Extended Child
Sanskrit Name: | Utthita Balasana |
Similar Pose Names: | Hare,Wide Child, Prasarita Balasana,Anahatasana |
Category: | Seated & Floor |
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Category: | Yoga Lesson Planner |
Sub Category: | Seated & Floor |
Types: | Forward Bend, Hip Opener, Prone, Restorative, Seated, Seated & Floor, Stretch |
Anatomy: | Hamstrings, Hips, Lower Back, Middle Back, Psoas |
Chakras: | Base, Crown Centre, Sacral Centre, Solar Plexus Centre, Third Eye |
Therapy: | Anxiety, Back Pain, Depression, Eye fatigue, Headaches, Insomnia, Leg Congestion, Poor Posture, Sciatica, Stress |
Drishti: | Tip Of Nose |
Dosha: | Kapha, Pitta |
Meridian Lines: | Stomach |
On all fours. Wrists below shoulders. Knees under hips. Use hands to walk forward and lower chest to floor. Drop buttocks until they reach halfway to feet. Arms straight. Forehead touches floor. Push hips back and stretch spine.
Stretches arms, shoulders, spine, hips.
A) Interlock fingers behind back. B) Knees together (instead of separated). C) Curl toes under (instead of flat). D) Place a rolled towel under shins. E) Place a yoga blanket underneath knees. F) Place a bolster or pillow under belly or chest. G) Spread knees wider.
Knee injury.
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30 Modifications for Child’s Pose (Balasana)
Child Pose (Balasana) is a yoga teacher’s go-to resting posture.
It’s a chance to get some rest before the next series of poses. In a yoga class, the teacher will usually get you a Child pose after a fast-paced vinyasa sequence, a long hold in a pose like the Downward Facing Dog pose or Plank pose, or a challenging inversion like the Shoulder stand pose. It is a counter pose for the Upward Facing Dog pose and other back extensions like the Cobra pose.
Below are 30 modifications—10 beginner, 10 intermediate, and 10 advanced—that will help you deepen your experience with Child’s Pose, whether you’re just starting out or looking to push your limits.
10 Beginner Child Pose Modifications
Beginner Modification 1: Supported Child’s Pose
Place a bolster or pillow underneath your chest for extra support. This modification allows you to relax fully while still gaining the benefits of the stretch, especially if you have limited flexibility in your hips or lower back.
Beginner Modification 2: Towel Under Forehead
If your forehead doesn’t reach the floor comfortably, place a folded towel or block under your forehead. This keeps the neck relaxed and encourages a softer connection to the earth.
Beginner Modification 3: Wide-Legged Child’s Pose
Widen your knees to the edges of the mat while keeping your big toes touching. This version opens up the hips more, making it easier to sink into the posture.
Beginner Modification 4: Hands by Hips
Instead of extending your arms forward, rest your hands by your hips with the palms facing up. This reduces the stretch in your shoulders and is great if you have tight or sore shoulders.
Beginner Modification 5: Elevated Hips
If you feel strain in your knees, place a blanket or block under your buttocks. This lifts the hips slightly and eases pressure on the knees, making the pose more comfortable.
Beginner Modification 6: Knees Together
Bring your knees together for a more neutral alignment. This modification is gentler on the hips and can be more restful for those with tightness in the groin area.
Beginner Modification 7: Bent Elbows
If extending your arms causes discomfort, bend your elbows and rest your forearms on the mat. This reduces strain on your shoulders and upper back.
Beginner Modification 8: Chair-Assisted Child’s Pose
If getting down on the floor is difficult, place a chair in front of you. Kneel on the mat and rest your arms and forehead on the chair, allowing your back to gently round.
Beginner Modification 9: Wall-Supported Child’s Pose
Sit with your back against the wall and slowly lower your chest toward your thighs, allowing the wall to support your back. This variation offers stability and is helpful if you have balance issues.
Beginner Modification 10: Pillow Between Knees
If your hips or knees feel uncomfortable, place a pillow or bolster between your thighs. This takes pressure off the joints and allows for a more relaxed posture.
10 Intermediate Chid Pose Modifications
Intermediate Modification 1: Thread the Needle
From Child’s Pose, slide your right arm under your left, palm facing up. Rest your right shoulder and temple on the floor for a gentle twist. Repeat on the other side to balance.
