Roll Downs Against Wall Pilates Exercise FAQs
Why do I struggle with roll downs?
In Wall Roll Down pose, knowing when to accept intensity and when to be content with where you are is key to steady progress without injury or frustration. It’s easy to try to push for more by wanting to be more flexible and pushing further into the pose. Rather than struggling, can you accept where you are in the pose?
Why are the teaching directions for roll downs against a wall?
Leaving the body on the wall walk feet 10 inches away from the wall. Pull abs in. Keep shoulders away from ears. Arms straight by sides. Chest wide. Ribs down. Inhale. Nod head. Slowly roll the spine down and away from the wall, vertebra by vertebra, while exhaling. Abdominals stay lifted. There is a sense of lengthening the spine as you roll down. Arms track with your body, staying parallel to your ears. Work slowly, peeling the spine away from the wall. Relax head and neck. Roll down as far as you can go without letting your hips leave the wall. Inhale. Abdominals are pulled in. Exhale, and begin your return up the wall by initiating the roll-up with your lower abs. Use lower abs to bring your pelvis to an upright position. Continue up, placing each vertebra on the wall, one by one. Bring your roll up to the starting position.
What are the benefits of roll downs against a wall?
Calms the brain. Helps relieve stress. Stimulates liver and kidneys. Stretches hamstrings, calves, & hips. Strengthens thighs & knees. Improves digestion. Helps relieve symptoms of menopause. Reduces fatigue. Relieves headaches & insomnia. Therapeutic for asthma, high blood pressure, infertility, osteoporosis & sinusitis.
What are the precautions for roll downs against a wall?
Back, knee, and hamstring injuries.
What are some modifications for roll downs against a wall?
A) Bent knees.
B) Loop fingers around big toes.
C) Place the upper back against a wall.
D) Place hands on blocks that are positioned close to your feet.
E) Baby standing forward bend (bend only halfway down).
F) Use a chair or wall for going halfway down.
G) Let the body be loose as a goose while bending and allow the spine to take its time to stretch forward.
H) Place head on a chair when in the forward bend.
I) Place palms under the soles of your feet.