the lesson plan (one page)
- Pre-filled aims and objectives
- ABC yoga adventure cards
You can use the “handouts” as teaching aids or to give to the kids and/or parents.
African Animals Adventure (part 2) Bundle
African Animals Adventure (Part 2)
Kids Yoga Lesson Plan Bundle
With this bonus bundle you’ll receive a pre-filled kid yoga lesson plan with the theme of “African Animals Adventure” (L to W). This lesson plan includes African animal names from L to W including: Leopard, Lion, Monkey, Mountain Gorilla, Nile Crocodile, Peregrine Falcon, Rhinoceros, Shark, Snake, and Whale.
Bundle Includes:
- Pre-filled lesson plan
- Short version of the lesson plan (one page)
- Pre-filled aims and objectives
- Handout (African Map Kids Illustration)
You can use the “handouts” as teaching aids or to give to the kids and/or parents.
Beach Themed Lesson Plan Bundle
Beach Theme
Kids Yoga Lesson Plan Bundle
With this bonus bundle, you’ll receive a pre-filled kid yoga beach themed lesson plan.
Bundle Includes:
- Pre-filled beach themed lesson plan
- Short version of the lesson plan (one page)
- Pre-filled aims and objectives
- Printable beach yoga card game (card game version of the lesson plan)
- Handout (watching the sun set relaxation exercise)
- Handout (turtle colouring page)
- Handout (gannet colouring page)
- Handout (crab colouring page)
You can use the “handouts” as teaching aids or to give to the kids and/or parents.
Dolphin Themed Lesson Plan Bundle
Dolphin Theme
Kids Yoga Lesson Plan Bundle
With this bonus bundle, you’ll receive a pre-filled kid yoga lesson plan with the theme of “Becoming A Dolphin”. This is a fun theme because all kids love dolphins.
Bundle Includes:
- Pre-filled lesson plan
- Short version of the lesson plan (one page)
- Pre-filled aims and objectives
- Handout (dolphin sequence)
- Handout (dolphin pose)
- Handout (dolphin relaxation)
- Handout (dolphin breath)
You can use the “handouts” as teaching aids or to give to the kids and/or parents.
Sun Salutations Bundle
Sun Salutations
Kids Yoga Lesson Plan Bundle
With this bonus bundle, you’ll receive three versions of Sun Salutations (A, B & C). Surya Namaskar A is a good option for starting your students off slowly because it’s a slightly watered down version of Sun Salutations. Once your students get got good at Surya Namaskar A, you could teach them a few harder versions such as Surya Namaskar B and C.
Bundle Includes:
- Sun salutations A lesson plan
- Sun salutations A lesson plan (short version)
- Sun salutations B lesson plan
- Sun salutations B lesson plan (short version)
- Sun salutations C lesson plan
- Sun salutations C lesson plan (short version)
- Sun Salutations Tips eBook
- Sun Salutations With Mantras Chart (MS Word)
- Sun Salutations Infographic (PNG & JPG)
- 6 Week Course Plan Template (MS Word)
- Chair Pose (handout)
- Downward Facing Dog (handouts)
- Mountain Pose (handouts)
Star Wars Bundle
Star Wars Theme
Kids Yoga Lesson Plan Mega Bundle
With this bonus, you’ll receive a mega bundle! It’s taken me well over 100+ hours to morph it into reality. I promise your kids are going to love it.
Bundle Includes:
- Pre-filled lesson plan
- Pre-filled aims and objectives
- 50+ Star Wars Themed Poses
- Don’t Drop Yoda Game
- How To Draw Yoga Star Wars Stick Figures
- Activity Tracker
- Attendance Sheet
- Stormtrooper Bowling
- Bunting Flags
- Certificate Of Yogedi Training Completion
- Dice Game
- DIY Lightsaber Pool Noodles
- DIY Lightsaber Glow Sticks
- Folder Cover Template
- Hula Hoop Forcefield Game
- Keep Calm Invitation Cards
- Pipe Cleaner Stick Figure Stories
- Posters
- Puppet Sticks Star Wars Game
- Toilet Roll Star Wars Characters
- Yogedi Robes
- Yogedi Collectible Card Game (coming soon!)
- Yogedi Colouring Sheets
- More resources added daily!
You can use the bundle as teaching aids or to give to the kids and/or parents.
More Bonuses For You
500+ Shared Yoga Lesson Plans
You’ll receive access to a community of yoga teachers worldwide who love nothing better than to share their kids yoga lesson plans. You’ll be able to edit any of the 500+ shared yoga lesson plans (or you don’t have to change anything).
A to Z Yoga Colouring Deck
Downloadable Yoga A to Z Adventure Colouring Card Deck
PNG Format (2001 x 2480 pixels)
You can download, print and laminate the ABC Kids Yoga Adventure Cards.
They make an amazing teaching aid. There are 26 cards, one for each letter of the alphabet. Each card is in PNG Format (2001 x 2480 pixels). You can make the cards as big or small as you like without losing any quality. All kids love colouring! Colouring is a great way for kids to learn the poses while having fun.
Secret Lesson Planning Formula
Kids Yoga Lesson Planning Secret Formula
It’s really important for your creativity and sanity to come up with a Kids Yoga Lesson Planning Formula that suits your personality, and to stick with it. Changing your mind about your formula each week is a massive energy leak and usually leads to uninspiring, mediocre, run-of-the-mill lesson plans.
