Chair Yoga Workshop Kit
Business in a box for yoga teachers!
Created by BWY Yoga Teacher, George Watts, For His Own Chair Yoga Classes & Workshops
Hi, my name is George
Hi, my name is George Watts.
I’m a BWY yoga teacher and creator of the Online Yoga Lesson Planner. If you’re considering running a chair yoga workshop (or chair yoga classes), the Chair Yoga Workshop Kit was designed for you. It has absolutely everything you need to host and promote a successful chair yoga workshop.
Chair yoga is perfect for people with disabilities, weight challenges, inflexibility, or who just cannot get on the floor for whatever reason (e.g. work in an office). The chair replaces the yoga mat and becomes an extension of your body allowing you to take full advantage of yoga’s mind, body and spirit workout.
Your students will learn to enjoy being on a chair and not see it as a limitation.
Your students will be able to practice all the poses in a traditional yoga class while using the chair as a prop.
Chair Yoga Lesson Plan (MS Word & PDF Format)
Chair Yoga Lesson Plan Overview
Lesson Plan Title
Triangle Peak Pose & Exploring The Third Limb Of Yoga
Lesson Plan Aim
To give a 60 minute chair yoga class with a build up towards Triangle Pose (peak pose). Use the Triangle symbolism (number 3) to talk about the Third Limb Of Yoga (Asanas). You’ll also receive a Three Limbs Of Yoga Class Handout that you can give to your students).
Lesson Plan Objectives
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Perform chair yoga version of Triangle Pose
- State one or two benefits of Triangle Pose
- Explore the three main benefits of yoga (heal spirit, body & mind)
- Perform breath counting
- Explore the third limb of yoga (the Asanas) to keep with the 3 sided Triangle theme
- Explore body, mind & spirit benefits of yoga (3 main benefits of yoga)
Lesson Plan Poses
The chair yoga lesson plan includes the following chair yoga exercises:
- Breath counting
- Backbend
- Ankle curl
- Hip flexion
- Knee extension
- Mountain stretch
- Reach for the sky
- One leg stretch
- Single knee lift
- Tree
- Triangle
- Seated centering
- Deep silence meditation
- Supine legs up
You can use the lesson plan as a teaching aid and/or give out to your students.
Chair Yoga Class Handouts Overview
You can use the chair yoga handouts as a teaching aid and/or give out to your delegates as surprise freebies. Everyone loves receiving something for free (even if you’re doing the chair yoga for business executives!).
The chair yoga handouts include:
- Ankle Curl Handout
- Arm Stretch Handout
- Back Bend Handout
- Back Curl Handout
- Breath Chart Handout
- Deep Silence Meditation Handout
- Downward Facing Dog Handout
- Elbows Up And Down Handout
- Flying Crane Handout
- Forward Bend Handout
- Front Leg Stretch Handout
- Ganeshaa Mudra (Removing Obstacles) Handout
- High Plank Handout
- High Plank Knee To Chest Handout
- Laughter Yoga Handout
- Mandala Mudra (Wholeness) Handout
- Neck Incline Handout
- OM Silent Mantra Handout
- Open Chest Stretch Handout
- Side Stretch Handout
If You Order Today You'll Receive The Following Bonuses
Bonus 1
Chair Yoga Flyer Template Collection
In A4, A5 & A6 Formats
Bonus 2
Pre-filled Workshop Schedule
Bonus 3
Chair Yoga Workshop
Flyer/Registration Form Template
Bonus 4
Chair Yoga Workshop
Quick & Easy Marketing Plan
You’ll receive all the marketing resources I created to help market this workshop. Here are a few of the marketing tips to get you started.
You can market the chair yoga workshop to the following groups…
Chair yoga for office workers
Most employees spend over 6 hours sitting at a desk doing their jobs.
Sitting has been described as the new smoking due to the poor health that results from prolonged sitting. If office workers did a little chair yoga every 30 minutes, their mind and body would remain alert and flexible. That would result in production and job enjoyment going up, and absenteeism due to illness/fatigue going down.