Intermediate Modification 2: Child’s Pose with Side Stretch
Walk your hands over to the right, keeping your hips back. This stretches the left side of your body. Hold for a few breaths, then walk your hands to the left to stretch the right side.
Intermediate Modification 3: Dynamic Child’s Pose
Flow in and out of Child’s Pose by lifting up into Tabletop on an inhale and sinking back into Child’s Pose on an exhale. This adds a dynamic element to the posture, engaging the core and spine.
Intermediate Modification 4: Block Under Hands
Place blocks under your hands to elevate your upper body. This intensifies the stretch in your arms and shoulders while keeping the hips grounded.
Intermediate Modification 5: One-Legged Child’s Pose
Extend one leg straight behind you while in Child’s Pose. This adds an additional stretch to the hamstrings and lower back. Alternate legs to balance both sides.
Intermediate Modification 6: Child’s Pose with Hip Circles
Inhale to come into Tabletop, then exhale to sink back into Child’s Pose while moving your hips in wide circles. This loosens up the hip joints and increases mobility.
Intermediate Modification 7: Bound Child’s Pose
Reach both hands behind you, clasping them together at the base of your spine. This opens up the shoulders and chest while keeping the hips grounded.
Intermediate Modification 8: Twisting Child’s Pose
In Child’s Pose, lift your chest slightly and twist to one side, threading one arm through the other. Hold for a few breaths before switching sides. This adds a spinal twist and shoulder stretch to the pose.
Intermediate Modification 9: Child’s Pose with Ankle Stretch
Tuck your toes under and sit back onto your heels in Child’s Pose. This adds an extra stretch to the arches of your feet and your ankles.
Intermediate Modification 10: Child’s Pose with Strap
Loop a strap around your wrists and gently pull outward as you extend your arms in front of you. This deepens the shoulder stretch and encourages better alignment.
10 Advanced Child Pose Modifications
Advanced Modification 1: Extended Child’s Pose
Reach your arms forward as far as possible, engaging the core and lengthening the spine. Press your palms firmly into the mat while actively pushing your hips back toward your heels.
Advanced Modification 2: Puppy Pose Variation
From Child’s Pose, lift your hips so they are above your knees and drop your chest and forehead toward the floor. This intense heart-opener increases flexibility in the spine and shoulders.
Advanced Modification 3: Child’s Pose to Cobra Flow
Move dynamically between Child’s Pose and Cobra Pose. On an inhale, shift forward into Cobra, lifting your chest and arching your back. On an exhale, push back into Child’s Pose. This flow builds strength and flexibility.
Advanced Modification 4: Child’s Pose with Bound Arms Overhead
In Child’s Pose, clasp your hands behind your back, then lift your arms overhead while pressing your chest toward the ground. This advanced stretch deeply opens the shoulders and chest.
Advanced Modification 5: Eagle Arms in Child’s Pose
Wrap your arms into Eagle Pose (Garudasana) while in Child’s Pose. This intensifies the shoulder stretch, particularly in the upper back and between the shoulder blades.
Advanced Modification 6: Child’s Pose with Crow Prep
From Child’s Pose, shift forward into a low squat, preparing for Crow Pose (Bakasana). Engage your core and lift your hips while keeping your hands grounded for balance. This adds a balance challenge and strengthens the arms.
Advanced Modification 7: Lifted Child’s Pose
Hover your hips just above your heels, activating your thighs and core. Keep your arms extended forward while maintaining the lifted position for a more intense core and leg workout.
Advanced Modification 8: Weighted Child’s Pose
Place a sandbag or light weight across your lower back. This adds resistance, encouraging a deeper stretch in the hips and lower back while building strength in the spine.
Advanced Modification 9: Revolved Child’s Pose
From Child’s Pose, lift one arm and reach for the opposite foot, twisting your torso. This combines a deep twist with the grounding effects of Child’s Pose.
Advanced Modification 10: One-Legged Extended Child’s Pose
Extend one leg out to the side with the foot pressing into the floor. This increases the stretch in the hips, groin, and hamstrings while keeping the upper body in the traditional Child’s Pose position.
George’s Conclusion
By modifying Child’s Pose based on your skill level and needs, you can continue to challenge yourself while enjoying the restorative benefits of this pose. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to deepen your practice, these variations offer something for everyone.