That’s why I’m giving you my proven Kids Yoga Lesson Planning Formula.
Downloadable Kids Yoga Dice
Downloadable Kids Yoga Dice
PNG Format (2480 x 3543 pixels)
I created this yoga dice from the ABC Yoga Kids Adventure Cards. The dice has 6 sides (camel, down dog, lion, upward facing dog, frog and cobra). You can print as many as you like. All you need is a bit of glue and some elbow grease. Kids love the Yoga Dice Game because it’s a lot of fun and they get to become the teacher.
Steps to create the yoga dice
1. Download the yoga dice
2. Print the template on thicker than average paper
3. Cut the template out
4. Bend all the tabs and lines to make construction easier
5. Glue it together to make the dice
Game instructions
1. Let the child throw the dice
2. The child becomes the teacher and performs the pose
3. The class copies
4. Give the dice to another child and repeat steps 1 to 3
Sequence Game
1. Download and create 4 dice
2. Let four children throw the dice
3. Teach the sequence
Unlimited Pose Requests
Even though there are now 1000+ poses in the Planner, there is an infinite amount of modifications. So, if you want a new pose added to the Lesson Planner just click the “Request A Pose” button on the Lesson Planner dashboard. And I’ll add it for you within 48 hours!
A to Z Yoga Deck
Downloadable Yoga A to Z Adventure Card Deck
PNG Format (2001 x 2480 pixels)
You can download, print and laminate the ABC Kids Yoga Adventure Cards.
They are an amazing teaching aid. There are 26 cards, one for each letter of the alphabet. Each card is in PNG Format (2001 x 2480 pixels). You can make the cards as big or small as you like without losing any quality.
Examples of games you can play
Game #1: Obstacle Course
Step 1: Print the cards
Step 2: Laminate them
Step 3: Scatter the cards around the class (You’ve now got a great obstacle course)
Step 4: When the kids come to card, they practice the pose
Game #2: Kid Becomes Teacher
Step 1: Follow steps 1 to 4
Step 2: Have one child at each card (station)
Step 3: That child teaches the pose when other kid(s) arrive
How To Guide
The Kids Yoga Teaching How-to-Guide has 100+ quick and easy tips for teaching yoga to kids.
“Who created the Kids Yoga Story Creator?
My name is George Watts. I’m a full-time BWY yoga teacher based in West Wales. I originally created the Kids Yoga Story Creator for myself. I now share it with my fellow yoga teachers.
“Is the Kids Yoga Story Creator compatible with Macs?”
“Are you able to change the wording within the poses with your own phrases and explanations?”
“How many poses are there in the Kids Yoga Story Creator?”
Over 500. Every week we add more kids poses.
“Am I able to save the Kids Yoga Story Creator to my own drive?”
No. The software is accessible online. There is no need to download anything. You’ll be able to access the planner on multiple devices (smartphone, tablet, iPad and PC). And it won’t use any of your valuable space on those devices. You can download any of the 1,000+ kids yoga lesson plans as PDFs, or view them online (each lesson plan has its own unique URL).
"Can I edit poses?"
Yes. You can edit poses. And if you want, you can use and edit the pre-filled pose content which includes: English pose name, sanskrit name, teaching steps, benefits, modifications, precautions, alternatives and precautions.
“Can I request new poses?”
Yes. You can request as many poses as you like for free, no matter how obscure a modification it is.
“Can I copy and use any of the 500+ kids yoga lesson plans and stories?”
Yes. Copying lesson plans is a great way of learning the craft of lesson planning. Once you’ve copied a plan, you can edit it.
“Can I copy my own lesson plans?”
Yes. All you need to do is click the “Copy Lesson Plan” button. Copying lesson plans is a huge time saver, especially when creating a 6 week yoga course.
“Does each asana come with recommended preparation, follow up and counter poses?”
“Can I call you to ask a few questions?"
Yes. I love chatting to my fellow yoga teachers. You can call me (George) on 02921 257770 or send an email to mail@georgewatts.org.
"Can I have a personal tour of the Kids Yoga Story Creator with you?"
Yes. If you’d like a personal tour, send me an email (mail@georgewatts.org). We can use Skype screen share or Teamviewer.com.
“Is the Kids Yoga Story Creator compatible with Smartphones, Tablets & iPads?"
"Can I email lesson plans to my students?"
Yes. Click the “Email Button” on the top right of the planner dashboard.
“How do I search for poses?”
It’s very easy.
Option 1: Drag & Drop Poses
You can select (or drag and drop) poses into your lesson plan.
Option 2: Search By Name
You can search for poses by the English or Sanskrit name.
Kids Yoga Teacher Lesson Plan Kit
- Lifetime Membership (one-time payment)
- Instant Access
- Mac & Windows Compatible
- Desktop, Tablet & Mobile Friendly
- 19 Fab Features
- Loads Of Amazing Bonuses
- 500+ Kids Yoga Poses In 83 Categories
- Loved By 100’s Of Yoga Teachers Worldwide
- Within minutes of registering, you’ll receive an email enabling you to set up your username and password.
To your kids’ yoga lesson planning success,
George Watts
Creator of the Kids Yoga Teacher Lesson Plan Kit
BWY Yoga Teacher
02921 257770
P.S. If you have any questions, please contact me.