Chair yoga for people with arthritis
Arthritis causes pain, stiffness and swelling in or around joints.
This can make it hard for people to do a traditional yoga class (getting up and down off the yoga mat is not good for arthritis). A regular practice of chair yoga can strengthen the body and reduce pain and stiffness.
Chair yoga for people with chronic back pain
Studies have shown that a regular yoga practice reduces the frequency and severity of chronic pain. Yet, for people with chronic back pain, traditional yoga is not an option. Chair yoga also helps reduce the frequency and severity of chronic pain.
Chair yoga for people with diabetes
Diabetes is an epidemic. Approximately 5% of the population UK, Europe and USA have diabetes. Unfortunately millions of people are walking around unaware they even have the disease. Practicing chair yoga can result in better blood sugar control.
Chair yoga for people with disabilities
According to the Department for Work & Pensions there are over 11 million people in the UK with a limiting long term illness, impairment or disability.
The prevalence of disability rises with age. Around 6% of children are disabled, compared to 16% of working age adults and 45% of adults over State Pension age. Chair yoga helps disabled people who are wheelchair bound increase their self esteem so they can tackle the extra challenges they face.
Chair yoga for people with osteoporosis
Chair Yoga can slow down (and sometimes reverse) conditions such as osteoporosis (a disease of bones that makes them fragile).
Chair yoga for people who are overweight
Approximately 60% of the UK, Europe and USA are overweight (30% are obese).
Most people are fully aware of the dangers of being burdened by extra weight (heart disease, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, etc). Unfortunately the majority of people go searching for the latest diet or quick fix solutions to lose weight and that is where yoga can help. A regular chair yoga practice helps to support a lighter life (physically and mentally).
Chair yoga is a great exercise alternative for people who are overweight as it helps to increases muscle tissue which in turn helps to raise metabolic rate. Chair yoga also reduces stress which in turn reduces comfort-eating.
Chair yoga for seniors
The UK, Europe and US are all facing an increasing challenge in caring for the aged due to the Baby Boomers.
Falls the leading cause of injury-related deaths in older adults which is where the “chair yoga workshop” comes to the rescue! Doing yoga on a chair is fun and challenging when practiced in a group setting. There is a myth that chair yoga is too easy, but even able bodied people who practice chair yoga (if they are doing it correctly) will feel they’ve had a “challenging workout”.
Bonus 5
Pre-filled Chair Yoga Workshop Web Page
You’ll receive a bunch of eye-catching chair yoga images that you can use on your website to help promote it. Plus, you’ll also receive my own web sales page to use on your own website.
Bonus 6
Six Chair Yoga Lesson Plans
You’ll receive six chair yoga lesson plans that were created using the Online Yoga Lesson Planner.
“Yes George, I’d Like To Save Time & Effort Organising My Chair Yoga Workshop By Getting Your Chair Yoga Workshop Kit.”
Maria Would Recommend The Chair Yoga Workshop Kit To Anyone
Maria is a qualified BWY Yoga Teacher from London, UK
“I’m currently a BWY student in training to become a yoga teacher. One of our assignments is to create a 10 week course. I chose to base mine on PD and mobility disorders as my mum had recently been diagnosed with PD and I wanted to do something to help her. When I came across George’s website I was blown away. It has so much fab data, lesson plans, flyers, Booking forms and on and on and on. I truly would recommend his yoga kits to anyone and it was so easy to order and obtain – sheer bliss…it was instant. I placed my order, paid for it and within 5 mins the Chair kit was available to me. I’m still going through all the lovely documents in the kit but what I have seen and read so far it has really helped me get my head round structuring the 10 Chair yoga classes. Thank you George for all your great work.”
To your chair yoga workshop (or class) success,
George Watts
Creator of The Chair Yoga Workshop Kit
BWY Yoga Teacher
P.S. I love chatting with my fellow yoga teachers. So, if you have any questions, please contact me.